RPGM - Completed - Demons Roots [v1.02] [Quick nail Aristocrat]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.02

    Quick tip, i would highly recommend you to find out how many hours you are going to have to spend playing to get to the ending when it comes to games on this website. Considering the fact that i downloaded this game expecting somewhere around 10+ hours of game time, but in actuality, it was somewhere closer arount to mhhhh... 30+ hours.

    The start of this game is amazing, you play as one of the leaders of the demons, who have been exiled to the dark realm, but the demon realm is collapsing and you have to help the demon in their world domination, because demon can only have a sense of safety if they are in control of the humans who will wage total war on them.

    Sounds great, and Demons roots has a good and unique start to the story. It all starts going downhill from there though, the human are completely and utterly morally bankrupt, the game doesnt even try to make human sympathetic (Except the slaves and the oppressed). Worse yet, as the story continues along its path, the amount of fucking bullshit keeps appearing more frequently, for example, allies coming to save you last minute, "fate" intervention, the villains not having enough time to kill you and other utterly lazy writing flaws. Which really killed my vibe and appreciation for interesting concept.
    By far though, what is the worst is the ending, its absolutely disappointing ending for this game, im not going to spoil it for you, but put simply, it doesnt really give you a proper "ending", it feels like a "to be continued" type of end, which considering i put 30+ hours in this bitch, is not an ending i want to see or deserve, with that kind of time investment, i better fucking see a proper ending.

    Plus, if you are here for the sex scenes, its really not worth it, there isnt much content of that. At most its a nice bonus to have and nothing else.

    TLDR: Great story concept and start of the story, but steadily goes down in quality until the end, where it reaches rock bottom.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Sum Fu King Gai

    A very solid JRPG, loot, stats, side dungeons etc. The characters and the story are pretty darn interesting for the first half of the game. As to be expected with JRPGs, it is very linear but I was really drawn in to the story even if the gameplay was a bit easy if you did the extra content you get pretty over leveled for the main story.

    The real issues for me start around the mid-point in the story, it gets so very very 'Anime' if you can tolerate Deus ex machina, insane coincidences (or Fate I suppose) and the power of friendship then you will probable be okay with the second half of the story but for me it became a total joke.

    Oh yeah umm the H-Stuff it really basic and is either to make the world darker/more gritty, and works well for that sometimes. But the other half, the fun/sexy stuff is a parody theme park you can sell your party members at for fuck-bucks to buy bonus things and gamble.

    I honestly think this might have been better with the H-content removed and the main game/story touched up.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    5/5 production value (for an eroge)
    2/5 enjoyment

    An eroge, it fails it's most important task, establishing a compelling sexual storyline. This feels like an all-ages games with NSFW content added as an after-thought, completely disconnected from the main game, and no logical psychological thought progression.
    So if it fails with it's sexual content, i have to evaluate this as a regular game, and being a RPGM game with it's clunky controls, there's nothing much here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good RPG games have excellent casts. Demon Roots is one of them.

    For that alone, I ask you to give it a try.

    The game has 30-40 hours of contents, so sit back, relax, and enjoy what it has to offer.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    When I saw this on the Kagura website, I was excited cause it looked like a good fap. Now having played it, I'm disappointed with the porn scenes, however any disappointment I had with the lack of porn is swiftly replaced with the sheer amount of fun I had reading the story for this game. It might possibly be one of a kind with the way it managed to combine comedic characters with the dark tone of the world together. This is easily my third favourite RPG (not just porn RPGs) and is only beaten out by persona and final fantasy.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 152594

    H-scencs are ok , and the more graphic and violent are reserved for bad end mode if you want to avoid them. That said the story and characters are phenomanal . whilst some twists are predictable others are a genuine shock. spent 90 hours on a plythrough and dont regret it
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    The prequel to Kings exit, it has an excellent story but decent enough Cg if you care only about H content, the previous game was better
    But this one´s story is incredible one of the best stories i´ve ever played
    Lily is the best character period
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a gem of a game. The protagonist is great, art is well done and the story, while not perfect, is very interesting and captivating.
    That said, this is not really a game to fap to, the H-scenes are very sparce within the story and they are mostly used to expand upon the darkness of the world. There is 2 (optional) places where you get concentrated H-scenes, but honestly I was too invested in the history to care for those.
    Deathpolca is the best.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    All in all I rate this game 5/5. It is as much a masterpiece as other giants of the genre such as UNDERTALE, however do not play it this if you're looking to get off. I couldn't. I do not recommend this as an H-Game, but that does not in any way mean I do not recommend this game. The characters, the story, the art, and the music are all top notch and the general darkness of the story contrasted against the unfailing optimistic struggle of Polka and her friends brought tears to my eyes. You don't know me, so that doesn't give you much context for how hard it is for media to manage this, but I was actually moved by this game and I often consider myself rather dead inside.

    The story is a wild ride from the moment Polka announces she will 'Walk the path of Evil' to save her people, and full of ups, downs, sudden reversals of fortune and a few laughs that all lead to an ending that I at least felt in my core. It is also a prequel to a different game, KING EXIT, by this developer which, as of writing this, is not properly translated and after playing this I can only say that this is an outright travesty.

    However again, do not play this if you want an H-Game, I was barely to get through the h-scenes, many of the fetishes are unkind to say the least, and I cared too much about the characters to see their suffering and feel anything resembling arousal as a result of it. I did however enjoy the pure catharsis of destroying the 'Bad End' and killing 'Bless Curse'. Instead understand that the occasional h-scene is more akin to what you'd see in Goblin Slayer or Berserk. Something there to make the world feel more gritty and real but not something intended to evoke much of anything aside from righteous anger
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    James Boner

    The H part of the game is lacking. Base only on that, this game would be a 2 out of 5. But the story makes all the difference. It has one of the best storyline and gameplay I've ever seen in a RPG. The game feel lively with many characters with a very diversified background. Since it's translated by Kagura, you can also feel safe about the translation quality.

    Without spoiling, I'd say the best part of the game is that every stage feels different. It's not basically the usual boring stuff : go there, enter dungeon, beat monsters, kill boss, repeat. There's also multiple secrets hidden here and there, which also make the gameplay interesting. The techniques of each characters is also quite diversified. You'll get to a point you need to carefully consider their individual skills and equipment to get the best out of each character. The enemies aren't that easy neither, so you can't run through most of the fights while holding "x" button to speed up every fight.

    The story in itself is quite beautiful and vivid. Although there's A LOT of dialogue, you kinda want to see what's next ! Every character have a different and big story to tell. You'll feel a growing bound with each of them as the story goes on.

    Seriously recommend this game. I came for the H, but stay for the story !
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember there was a lot of hype around Demons Roots when it came out last year, and now that it's finally here in English I can see why.

    From a gameplay perspective, it's your standard RPGMaker game, but executed rather competently. Roughly a 30-40 hour experience for your first playthrough. Lots of hidden collectables throughout the game, ranging from extra character interactions, useful items, and equipment. Definitely recommend to explore around and to try and talk to everyone you meet periodically, as dialogue changes and scenes become available every time the story continues along. Combat wise, it's standard Turn Based RPG fare, but is still pretty competently done. Every party member feels distinct from each other and combat is usually pretty fun and decent aside from a few boss encounters.

    From a story perspective, this is definitely where the game shines the brightest. Excellent cast of characters that we get to follow along this journey of world domination, with plenty of memorable and heart breaking twists and turns throughout. If I had to describe the tone of the setting, it has an almost "Berserk" feel, where the world is full of such pain and misery, and yet the overall themes and message of the story is ultimately of hope and change. While the ending has some issues that I'm not personally happy with, the overall themes and story that the developer was trying to tell was accomplished quite well. You can absolutely feel the passion and love the developer put in crafting this story and world. Definitely will be checking out Kings Exit once it has a more proper English translation in the future.

    H-Scene wise, there's a lot to unpack here. Pretty much half of available scenes are Bad End related scenes or failing to find a party member in time, and the other half is relegated to the prostitution set up. If you like both, there's plenty to like, but if you're not into one or the other, then it's a real mixed bag all around. Still though, all of the CG's are drawn nicely and the Bad End Dungeon is pretty interesting in how it's executed here.

    Overall, I had an enjoyable time playing Demons Roots. This is more of a really good RPG with H-Scenes tacked on the side to enhance the setting rather than a game that's just mostly focused on being porn. This game is definitely worth giving a shot if any of what you've seen of the game interests you even a little.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best game. a lot of casts. huge story and twists. character development for each characters. combat is alos unique enough for h game. and story is simpily best it can easily rival most popular aaa games. it is that good. i feel sad to see it don;t get enough download it deserved. just go and see on steam most player spend 30+ hours playing the game and actually enjoy it unlike most h game where you just play for h sence . unless you are just looking for a quick f this game is for you.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    I have to give it a 9/10, but that is a very confused 9/10. This game has genuinely heartfelt moments and clever twists,
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    . On the other hand it also has deus-ex-machinas up the wazoo and a completely irrelevant land of sex pests ruled by a giant cat.

    I genuinely like the setting; its comically bleak, surrounded by all sides by giant monsters that could crush humanity and stuck in several endless cycles of divine, demonic, and slightly Lovecraftian origin. This is a world where its not clear if humanity or demons could survive the coming century, simply due to the shit they have to deal with, let alone each other.

    Only problem is that the story doesn't fully commit; the story can get dark... but it will never stay there, never induce actual consequences. Its like the game is afraid I'll take anything seriously and constantly undercuts itself. It turns what could have been genuinly heartbreaking scenes into comedy, because none of it matters. Give me enough time to have a sad wank before you cut the tension, at the very least!

    The ending tries to backload the dark themes, but it just rings hollow. It reaches so close to greatness, that I'm actually angry that it fell all the way down to "an alright story". Still, I can recommend it (skip the bonus content, none of it is worth the time).

    You might have noticed I said nothing about the porn, and you'd be right. But in my defense, the game forgets about it to.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good rpgm game with great writing and characters with hentai slapped on it. Includes an isekai'd 60's kid and a modern fbi lady with 50k+ others. 10/10 would recommend playing this it's very unique since after chapter 3 you will play from a different perspective and the entire game feels different because it becomes futuristic all of a sudden kind of like two games mashed together in the middle.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics :

    It have a very good graphic CG drawn the sprites matches the character outfits.

    Sounds :

    The Storyline isn't voiced , the sound effects is decent most are stocks rpgmaker sounds. The music is awesome fitting to the parts of the game.

    Gameplay :

    The game is pretty straightforward and even have bad ending which you can play, you have the option to choose if your character died whether to restart , re do or play the bad end which is awesome in my opinion.

    ALTHOUGH I have to mention my complaints that during certain part of the game the map becoming very laggy and sluggish due to the many enemies on the map and moving about it lags and kind of spoil my gameplay experience.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Demons Roots sets the bar pretty high and future developers will probably have to measure themselves against this game. And they definitely have a chance to do a lot better.
    Demons Roots tells a stringent story and builds in a good portion of humour, despite the actually dark starting theme. The moral dilemma of the MC, when they do something good but their motives are completely misinterpreted, always makes you smile.
    Where can one do better?
    Many side tasks and secrets are difficult to solve without Google because there are too few clues. In a secret, for example, you walk across several maps and have to activate several stone pillars. But there are no real clues as to which side of the pillars you have to activate.

    The clues in the bonus dungeon are also a shortcoming. You have to find keys, but sometimes you have to kill certain enemies to get them. Resurrection is scarce and if you attack the wrong enemy once, you can fail three levels later because of the one additional item you used up. Not bad in itself, if you didn't have to start the whole dungeon over again. At least an autosave every three levels would be helpful so that you don't get completely frustrated.

    Despite all this, the game is playable even without this bonus content. Either through a little more grind to level up or to win the more challenging fights with the right tactics.

    Well, if there is potential for improvement, there shouldn't really be 5 stars. But only 4 doesn't do the game justice either. My rating would be almost perfect.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    ahh finally this game is released !! really love with the plot and lore of the game.

    + Good story
    + Good CG art
    + Good gameplay mechanics
    + Good BMG
    + Good MC
    + Lot of costume
    + Good scene
    + Good OST

    I would give 5/5
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a 30-40 hour JRPG that comes with a couple of porn doujins baked into its sidequest/post game. If you approach it with that mindset, it's pretty good. The combat is a bit generic and it's easy to miss things that make it go much faster - weapon shops are relatively rare and it's easy to miss sidequests that give good equipment, and one character relies entirely on finding items for her scattered throughout the dungeons. If you don't find those items, she gets barely any skills, and is pretty useless.

    But the game's writing is very strong - it's not *incredibly* deep, but it gets across its themes well and is pretty to the point for its length. I could easily imagine this same story taking 80 hours to tell instead. The characters are all likable, and there's some pretty funny lines.

    That said, again, this is largely an RPG, and even taking it on that metric, the combat is nothing to write home about, and while the music's good, it feels like there's maybe 20-25 songs in the whole game. As good as the major boss theme is, you'll get tired of it by the end. So it's not flawless or anything.

    In terms of the porn content, the content in the sidequest area is pretty forgettable, just a few generic scenes with minor variations. There's a bonus area you can go to after getting a game over that has better and more varied H content, but the scenes there are still fairly short, and it's all extremely dark content - BDSM, slavery, risk of death, some violence, etc. No outright gore, but it's pretty hardcore. If you're into that kind of thing, there's a decent amount there, but I still wouldn't recommend this game solely for the H content. And if you wanna see it, I'd recommend saving it for the late game, when you have all seven main party members.

    So to go back to my main point - this is a 30-35 hour JRPG, SNES style, with some minor h content as a bonus. Think of it like if a download of FF6 came with a folder with a few hentai manga of it. If you approach it with that mindset, you'll probably enjoy it. If that doesn't interest you, this is a skip.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Before I played Black Souls, I thought porn games were just garbage you played for a quick fap.

    Ever since i've browsed the internet for a game with a similar kind of dedication and soul that I got from Black souls.

    This is one of them. the reason i took a star off is it dedicates itself to a RPG first rather then smut. Edit: actually screw it, 5 stars, don't care if it won't help you bust a nut, it's that good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It feels like the people who made this really cared about it as a game first. Translation is also really good and must have been a lot of work because there is a lot of text.

    Talking to the Dullahan after conquering the first nation had me laughing really hard. It is also not required and missable, so talk to people even when you don't need to.