Ren'Py - Onhold - Depraved Town: Remake [v0.4 Remake] [JustAnotherDegenerate]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    WAAAAAAAAAAY too many characters to see any major development/update. And for that matter: development? The Mom/landlady is already pregnant with your kid and your Sis/roomamate is practically your wife. Theres like 0 room for development now.

    Not a bad attempt, the models look sexy and the sex scenes are ball-bustingly obscene as well.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    So this game isn't great. Not really a plot so to speak though there are threads there just nothing really cohesive. What this game has going for it is sluts. The girls are all sluts and the sex scenes, even the static ones are pretty good. The game is pretty filthy so if you are looking for sweet tender sex that's not this game. If you like dirty talking MILFs then it's worth a play as there is a built in cheat mod that makes it super easy to progress through the scenes. The NTR is completely avoidable and you can even turn it off. Bottom line there is a lot of things the dev needs to clean up, but what is here is worth a playthrough.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    this game has a pretty good amount of h-scenes for the loli and the mom but except that there is nothing else to say about the positive aspect of this game .

    The menu hitbox are weird, the other girls are imcomplete (at least half of the targets don't even have one h-scene), the h-scenes are just a slideshow and the corruption mechanic is too fucking long.

    It's basically:
    Get money for at least 3 day straight -> fuck a bitch -> fuck your target if you have enought power
    and it's like that everytime you want to get laid
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    As it is now, I often found myself getting bored. I feel there needs to be a more concrete progression to things instead of basically just laying out all of the options from the start of the game. Like, instead of just immediately allowing me to do the final power event of Ayako if I have enough points in my power, then make it so I have to work up to it by doing the other events first and then that one. It just makes everything boring for me if all the walls are removed from the game and its basically "work a couple days and now you can see whatever events you want". Its like a gallery rather than a game or story right now. You can do anything out of order.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a review of 0.6 with incest patch, phone fix, Suzune images, and icon fix applied. This is supposedly the equivalent of 0.6.1, only not compressed. With NTR off.

    +There's potential.
    +The cast is huge.
    -Between my playthroughs of 0.3 and 0.6 I haven't seen any this potental brought out.
    -Most of the cast has none or little content.

    Writing and dialogue:
    +There are times when characters' personality is properly expressed.
    +Some scenes are well done.Mostly the mother's.
    -Other times the writing feels more like a cutout of what the personality is supposed to be.
    -Many scenes are closer to, "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am."
    -Typos, misspellings, and wrong pronouns run rampant.
    -Smut scenes rely too much on their taboo nature or actions, rather than writing, to be appealing.

    +Koikatsu is always a plus for me.
    +-? The mother's face looks like a pair of spread legs, complete with vagina.
    -Glorious 720p
    -Even when the game is resized to 1280x720 scenes are not as vibrant or crisp as the preview images.

    Gameplay and interface: Gameplay involves managing money, gifts, and power to manipulate the girls' love and corruption stats. Money is used to buy gifts and rent whores in exchange for power. Gifts raise love. Power is used to corrupt, some girls do have corruption increasing options that do not require power. There's also a travel system and a time system, time is measured as 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    +Gameplay elements alone is a plus.
    -Only one, poor, method of making money.
    -The travel system is a tedious nightmare. For example, if I wanted to go to the class room in the morning I would 1>living room 2>center 3>school 4>go inside 5>second floor 6>classroom.
    -The time system favors 1 and 2, with nearly nothing to do during 3 and 4. This is a gigantic mess when combined with the travel system.

    Overall I can't say I've enjoyed my time with Depraved Town. The sandbox elements are poorly executed and the eroticism relies too much on crutches. I've decided on a two star review in consideration of potential and dev growth.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.6 version.
    - scene amount
    - terrible code, like speaking with girl 1 jump to dialog with girl 2 etc
    - some animations have terrible quality
    - some pics missing
    - terrible navigation UI. also navigation have bugs, like error while visiting library

    in current state- terrible game. mby after 10+ updates ll bit better...
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    As of now, this game is a solid 3/5, but there is A LOT of potential to be had with this game. I really want to see this game succeed and go from a meh game to a great game.

    • Girls look really damn hot, especially the milf characters, I hope to see more milf characters possibly in the future rather than the schoolgirl characters. The only woman who looks weird is the mom who has strange nose shading.
    • Sex scenes are alright, some are better than others. The game needs more dirty talk and dialogue during the scenes to make up for the lack of animations. Animations are good, just a little low quality. More scenes need to have sound and the sounds should match the type of girl the character is fucking so it doesn't sound like you're fucking a school girl when you're actually fucking a milf.
    • This game completely lacks progression. The progression with the girls is so rushed and unsatisfactory that it hurts thinking about the potential that the progression could have had. Once you build enough power by grinding, you can literally unlock scenes with a girl in any order skipping out the relationship development between the MC and the girls. You could literally unlock the girl's final scene before you do anything else with them. There is also a lack of feedback with the progression. There is no way to see past scenes or know if you have the requirements to unlock a new scene.
    • UI and navigation makes it a chore to move around the map, I hope the map gets an overhaul.
    All in all, the biggest problem in this game is how rushed the relationships with the girls are, but this game is nowhere near a lost cause yet. I hope the dev can listen to feedback and turn around this game for the better.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game really need a lot of improvement.The early introduction of the game really show this game have a potential.You play as a popular good looking guy that have a good relationship with your classmate and family.Thats pretty good introduction.A lot of chance for a good story with the characters.But im dissapointed.This game have a lot of wasted potential.

    -Character design Is good

    -Rushed game
    -Gameplay Is bad.Its an open game where you doesnt know what to do at first.No mission,no main goal.Nothing.
    -MC dont have any main goal in this game other than fucking girls or get laid.He think with his dick.Most of the time he only think about sex.
    -No character development.You gave them gifts.Suddenly you fuck them.The only character that I see some development Is Shiori.She doesnt suddenly fuck him.They take the relationship step by step and she slowly open up.
    -Incomplete walkthrough.
    -Full of bugs
    -Lots of click and grinding.You can only find certain character at a specific time then raise their stat.Love point and corruption point.
    -Bad navigation and no guide.Most of the time you click everywhere and raise stat.Fuck them without any development and thats all.

    If you are in for story,there is no such thing.If you want a quick fap,this game is for you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this kind of games open harem sandox corrption with diffrent effects !
    This reminds me of corruption and harem hotel . the raphics are well done as well . the story need more details utits just the start so im curious wherethe author will take it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game and models, really like the ntr in this game, hope theres more in the future updates. I'am rating 4 stars because this game needs a gallery system and a way to track the next thing to do to unlock the scenes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game !!

    Its a new juggernaut content wise !

    You have two paths which makes the game more playable
    The harem part wher you are the alpha
    Or the ntr part where like an real life someone tries to steal your woman its kinky but nice you dont go out without anything so its a nice compensate

    I give it 5 stars because of the layout and features
    But the dev. definitly needs to improve the the features

    A hint system would be nice and bugfixes would be also nice

    There no grind in this game if you start earning money and go to the alley to recharge energy you will easily play to all
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Lucas Martinez

    I didn't play this game for long, because I ran into a wall in the first few minutes because content hasn't been added for that character yet. It tells me that there won't be a lot to do within the game at this stage if I'm running into walls this early on, and so I'll come back when it's much more developed.
    Also, something that put me off going further was the fact that I ran into a game ending error that crashed my game.
    The story also seemed a bit generic, but the artwork is nice.
    But I won't rate this lower because the rest of the game might be fun. Good luck with the development of this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics are good the milf charachters look hot and the Ntr in very very enjoyable. Keep it up the good work, Hope I will see more content coming in the next months, keep it up ;). Just one small suggestion, the outfits need to change based on the corruption progress .
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has some bugs, but the developer is very friendly and responsive. I think the game has a lot of potential and love the general atmoshpere of the game where the writing portrays affection between the characters.

    Looking forward to updates!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    review for v0.3

    The dev has stated that this is their first game. As a first game a lot of its shortcoming are very understandable. This is not a bad game at all, but it's lacking a lot of polish (especially in the gameplay/UI department) that keeps it from being a good game in my opinion. I wanted to like this game, but a few key issues kept me from wanting to finish the content that's currently available.

    Writing: 4/5 - I noticed a few mistakes. But there were no consistent problems that bugged me. I'm not a big stickler on grammar though. It's more than passable.

    Story: 3.3/5 - It's pretty basic for a corruption game. You're gathering energy for a demon. Seen the setup a hundred times before. The characters mostly make up for it.

    Characters: 4/5 - They're not amazingly deep, but they're more than servicable. There's a sense that everyone has a backstory and a history. And no two characters are exact copies of each other, from what I've seen so far. I do think the dev may have made a mistake by making the cast so large to start out with. Because now there's a bunch of girls who don't really have a lot of content, and probably won't all get attention for many updates. Also... that introductory scene in the classroom was way too long... I kept waiting for it to finish, but there always seemed to be another character that needed background information explained. It would have been better to only go into depth with the characters that currently have content, then give the others background information when they become relevant (IMO). But I think the dev did it this way because they want every girl to be available at the very begining of the game when it's finished... still made the scene a chore to get through.

    Gameplay: 2.5/5 - It's a typical sandbox game. There's some grinding here that doesn't seem to be too bad. But it's annoyingly inconvenient how the game doesn't give you any indication of how much grinding is needed to get to the next step. You don't know what love/Corruption stats are needed to do each action, so you can only grind one of those at random until you unlock what you need. Also, there is never anything in the text or a pop-up that indicates that the love stats have increased. The only way to check the stats for a girl are to go into the phone... which you can only access at your house, in your room. It's this lack of access to information which really killed my enjoyment of the game. It's a chore to see how far you're progressing, even if the grind isn't excessive or anything. Couple that with the just passable sex render quality and I really didn't feel motivated to continue.

    User Interface: 2.5/5 - It's not terrible. But it's just shy of being decent. The dev has stated that there are updates planned but in its current state it's mildly annoying. Navigation is... Ok, but clunky. I think some of the choices for where they put the navigation buttons where non-intuitive. Like it would be better to have the button to go home always to left or right, since it's one of the most traveled locations. Also the Phone ui and most of the talking menus are annoying to navigate if you want to pick more than one option at a time. For instance, say I wanted to check the stats on two seperate girls. After I check the one girl, I'm automatically kicked out of the menu entirely. So I have to re-open the phone for each girl I want to check. Also, there are no "back" buttons that allow you to cancel if you accidentally click on the phone. You have to select a girl regardless.

    Art/renders: 3/5 - the character models are all fine. Nothing amazing for Koikatsu, but overall they're attractive. If I was basing this just on the models, I'd probably score this closer to a 4. However, the sex scenes are kind of lacking. I"m not the type of guy who demands Animations, but I do need some variation between images to give the impression of motion. The dev seemed to kind of try to do that, but i noticed in most of the hand job scenes the girls hands were in the same position on the guys dick. Like in image one, the hands at the base of the dick. In image two, the hand is still at the base of the dick at slightly different angle. It doesn't give the sense that a hand job is being done. The blowjob scenes were a little bit better... but nothing to write home about. I think there either needs to be greater render variation, or more detailed text descriptions to give a good sense of what's happening in the scenes.

    Overall enjoyment: 2.9/5 - it's not bad... but it lacked what many other 3 star games have to drive me to completing them. I think the biggest issues is the lack of clear definition of goals. Without knowing exactly how many points you need to reach the next corruption level, my personal motivation to grind goes way down. The UI polish stuff is annoying, but something that is expected with a first game. I believe this dev can truly make this a 4 or 5 star game with time. There is a lot of potential here. But right now it's just slightly below average in my opinion.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I game is excellent and I like the premise behind the game you literally get magic powers to corrupt the females around you and also the optional content is a plus since it add spice and a little of a challenge factor to a game which I believe goes nice for a game . The female in the game is really nice especially the Mother hopefully we get more content with her. The game has the potential to be great with more added content for sure I'll keep this project in my watchlist