Several people have mentioned some stuff regarding future updates, so let me clear up some stuff.
Update frequency
The recent update took as long as it did because people voted for it, rather than splitting the update in half. Not to mention, with the exception of writing, Bread did everything himself. I've been helping out where I can, but a lot of my work will take time to integrate. From now on, updates will be: v.05, v.05.5, v.06, v.06.5...
Each v.xx update will focus on a girl, like how v.05 focused on Sabrina, and it may or may not have more events that focus on a couple other characters.
v.xx.5 updates like v.05.5 will focus on the family. These will generally be smaller in scope and as such be quicker to produce.
Leslie will get some content every update unless otherwise specified.
Our team is currently going through "growing pains", and it will take a while to work through stuff and make everything work together. That just happens when people are brought onto a project mid-production. After that it should be smooth sailing in theory, and we'll adjust further as we learn more. We do not currently have specific release dates, at the moment we provide release dates fairly close to the release.
We're very transparent with what we're working on, the only exception being surprises. v.05 was clearly communicated to be Sabrina's update as voted for by subscribers. We do share information in here, but please remember our primary place to communicate is not here. It's the Subscribestar and our Discord. By being transparent, we can avoid a lot of disappointment that comes from people's hopes of upcoming content (especially if they have particular characters they love). The content will come, but in the order that subscribers vote for. I recommend keeping an eye on votes so you know what's coming next! This includes weekly snippets and teasers, as well as streams.
Slow burn content
Some characters, particularly Leslie, are created to have their story unfolded at a much slower and more intimate pace. I understand this is not the preferred pace for some people, but our vision regarding this will not change. Hopefully content with other characters can keep you satisfied meanwhile.