HTML - Demon Gods [v0.60] [Panonon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a really engaging story with good character development and plenty of interesting Lore to seek, It's really cool to see a +18 game that has actual story and consequences for the player actions. Even the AI art is actually decent, the developer does a really good job on correcting the art before adding it to the game. Also, the updates are monthly, for a lone developer I think this is incredible, can't forget that each branching added in the story multiply the work.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    You get isekai'd as a succubus. I'll be honest and say I didn't get far. My enjoyment of a game is pretty much based on avoiding hookups I'm not interested in (as a player). The intro is pretty railroad with no apparent choice and sex just happens with no say from the player.
    Likes: BakaG
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I normally pass on AI art HTML games because the barrier to entry is so low that it's usually the people without any ability that gravitate towards them. However, there's still a fair number of times that they're good and this one had good ratings so I gave it a chance. I have no clue how it got those ratings.

    This is exactly the janky, uninspired, and all around low effort game it appears to be on the surface. If I had 2 points of praise, it's that the AI art is at passable quality and the dev can string together coherent sentences but that's about it.

    The UI sucks- seriously HTML devs, why is it so hard to break up your story passages into multiple pages so it's not just an entire essay on one page and the buttons can be in consistent locations? The story is generic isekai garbage but porn and without even the effort of some kind of pandering character to keep you going. The gameplay is just "kill 3 goblins but you click through a bunch of janky menus to do it and also there's bad progression." And I'm surprised how asset starved the game is despite them being literally auto generated. If you're gonna use AI art at least use the low cost of generation to give your audience unique assets at every turn.

    tl;dr Don't waste your time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this site is cursed or something... or maybe it's just me. I tried writing a review twice, but both times I accidentally clicked off and lost everything I had typed, lol. Well, third time's the charm, so here goes: the story is pretty good. The writing is also quite good, but there are some issues here and there. For instance, even though you get the option to decide your relationship with James and Emily, you're not really supposed to pick anything other than 'friend' since their friendship is basically a core part of the story. Thus, the game giving you the option to choose your relation with them is completely and utterly pointless, and going with anything other than 'friends' can, in most cases, break the immersion.

    Another issue I've noticed
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    Also, I've noticed that the later CGs are of quite high quality compared to the older ones. For example, the CGs for Nyan, Takara, and Vena are absolutely stunning. Since it's a simple image generation, I hope it's not too big of an ask to request a rework for some older CGs that have aged poorly? Mainly, if not exclusively, of the protagonist, as I believe the player character's CGs are by far the weakest in the game. It's such a contrast that at times I've debated whether I should generate my own CGs for the player character because of how bad some of the CGs were, especially the ones from dream sequences.

    While I still enjoy the game a lot, I hope the dev fixes these issues. Also, at the end of the current content, the dev notes that they do updates monthly, which, if true, I appreciate quite a lot. From past experiences with text based games like this one, I had begun to believe that the concept of being punctual was alien to game devs..
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Kept a list as I played, too lazy for a formatted essay.

    - No choices. The only time you're given options, it's really "see more content" or "see less content".

    - All sex is scripted, you never get to "choose". Initially this makes sense, later on as your character supposedly becomes more powerful, it no longer does. If it's a miniboss, boss, or some lowly goblin group that you somehow can't sneak away from, you're banging. Again, this makes some sense at the beginning, but once you come into your power, it no longer does. There is coding for the random events that take into account your level, but they're also tied to random numbers, so if you're unlucky you'd still see these events at level 30+.

    - On the point of sex, it gets tiring that you have to bang basically everyone. Even when you're significantly more powerful, even when you're basically a god, the game just defaults to sex (where you're more often than not, a willing sub). You never get to just murder people the old fashion way. Doesn't matter how disgusting or hated someone is, the only choice is always to bang. And, again, even when you're in the position of power, your previously a male character defaults to willing sub nearly all of the time.

    - Long repeating sequences (all dreams are the worst offenders). Why do these fire more than once? Why are they ten pages long?

    - Small pool of events that constantly repeat. There aren't many exploration events, so I suppose if they didn't repeat the game would be quite empty. Instead, it's full of things you've already seen a hundred times before. I've seen more content about the forest wisps and the mountain raven than I have anything else in the game.

    - Lots of scrolling due to the above. So much scrolling. I've grown to hate Pat & Yuki because they make it so you can't even escape the repeated spam in your own house.

    - If you're unlucky with random events that you actually do want to see, like finding alraunes or quest mobs (spider kill quest will forever remain in my quest log), you'll waste a lot of time hoping what you actually want to see show up, and not another wisp event or useless event about a ruin or shiny cave that you've seen fifty+ times already.

    - Significant amount of menus and clicking to get where you want to go (town -> town gate -> leave town -> mountains). Three clicks could be turned into a single "leave town" option from your house. Though I suppose that would add even more scrolling.

    - Text size options are either what I can only assume is 1pt size font, or the font size used for protest signs. There's no in-between. The tiny text alleviates the amount of scrolling, but makes things harder to read, while the absurdly large text makes things readable but increases the excessive amount of scrolling you already have to do.

    - Basically a very linear novel with a lot of in-between steps. It does a a great job of obfuscating that there's no player choice and that it's really just a story you have no say in, so there's that. There's no real doing anything out of order. You technically can miss some things, but the game severely punishes you when you do (such as not doing the prereqs for the Spider Queen).

    - Writing is extremely competent but absolutely riddled with an utter lack of editing. Repeated words and sentences, typos, and amnesia of the text from the page before is the rule, not the exception. But, again, the writing is highly competent, just devoid of any sort of proofreading or historical memory.

    - On the point of past events not being recalled, this is probably the weakest aspect of the writing. For example, the main character newly learns about the properties of iron and the effect it has on demons every time she comes across it. Every. Single. Time. "Oh, what, why does this burn???? lol what is this". Also, considering the common abundance of iron, why is she only encountering it sparingly? She should be writhing in agony every time she touches a barrel, a rivet, a nail, a door, or any other everyday item like cookware. The aversion seems to only apply when the author wants it to, and he forgets to most of the time otherwise. An example, you'll come across an iron collar, get shocked, then go pick up some keys to unlock it. I wonder what those keys are made of? Even if they're some random other metal (unlikely), your character doesn't stop to consider the possibility.
    That example aside, the only reason there seems to be any continuity at all, is because of how step-by-step and linear the game is. And even then, it tends to forget what has happened before.

    - The game has a hard time keeping track of what you have and haven't done. One example is that while training charm with Rhelyla, your character will constantly talk about working in the brothel --- even though my character never has because the option has never unlocked for me (apparently a few hundred encounters with various creatures and a dozen tentacle egg births isn't enough).

    - On the Rhelyla training events, there's a week's delay between each one. By the time you're done with them all, you've likely already long exhausted most of the current content in the game. To see them, I had to sleep spam in my house, going to the forest every so often to get laid. The only real benefit to even do it is to get a set of armor at a discount, that by the time the training is over you could have just easily bought at full price anyway. There's also a battle debuff, but at that point --- who are you going to use it on?

    As for positives... Well, the writing is again rather competent. Eventually it gets blander and blander, and more and more wall of texty, but it remains well written. Considering how on rails the experience is, I feel like someone would be better off with an edited and abridged version of just the main story in novel format.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, really love this kind of genre of games. Hope to see more in the future. Only suggestion I have would be having MC become bimbo like. Have an option where your past life friends would come as well to see you become a girl. Thank you for porting it to APK.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    great game! every update makes me want to play again. hope the game continue release great updates and make the story and gameplay more engaging in the future. nothing much can be expected in text base game due to limitations in programming side but that also means this game can break expectations and create solid foundation for html games out there.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best game i've played on F95 so far, Panonon- the developer is very helpfull when i have questions that needs answers and from my experience seems active on this game and comments. Looking forward for when you can access nighttime on the free version so i can continue further into the storyline. Good work on the game so far Panonon, keep up the amazing work. Sure, some things could be worked on a bit- like the brothel sex scenes, they are almost all the the same and there seems to be no femalexfemale ones- this is the same for charms in battle, you cant seem to charm female bandits. Personally i would like a bit more futa in the game but hey, im loving the game a fudge ton already so its not going to hinder my experience if not. However i think it does need alot more pictures for scenes, standing pictures, the player pictures, background pictures. I think it needs some more world interactions aswell. Also maybe some more fetishes, but i know that all of this stuff takes time and the fetish stuff is not always easy to do because you may not like that particular fetish or just have not interest in it so it may be a bit lackluster on detail, but we are all here and you could maybe ask people what fetishes they want maybe. Maybe even like you already did and allow players to submit texts for scenes that you may not know how to write? Overall, has alot of potential and and is already good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Nota Bao

    A fun game with a great story to it!
    The fact that it uses AI to this incredibly beautiful extent is phenomenal, and very original! I've yet to see another game utilizing AI in such a great way.

    The game itself has a great storyline, a wonderful gender bender feature as well as a full fletched combat system, which, for a pornographic video game, is hard to come by. All in all 5 stars, great game, great originality, great art!

    Keep doing what you do!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Aegis Lily

    This Review is based on Version 0.41.

    I've played previous versions of this game and I can say that the dev has improved on alot of things.(Athough some images seemed to have been removed).

    However the biggest change is the map system.

    The current Mapping/Route system is WAY better then the previous versions. I hated the previous map system as you had to click through so much text. For those who haven't played the previous versions map it went something like this "go east, go south, go north, go north, go north, go east". You had to click on which direction you wanted to go and it becomes tiresome.

    However this becomes Extremly annoying in the forest as I always got lost and had to burn my energy for my chracter to return home by herself. Although this also becomes difficult when you hit higher levels like 10, then you have alot of energy that you need to grind before you can return home.

    The current map system of using 3 energy everytime to find a new path is way better and you wont get lost like before, cuz all the routes are there for you to click on.

    A few things to note as alot of people get lost on this:
    Some enemies require you to use Charm to defeat them while others Attack(Melee).
    You need at least 80 hunger to work at the brothel. Or you can mastubate to lower hunger or have sex with the monsters in the forest via charm.

    Personal Wishes:
    Would be nice if the standing image could change when you change your breast size to large or medium. Not all the images, but at least the standing images. Cuz I spent 850 cum on that breast enlargement. Although if you can't thats fine. Devs have there own life to deal with as well.

    As someone that loves gender bender, this game is a great find for me. So I really hope this game continues to develop.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is actually pretty good and the DEV spends a lot of time cleaning up the AI Art he uses.
    DEV just overall seems like a super solid guy, constantly showing progress and talking about updates on his discord as well as here and seems open to feedback for some of the art that doesn't turn out great and is willing to scrap stuff if it can't be worked in.

    Honestly, the final product is stunningly beautiful and the main character is kept reasonably consistent across her CGs which is something that bothers me a lot with other AI Games sometimes.

    I feel like a lot of negative comments are purely based on the fact that this game does use AI-Art but honestly, from the very beginning there was never a second of trying to hide it and it looks phenomenal so what the heck is people's problem, right?

    It's just a genuinely well-made game, especially if you are willing to take the time and actually read through the scenarios and descriptors of each scene. The lore also seems genuinely interesting, so overall i am looking forward to following this game for a while.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4135317

    This seems to be one of those low effort, mostly badly written Twine games. It has a horrible interface when it comes to movement around town and a couple of very bare-bones locations.
    There are hundreds of this games on this site. The only difference seems to be that this game uses bad looking AI art (with very odd characters like the 5-year-old grandma and the dude who colors his beard white and only his beard or the comically tiny frying pan by the dude in the intro) instead of stolen porn art.
    The combat has morrowind² phenomenon where almost all attacks miss, making it tedious and boring.
    I also had multiple missing images when playing, though there were no broken passages.
    The sex scenes are also lame and uncreative.
    There are hundreds of games like this on this site, and this seems to have no more potential than all the others.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing quality is great, the dev took obvious effort in creating an immersive world that draws you into the game. I found myself getting lost in the lore and the characters which is something I never thought I'd experience in a porn game.

    The only downside I saw was that the balance needs some work, but with every update the dev has been improving the balance and making it less grindy. The dev has been extremely communicative with the community, they listen to feedback from the community and make some changes based on the feedback they receive. One of my favorite parts is the internal monologue and struggle with gender issues if you start as a male.

    The grill start is amazing and hilarious! I hope the dev goes back and updates it more after they've added significant updates to the other route.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Edit: 9/14//23;

    Newest updates feel pretty good so far, android version runs really smooth, my only issue is text box sizing doesn't adjust but that may just be my device specifically. been re-enjoying the game so far between work and random shenanigans.

    Been testing and playing for a while now. I've yet to thoroughly progress through Male/Female only because Grill is life. A good majority of the art fits well, albeit the ai generation definitely likes to take its liberties with some of the appendages.

    Edit: I feel that I may not have been clear on my review.

    The writing and descriptions flow rather well. I personally enjoy the food puns via the Grill route. Regardless of the current amount of art implemented in the game, the writing does well to set the scenes and events, I feel that it helps more with the fantasy aspect of the game seeing as it will vary based on each individual persons playthrough.

    The art as stated works well for the game. as a collaboration of Ai generation and direct adjustments using editing software, the images do come out really nice, and at times kind of funny, but its to be expected, as AI art is still being refined as a whole. I enjoy my time on this game , not just as a player tester but a regular player as well.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    (v.0.36) Welp this is little disappointing.

    The writing is below average and the text is not polished. I've encountered a few misspells, lack of capital letters, wrong character names (gate guard) and text escaping beyong button frames.
    The story feels like filled with a lot of shortcuts, especially in the beginning. It has to be expanded to be even a tiny bit believable. Rn it looks like a fairytale for a 3yo kid.
    Art is not consistent at all. Even the main character eyes color is different between pictures, not even counting clothes.
    Choices... Does it have any? From what I've seen it's completely linear.

    But the worst part is... The lack of art. This game uses AI generated art, so it feels like an insult. Instead of 1 picture the game gives you a wall of text, describing the surrounding and characters. This happens almost after each click, with most of it repetitive describing of the same surroundings. It gets boring really fast and kills any desire to continue playing.
    Instead of being filled with art (as u would expect since it's literally generated for free), this is just a text-based game with a few pics - something like CoC2 or TiTS, but a lot worse in quality.