VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Depraved Awakening [v1.0] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Duke Leo

    I would have watched way more Mike Hammer episodes if the supporting cast looked like these characters! This was an excellent noir romp! PhillyGames is masterful in this title and it is easily one of the top-5 games on this site. The sex scenes are hot, but the story is even better. I haven't dived into his next title but I know it is going to be excellent. Bravo!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Vyacheslav Grinko

    By far one of the best investigation case adult game .The girls in this game are absolutely stunning each of them with a different personalty and background and more to that you even have a daughter in this game that will make your fantasies a reality. The thing that makes this game special are the plot and the fact that the MC wherever he goes he makes all the girls horny which lead him getting laid all the time.Overall i would recommend this game because the graphics are good, scenes with plenty of options and antagonist that you face them during your journey to justice .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent rough sex, sadly a little lacking (for my tastes) with the corruption/seduction. Great writing, though I'd preferred a little slower build-up, decent renders (faces being the weakest point). One of the best uses of mood-building music!
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Jack Beauregard

    ———————— (o˘◡˘o) ————————

    Simply the best game of its kind I've ever played.

    To echo another one of my reviews. Sometimes we need a simple story, without hatred or violence. And sometimes we need a dark story, rich and full of passion.

    Depraved Awakening is exactly that. Everything is qualitative, from the script to the visuals, from the characters to the animation. We are clearly on a foie gras-game (because I don't like caviar).

    The game is quite demanding in terms of its choices but on the whole it remains fair. It will also offer you a lot of replayability, because of its different characters and its multiple endings.

    I feel a little sad to be short of words to describe my experience, so much the game remains anchored in my memory. And yet I played it 3 months ago...

    In short, I don't give it five stars because perfection doesn't exist (even if it's close). On the other hand, if I could have given it 4.75 stars, I would have done it with pleasure.

    And if you only have to play one such game, play this one. And since criticism is easier than practice, I'd like to say thank you and bravo to PhillyGames for its work.

    O brave, brave Irish girls-
    We well may call you brave!-

    Signed Jack Beauregard
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel like a game that is so absolutely atrocious that it gets me to delete it within 15 minutes, after spending hours downloading it, earns itself a negative review. In the interest of fairness, I chose to give it 3 stars instead of 1 because it's a large and popular game that I didn't really give a chance. But damn, that was bad. Even for a porn game.
  6. N
    2.00 star(s)


    Could be great but sadly this isnt an NSFW game i mean it is but the sex scenes are rare and very boring.The story is ok the renders are ok but the whole game just dosent work out for some reason.At the end i wouldnt recommend anybody to try it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, Good art design!
    As a detective, you will see a classical Hollywood movie story with suspect story.
    • Different characters with multiple endings. There are so many different girls that are all my types~~
    • Many scenes have animations.
    • Great save & load functions
    • Support Gallery
    Recommend it to all gamer.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Boring an childish plot, dated animations and render. It definitely gets some points for the setting and style, but although there is style, there is very little substance. Would not recomend playing it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Squark ⚧❤️

    The story started off well with some suspense and atmosphere.
    Then the MC found his dick.
    Granted, he doesn't immediately develop the super power of getting into every woman's pants but it's still shocking at which the tone devolved.
    Towards the middle, it starts picking up again, which kept me playing.
    I was being led to believe my choices have an impact on the ending - and to a certain extent they do - but in my experience
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    The one I WOULD have gone for wasn't even there. Guess I done goofed.
    Granted the amount of variable work involved in making your choices matter in relation to the ending would be huge but
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    It's kind of like a sandwich.
    Looks great on paper and you might even look forward to it.
    The taste is fine but if you go at it too quickly, you have consumer's regret.

    Nice models, some good writing and I experienced zero crashes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the history of this game as well as the scenes of domination and humiliation.

    I am impressed that we can find such a good scenario on this kind of game that is nice, thank you very much to the designers of this little gem.

  11. 3.00 star(s)


    With all this praise for this game i was expecting something really good. But i didn't find many good things here. In my opinion this game is very inconsistent in its content. The adult portion of the game just doesn't really fit with the game story. Many times sex scenes feels very forced and out of place. The story part is very dark themed and sometimes it doesn't make any sense to have sex at that specific time. Story itself is not very engaging and it's not thrilling enough. Sometimes it's even getting boring. There was potential in the story but it just feels flat and conclusions are weak. One of the ending is just nonsensical. The others are kinda ok. Characters are also not that good. The best girl in the game is nothing that special, i kinda liked her but not that much. Music is good tho.
    The visual quality is another inconsistent thing. Like literally half of the cast is looking good. The other half not so much. I would say no more than 2 girls are looking hot. Thats not much. Renders most of the times are really good looking but cant say the same about animations. There is really not much diversity in scenes and they're not very exciting.
    Overall it's just plain average. Nothing more. Huge disappointment.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this developer's style, both the visuals and the story writing.

    While it is still getting a 5 star rating as it is very good, there were a lot branches that excluded other content and I don't like the need to play the same game over again to gain the majority of the content.

    Some of the content was also a little dark for me, but I don't think that would warrant a lower rating since different people have different tastes.

    Even though I didn't like the branches I feel it is an excellent piece of work and it is in a format I enjoy (I ran a cheat mod to see most of the content in a single play through and did enjoy it). Also other people might feel that makes the game more challenging as it requires more play through attempts to get the different results.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game!

    Using the format of a classic murder mystery, the game introduces us to a number of distinct, likable characters in a wide variety of sexy situations. Some of the models look a little strange in certain shots, but on the whole they are quite good, and the sex scenes can be remarkably hot (especially later in the game).

    Beyond the sex scenes, the game does a good job with characters in general. We get to know the main characters well enough to get a sense of what makes them tick and care about what happens to them.

    Our concern about the characters is reinforced by the degree to which our choices can impact them. The game offers a lot of choices, and almost all of them matter in small but noticeable ways; several choices can make a huge difference.

    Even better, the impact of the choices feels grounded; the results can be unexpected, but there is always a comprehensible reason for that outcome. The end result is that the plot of the game is significantly more than an excuse for one sex scene after another.

    All that said, there are a few negatives. First, while the plot is a major asset to Depraved Awakening, it does take a little while to get going. The game starts with a random sex scene that feels quite out of place. The woman will become an important later, but at the time it did very little to hook my interest.

    In a similar manner, some of the early sex scenes feel a bit forced; the need to have sex with Stella to keep up the charade even if the MC snuck in and bypassed the auction is a particularly glaring example. Fortunately, if you can make it through the setup, these problems fade away as the game hits its stride.

    The other downside is that, with one exception, the game's villains are rather bland and, despite their extensive screen time, contribute little to the adventure. They star in several "wicked" sex scenes, but I found both them and they sex lives extremely boring on the whole. It's hard to care about about what were little more than mustache twirling cliches.

    Fortunately the one exception is both interesting, intimidating, sexy, and *extremely* memorable - enough to salvage the dramatic tension more or less singlehandedly. Combined with some interesting interactions with the supporting villains and the weakness becomes a minor flaw rather than a real problem.

    So in summary, this is a great game with lots of good sex scenes and a strong enough plot to make those scenes feel justified rather than gratuitous. Great work!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games i have played. It's the perfect combination of scenes we come here for and the storyline. It's absolutely gripping and amazing.

    Would really recommend anybody to see this. Please do see the genres so if you are not okay with something you might not like it. But damn this is an amazing game with an amazing story.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    - Great art
    - intriguing story
    - exceptional polish
    Nothing to elaborate on, here. The renders are good and the story is intelligently written. It's rated well. Go for it and try it.

    - personal preference? I'm not a huge fan of dirty talk. In every scene, every woman is a "dirty slut." Just gets old.
    - While sex is well animated and looks nice, the scenes got boring. Almost every scene was "fuck her tits, fuck her mouth, fuck her in 2 different positions, cum." Not much foreplay. Not much of a choice if you were going to be aggressive or gentle (there was a choice occasionally, though)
    - Some story threads dropped of abandoned. We have no idea who Kira was, what her relationship with the group was, what her plan was supposed to entail, or what happened to her.
    - Writing gripes that drive me FUCKING nuts, because they seem to exist only to ensure bad situations that add drama occur. Two examples, without much context, are "sitting in direct view of VERY LARGE windows" and "I know he said we should stay, but I'm going to go out, because what could possibly happen?"
    - Romance options seem limited to Mrs. Young and Carli. Other women, no matter what you think of them, seem to be side choices.
    - No excuse or reason for Judy's, or your, continued behavior, once truth of drugs got out.
    - Other minor gripes

    Look, I rated it 4 stars. I expanded more upon my cons because I felt they needed some explaining, but I think my rating made it clear that this is highly recommended for a quality story that looks amazing.

    Shit, forgot. One last pro?
    - Doesn't rely on what is otherwise a fairly typical trope in Noire style stories.
    I'd rather not expand on that. Just to say that I expected a certain twist to come, and it never did, and I think the story is BETTER for that.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, if any of these games make you want to not fuck everybody for no other reason than one character being really likeable and making you feel you shouldn't betray them, that game is a cut above the rest. And this was one of those games.

    5/5 because if someone plays these games and doesn't try this one, they are missing out.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played. The story is well written, the characters are gorgeous and it has enough replayability to play it at least 3 times. The game is not too long, which gives you a sense of accomplishment. 5 stars overall.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Depraved Awakening is a very innovative and interesting game. In it you play a down on his luck private investigator. Low on cash, you take in your ex's daughter and are in need of money when you find yourself involved in the biggest case of your life.


    The story is excellent. There are numerous mysteries wrapped inside of one huge who dunnit. Outside of the mystery, you find yourself surrounded by interesting characters with their own sorted stories to learn.

    The characters are excellent. Not only are the women gorgeous, but the men in the story can be awesome as well in a non-sexual manner.

    The sex is both plentiful and beautiful. Now, there are some nasty sex pictures that are a bit rough and a forced blowjob that your character isn't involved in, but the sex your character has is great and sometimes has numerous options.

    The graphics. The characters look great. So does everything else; the buildings, the rooms, the alleys, the outdoors, etc.


    Nothing major. The dog in me wishes for some extra options like the waitress toward the end, the hitwoman, and the cop's sister. Otherwise, nothing about this game brings me to complain.


    Play it! Those looking for a good story will find it here. There is plenty of sex tossed in and some violence at times. This might not include everyone's kinks, but there is a little bit of bondage and a fair amount of anal opportunities. Those who really need it can find an incest mod on the site as well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The story was good, pace was fast and furious and sexy, graphics were good. Physics Ok.

    I would have liked to see more group/party settings.

    I will absolutely be following PhillyGames' work, as it is top rate and worth supporting.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I just loved the story, especially the dark tone / vibe of it. The development of the characters was good although in some it was poor but I loved the design (art) of the characters, very well elaborated. The game kept me hooked until the end. A real gem.