I am loving this game. Ticks many of my buttons. A few odd things aside like...
" You've removed the barrier preventing you from accessing your power that stirred after you slew Melek Taus. However, you still aren't quite sure what it does. Maybe you should sleep on it and give it some thought tomorrow? "
And it's been many tomorrows and I'm not sure if it's bugged or there's some other criteria.
In the mountains, an elf did a rescue, and dialogue acted like it was the second time it happened.
In the tavern, there was a big event with a beast girl and someone named "Freydis" showed up, and dialogue implied they were known and I've never encountered them in the game before, and also there are no options at the bottom other than 'back' and the event can repeat. (also, Freydis is a female name, but the character was male I think. But that may be intentional!)
The first time you meet him, it should give you a different dialogue in the mountains. You can't complete the tavern event until you met him in the mountains first.
However, there was a bug where you'd meet him a second time before the first. I believe that bug was present in the current free version, so it should be fixed in the update I'm releasing in a little over a day. If you run into it again in that update, please let me know.
Still, overall I love the theming of it especially once acceptance gets high. Revelling in the act and the end. The slime Charm victory writings are probably one of my favorite things I've come across in a smut game.
Wow, really? I actually wasn't super confident about my slime scenes, thank you. I really appreciate hearing that.
The only real recommendation I can offer is for the early game, having a bit more options for how the protag personality is/how they react to things, if they're bi or straight or gay, etc to start with.
I'm open to it. I can't write m/m scenes, mostly because I'm not confident in my ability to do so as a straight guy. But I may consider adding the option and raising the starting acceptance (though I'll have to rewrite portions of the beginning since there's several scenes I didn't check acceptance level at the very beginning if you started as a guy).
I do know art/face consistency is a -massive- pain in AI art, and struggle with it myself, so I'm kind of curious to see where things go in 6, 12 months. I know what I can do now is leagues beyond what I started with so I'm eager to see where you go with it.
Thanks. You can definitely see the difference between where I started and where I am now. Both with my improvements with AI and my improvements in Photoshop.
However, I do have a couple of regrets.
1. I should have stuck with a more anime style. Actually kinda wish I had done a 90's anime style.
2. Swapping art styles in the middle of the game is something that bothers me.
I hope to keep improving. My next game does have an artist lined up...If I end up losing my 3rd artist in a row, then I'll be doing AI again. I intend to stick with a specific style if that happens, regardless of improvements to AI by that point.
1. The power in question is unlocked an is on immediately after you pay the cost for its unlock, it's just that the wording there may not be ideal leading people like you to believe that they will unlock something if they wait.
2. The elf-rescue is a repeatable event, it will happen over and over again. Admittedly maybe the dev shouldn't make them repeatable but instead one-time only since they can get annoying after they happen many times.
3. In the tavern you met that same elf who "rescued" you in the mountains (why do i need a rescue when i got wings? lol, perhaps rescue should only happen if the player doesn't have wings yet.) Anyway the elf's name is revealed during that rescue in the mountains if i remember right, but i might be mistaken, been a while for me. 
Nice new avatar
1. I'll revisit the wording I have for it and consider other options
2. Yeah, repeatable might not be super ideal, but I did struggle with random scenes. I actually think I did much better with the mountains- night optional scenes. Though I did have to cut several because I ran out of time.
(why do i need a rescue when i got wings
Because you were in a narrow mountain passage and couldn't spread your wings

At least, that's my excuse.
As to Freydis being a girls name. I did google it just now and I see that some show called vikings had a female character named Freydis.
Most of my characters (not all) have meanings behind their names. Admittedly Freydis did not. I got his name from a list of male fantasy names. Oops.