VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Depraved Awakening [v1.0] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game overall. Cool plot, great action scenes. The 3DCG girl models look fantastic and unique for every single one, and each with personality! I'm so glad that i got to experience this and look forward to the dev's future work!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site. Great characters and visuals. Really interesting, well written story that make sense and closes itself, which gives satisfaction (if you've got the right ending of course). Good soundtrack. Next game looks even better, really looking forward to it. One of the best devs here.

    Ahh Carli....
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a wonderful game and story and nothing else is expected from the wonderful PhillyGames, I immensely enjoyed the City of Broken Dreamers as well, these games/VNs are another level story and graphicwise. Coming back to this game, Thank God it's completed so I could try most of the endings. I would play it again in few months maybe to try other routes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Contains Spoilers.

    I find the plot a bit weird at first, but for a detective MC VN it's a bit Kinetic in my opinion.
    I was expecting some kind of mini-games or puzzles.
    The Renders are damn fine. One of the best of its kind.
    I just find the animations a bit lacking something that "The Visit" nailed. Nonetheless, I enjoyed every bit of it.
    The lack of 'The Dragon' Content though is killing me I found her character one of the most unexplored on the story, her motivation wasn't well described with only her past being told.
    I really hope we could see a sequel of this story that you could choose from one of the endings to continue.
    In any case the game is one of my favorites and would certainly recommend for others to try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Dan Dugan

    This is the first adult game I ever played, and I have to say I couldn't have started with a better one.

    There is nothing super unique about the story, but the way it is told certainly is.

    The images are top notch even though the game is a littler older, they still stand up.

    The journey this game takes you on, all the paths and the twists and the way it can be replayed to achieve different outcomes is very interesting. The girls are fun and it's simply an enjoyable experience.

    If you have played this you are indeed missing out.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Hype can be quite a devastating thing. I was very hyped in playing this game. A VN based on the adventures of a PI and a dark tone? Dude I'm so in! And I heard a lot of good things about it too.. but it just wasn't for me. I don't know if it gets better, but I couldn't finished the game.
    When your create a world, this is not just game related, but entertainment medium in general, and you put a strong defined character in it, let's say, an ex-cop and now private eye, you start to expect certain personality traits and actions, again, the dangerous hype.. but sadly, those expectations aren't met here. The MC could just drop the eye and be called "private" since this is the only thing he cares about, other's people privates. Until the point I played it was just a series of "Hi, let's fuck".
    There is a point early in this game where you have to save a girl that was taken into a build. The way the MC acted in the scene was completely insanity. No ex-cop, PI, anyone remotely connect with the law would do that, that completely took me out of the game and made me quit and I'm a horny fucker.
    It's kinda hard to rate something you didn't complete, it should have a rating like "I quitted" or something in here, but it just wasn't for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is most definitely One of The best Novel's I've played so far, i loved almost everything except that there was no story about MC's Wife, that's the only thing i disliked but in overall this vn was a blast. Looking forward to reading your next novel.

    Story was really good and very carefully written.
    Overall Gameplay experience was very good.
    Characters were Prefect.
    Contents, animations were really good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best completed visual novel out there. A thriller-noir story with intriguing plot, powerful visuals and atmosphere, great soundtrack; deep and realistic, lovely and hateful characters.

    Graphic 9/10
    Animations 7/10
    Sound 10/10
    Story 9/10
    Dialogues 10/10
    Women 10/10
    Sex scenes 9/10
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a master piece all of the renders r amazing and the story line is simple awesome i recommend this game to people who like thrillers . All the characters are awesome . You have lot of choices to make in this game which is a plus point . i enjoyed the game a lot .
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute Gem of a Game.
    Great Plot Structure, Real Branching Narrative Choices, Well defined Character, Sexy Renders, Darker Tone and above everything else, a Lot of heart put into this.

    This could've been another run of the mill adult game without a plot, but it feels like the sex only adds to the experience. There are times when the tone and mood is so engaging, even the sex , which the game should be about feeling just a bonus , for this is one exceptional piece of adult storytelling.

    To make one care for characters, relationships and follow a straight plot without no arbitrary grinding or artificial time management, it flows naturally and the climax is well worth it.

    Thanks for this PhillyGames, You outdid yourself, and you deserve the support and love you get!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I leave a review of a game. Truly phenomenal visual novel. With crucial choices. Breath-taking story, amazing characters with depths and flaws, not simply a fuck and skip game, emotional and beautiful. I love it. Dev is amazing. It's not just another teen drama about a kid going to college and getting heartbroken or trying to join douche bags, a very beautiful game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    solid game, has an interesting storyline, a good mc, and a nice selection of girls. I thought it felt a bit quick for a complete game, and would have liked slightly more variety with the women but overall was fun, kept my attention and had a good ending. 8.5/10
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    High expectation and cruel disappointment. A dark detective story with multiple choices? - sign me up! In reality, it's just a "click-to-see-next-slide" Visual Novel (a.k.a. powerpoint presentation) with no gameplay, a standard "Oh, hi, we just met so let's fuck" story, weird visuals and multiple choices down to "anal, oral, end scene". Forking every girl you just met, as a way of conducting an investigation, feels very forced and out of place. There's plenty of girls here but only two romancing options (if asians are not your kink you're left with one). Uncanny facial designs take a lot from the experience. You not only have little control over MC (linear story) but also view other characters (what are they thinking or planning) which is a very strange concept for a game that wants to be a detective story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Shit I had the same idea of having to save a girl from a mafia but having to fuck her in my pseudo-game... Well, I liked it a lot! It must have taken a long time to have made the story with enough characters, choices, and each of the renders, even the fact of having simulated animations rendering each movement. Creating a detective story requires patience to build a case without it being boring or obvious or tedious, in this game I felt quite entertained reading. I didn't feel like the sex scenes were very out of place, so the immersion wasn't lost and they were hot enough. <3
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Alvin Chipmunck


    Just ended for the very first time and to resume I just would say WOOOOOW!!! I'm on to replay and see were other paths leads, and no matter were they lead just by playing one time I can't be disapointed anymore.

    By the time I started to play I just really got into the story. Have to say this is not just another horny story with bla bla bla. The story is actually very interesting and is well written. Amazing. In fact I could say the horny stuff is a plus a really GOOOOD ONE. The VN's I've played from PhillyGames are terrific. GREAT JOB and thanks for this master piece. Already one of my favorites .
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game the story was amazing and the girls were absolutely stunning. Sometimes I did feel things were weird though. Not with anything in particular but the graphics of the background comparatively to the graphics of the characters sometimes they felt out of place. They were both amazing but one seemed like a different quality causing them to look weird.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything in this game is awesome
    models have great figure
    Good Story, very much good game I have recently played after long time
    All the very best for your future game.
    It will be good if you add some sex scene with Dragon character as well.
    anyway thank for this game
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    More than just a porn game!

    Good: I would say that the renderings were nice and very categories. The story is great. The character models are very detailed, attractive and developed at a very constant pace which I found incredible. There is no voice acting, but the background sound offers a perfect atmosphere as you expect for a private detective story for adults. All in all, an incredible game, you should definitely try it out.

    Weak: I have a feeling the game is unfinished. The story is kind of dark and depressing (I liked it, but many people won't like it). It also leaves you hanging when everything is said and done.

    SCORE: 80
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a high quality game, full of details. With meaningful branches and hints in the interface. So why do I give it just 4 stars?

    Firstly, the story isn't 100% well written. For example, MC says something like "OK, let's move to other questions. I have no more questions". And, the main thing, the story wasn't 100% exciting and captivating for me. It's good, but not excellent.

    Secondly, I prefer to play just one playthrough, with as much content as possible. Otherwise, if I try to play variations, then it ruins the integrity of the story, the immersion. The story has its beginning, its development and its end. Otherwise, if pieces of other variations are added, it becomes kinda devaluated. The reality of the game, its magic disappears.

    Thirdly, even with the developers' walkthrough, I can't easily get the branches I want. For example, I learn that for Carli I should get high Score rather than Lust; then I try to get high score for Judy, and after quite some time it appears I should have tried to max out her Lust (to get interesting scenes).

    I would really prefer to not be blocked from interesting content on the basis of choices I made ages ago. I know it's kinda logical to shift the events' direction depending on those choices, but it's even more logical if I have more choices to influence the current situation. Instead, I'm usually just blocked, with not much flexibility.

    Finally, the girls aren't 100% beautiful. (And the most beautiful one becomes unavailable as LI.) I mean, models aren't bad, but with so high overall graphic quality some of the faces really could be better.

    So it's a solid, well done game, just it's not really excellent for me.
  20. 4.00 star(s)



    story: the story is pretty good, it got some depth in it.Not just like other games with some boring story. This game is a real detective novel.

    graphic: very well down, you can see developers really put their effort into this game. Those girls are very hot.

    music: nice choice. this game got some really good vibes!

    sex scenes are a little boring.