The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1...
Ok, so I downloaded and tried out the 3D version... And it's pretty much an empty shell...
The visuals of the characters are decent, for what few there actually are... A couple looked like ones I've seen before in other VN/Games... Same goes for the backdrops... The UI is fairly basic... The navigation is super simple with rooms to click for the house, and a map with only 2 locations (the home and the café)...
The script is alright, with just some occasional spelling/grammar errors... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist living in a house with 3 women... You can select their relation and names... But here is the disconnect... In the introduction, his father cheated on his mother and they got divorced, and the male protagonist stayed with his mother... So in essence, the developers tried to remove the incest theme, but did they get arid of it in the introduction entirely, I'm kind of leaning towards not yet...
Once you get past the very short introduction, you hit the main game... The game mechanics are your typical grinder setup... With time, days, places, etc... You can get a job at the café to make money, and that is about the extent of the content, that I was able to open up... It is in essence an empty shell right now... Not even the day of the week changes, staying Monday permanently (there was no option in the bedroom to sleep so you just have to Skip Time which eventually flips from midnight to 6am, yet the day stays the same)... The only available content involves working half the day or the whole day... The oldest female appears in the kitchen first thing in the morning, but after one quick interaction, you are told there is no further content for her in this version... No other rooms or places have anything available, any time of the day...
I also ran into a translation error, where a few times, clicking the kitchen would show the text entirely in Spanish... And the quick interaction with the older woman in the kitchen was very cliché... She basically complains about money and sadness, and of course male protagonist to the rescue... How often has this basic setup been used with the Mother character, or in this case the Older Woman/Landlady? Hmmm, I'ld say a lot...
Overall, all you have is a very fast moving and cliché introduction followed by a grinding game play mechanic with no real content... I would akin this to being a very basic proof of concept and/or limited demo... Most VN/Games on their initial release at least have some content in the initial grind, but this one has little to nothing, yet... With the introduction being so quick, and showing no real originality, beyond the protagonist was the one that discovered the infidelity, it's really not worth even trying at the moment... I expected a bit more for an initial release... And the fact that the developers are doing two versions of this game, one in 2D and one in 3D, at the same time, I don't think it really knows what it wants to be quite yet... At least not in the eyes of the pubic, beyond just having another basic corruption grinder on the market... Until the developers add more content that might distinguish itself from all the others, I don't see anything that impresses me yet... We'll just need to wait and see where they go from here... Will I revisit it? Maybe, once it gets some actual meat on it's bones...