Edit: I have not played 0.24, but the change log mentions items that MIGHT change my review from 3 stars to 3.5 stars. See purple text below for edits/more info.
Edit v2: Still have not played since v0.23, but in 0.25/0.26, the change log mentions fixes to translations and an auto-collect feature for the plants I mention below... Again in good faith I'm going to bump this from 3.5 stars to 4 stars, and teal text below are the associated edits.
Fuck, this is a hard game to review. The quality of some aspects of this game are AMAZING, and the quality of others are TRASH. I want to at least start by saying, I would really like to see this game succeed - the big pieces it needs to do so are mostly there and it's stumbling over a plethora of minor fumbles. I think the best way to structure this review is by talking about the big 3 aspects of an H game: Writing/Story, Gameplay, and Sexual Content.
Writing: OOOOO
I'm going to start with writing/story because that's probably the biggest area this game differentiates itself from others. Starting with the story: this ain't your father's H game story. The game starts with a dream, some sort of demonic presence is awakening and is claiming its hold on your soul it gained from some prior folley in your bloodline. You're a good dude and you're kinda scared of this, but the demon demands you become its vesel of evil and corruption, and gives you no alternative. I think this is a good way to get the player into character. The MC in this game does some FUCKED UP shit. I don't want to spoil but since it's already mentioned in another review I'll use drugs as an example: MC eventually becomes quite content using drug addiction as a way to manipulate women to doing what he wants. This is just one specific example (drugs are not a primary theme of the game), there are many other ways MC treats people like trash.
It's a great premise - I think an H game with no taboo is trash and this certainly adds a type of taboo I don't often see. So, what's wrong with it? The writing. I assume the dev primarily speaks Spanish, secondarily English. It shows. Yeah, it's all workable, but there are so many phrases of speech that feel weird, a healthy amount of misspelled words, sometimes you just straight up get a paragraph of Spanish. There is enough of this that the game feels like it is poorly written and it is distracting more frequently than I'd like. I do appreciate the balance dev has struck with the amount of text (enough, not too much or too little), but the text itself is very much hit or miss. 3 stars.
Gameplay: OOOOO
Okay, so how does the player interact with this story? Well, it's a RPGM open world game, there is no combat but you are walking around fetch-quest style to deliver things or speak to people or watch certain events or buy drugs or whatever. Honestly, I think this is quite close to working well. The main reason I say this is because there are many, many different women to go after in this game, and you can (for the most part) go after them in any order you want. PERFECT. So many games try to do an open world but stick the player on rails - you CANNOT have an open world game that is stuck on rails, that should be a visual novel.
HOWEVER. More often than not, navigating this open world becomes a chore. Most of this is due to oversight, I think. I'll give an example: Eventually in the game, you need to collect some plants in the forest to craft a date-rape drug. There are 6 plants that respawn and you need 10 to make the drug. It's kind of fun the first time to walk around the forest to find the plants, and you do it a second time to get the rest you need and it's fine, but you will probably find yourself crafting 3-5 doses of this through your playthrough. Let me tell you, the 10th time you have to walk around the big forest map to click on these plant icons which you've already found many times before... it gets old. How about, after the player has crafted the first drug, how about sticking a shovel or something at the entrance of the forest, player clicks it and the game auto-harvests all plants and moves forward time by 3hrs? This is a very specific example, but the dev has not done a great job of getting the game out of the player's way. Remember dev, your players are here to fap. Think about how to promote that. 3 stars.
Edit: Again, sounds like dev may have taken my recommendation (or maybe thought of it independently, who knows). This was just one specific example, and I have not experienced the change myself yet, but it shows promise. As with the first purple edit comments, I'm bumping this category to 4 stars (teal) and will update to yellow (or back to white AKA 3 stars) once played.
Sex Content: OOOOO
Alright, so you go through all that story/gameplay, does the game actually put out? YES. Man, there are SO many animated sex scenes. Each character usually has at least two (a hand/blow/etc job, and a penetrative scene), but many (most?) have more. And they're good scenes. And, I am very much a fan of fantasy bodies inside my fantasy games, and this title puts out - massive knockers, tight waists, plump rears all around (with a few exceptions).
HOWEVER... yeah, another "however", it's a theme with this game. Ahem - However, ALL of the scenes are you watching a 10-20 second recording, and then it dumps you back in the overworld. There is no H dialog (booooo, get outa here), there is no control over when the scene ends (booooooooooooooo, shame on you dev), there is no speed control (booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, fuck offff). Many core features you might expect in an H game are simply not present at all. And yeah, the scenes are great, but they are SO FUCKING HARD to fap to! The only saving grace is the game does have a pretty good gallery, but it's the same thing - only difference there is that it's a lot easier to restart the scene so you can watch it again.
Edit: v0.24 change log says dev has added a UI in the sex scenes both allowing you to control speed and allowing you to continue watching until you're done. I've given a tentative 4th star to this category (purple). Will update to yellow (or back to white AKA 3 stars) once played.
Overall Rating: OOO*/.O (lol, idk dude, this is supposed to represent 3 stars with a tentative half star coming from the first purple edit and the second teal edit)
So yes. 3 stars all around. Plenty to love, plenty to hate. Also not mentioned here are quite a healthy amount of bugs - thankfully none of them game breaking, but I had multiple quests retrigger long after I had already completed them, and quite a few crashes (however the game does have a very good auto-save function, bruh if it didn't I would be giving it 1 star). Also, seems to have pretty bad memory leaking or something, after playing for a while the videos can sometimes freeze, or the beer drinking game can stutter and auto-fail. Have to restart the game multiple times.
So, if our benevolent Dev is reading this, I would want to close out by recommending a short-term shift in fixing the sex content. I realize fixing this and gameplay are probably harder than fixing the writing, but those two categories are more heavily weighted in a player's experience. You GOTTA make it so scenes loop until a player clicks a "cum" or "I'm done watching this animation" button. And if you don't add dialog on top of those scenes (you know, "Oh FUCK! Oh Master, your dick is so fucking big! Oh please don't stop, please I need your cum!!!!" or some shit), you're doing yourself a huge disservice. I can live without speed control.
Edit: As mentioned above, dev seems to have addressed some of these in v0.24
The gameplay, yeah man you seriously gotta consider every opportunity you have to make navigating the open world brainless. Not straight out the gate, but anything a player has to do repetitively? That's where you'll cause frustration. Teleport pads, auto-complete buttons, whatever, you have to automate things for the player eventually. Edit: Again, seems like some positive change has occurred. And then, the writing - it's good, just need to find someone who likes your game/vision and is a native English speaker to help go back and comb through the dialog. Again, probably the easiest item to fix, but also has the least impact on the overall experience out of these 3 categories.
In any case, I wish dev luck with this title. As I've mentioned, I really really would like to see this game succeed with flying colors, but I don't see it getting there until some of these items are addressed. Checkout the changelog on OP to see if any have been addressed since v0.23