RPGM - Descendants of the Forest [v0.5.59] [Eropixel]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting concept, but flubs the execution.

    At it's core, it's a very generic RPGmaker game, save even more generic as it's (relatively) open world without much plot to speak of. A party of non-characters running around doing vague quests and getting into samey encounters, all with the added backdrop of porn and procreation. The latter is neat, sure, but it doesn't make up for the fact that 90% of the playtime is the former, all with very bland art, maps, and writing.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea is really neat and has potential. I would love to see being a successful title.
    But unlike any other review, I do not judge by potential.
    I judge it but what it is now.

    The good:
    The dev is VERY active in the community.
    The breeding/descendant mechanic is great! I like this idea a lot.
    The transformation/different body types are simply awesome. Big, BIG thumb up there!
    Missions are alright.
    For some reason, it is written well enough. Not the usual anime-shit that is effectively for children.

    The bad:
    The visibility and speed. While having certain races that have specific perks that improve them, I think it would be nice to have them as breedable perks.

    It suffers from the same elements that RPG maker usually suffer from.
    1. The traveling is really unfun. Big maps and corridors. That combined with that enemies can ambush and get a first hit, it can get really annoying.
    Enemies can capture and poison, meaning just avoiding does not work. They will aggro when to close and need to be engaged first.
    2. Classes feel VERY similar, if not identical. This is hard if not impossible to solve in an RPG style. But the buffs and stances do not feel any rewarding, if we consider that the CC of enemies is insane. Just doing enough damage to kill enemies ASAP is King. There is no strategy, when enemies just kidnap, posses or corrupt the team.

    Missing attacks. This is just a middle finger to any player. There is no skill, no compensation, just RNG. This should be reworked.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This seems like it could be a really fun game but everything I do causes it to crash. Going to certain buildings in the city, picking certain dialog choices, trying to fuck an enemy, a few other things I don't remember.... I've crashed 3-5 times in the 20min since I downloaded it. That's not acceptable. Trying to be generous with this review as I haven't had a chance to really review it given that it keeps crashing on me. TECHNICALLY speaking this probably deserves 1 star based on that, but it looks like it could be really good... I hope I get to play it one day, today it is unplayable.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, all its mechanics are addictive, I have characters with practically all the genes and with levels above 50, I love farming in this game, the combat in this game is so fun, the way enemies can change their gene form and characteristics makes it replayable. for the game very good so I really hope the dev finishes the game so I can play it in its perfect form so to the dev good luck and good work
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I am always looking for this type of game.
    I was set to create one until I saw this.
    I love this concept and it almost felt like it just needed polishing. The mechanics are awesome, the art is pretty good.
    The only thing I have a problem with is choices, the lack of them. However, I know this is an early version, so the amount of choices already are amazing for it's stage. So this problem may be invalid in a couple updates.

    Thing is, I believe that if this game gets the love and care it needs, this will be one of the top non 3d games here.
    I love the party control, the battle mechanics, class system and character creation.
    Can't wait for future updates!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A surprising gem that is easy to miss.
    Unlike many of the japanese hentai games on this site, this one actually has solid gameplay bones and a surprising level of content.

    Decent selection of customization and kinks, where its not just cosmetic.
    Oh, and theres battle fuck
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game while still early in development and riddled with bugs shows more potential, and currently enjoyable gameplay elements than 99% of this site. Including many rare/hard to add mechanics like battle-sex with in-battle transformations/impregnation.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It felt like normal game but it was off by orgasm reality, anyone can fix that part of game should make it better.
    Maybe make map more interactive so you gather supplies and monsters appear only when you make noise.
    Currently monsters spawn everywhere and attack on close proximate.
    Like: battle sex is only feature available
    Dislike: No base sex, working and sex interaction, Brothel is only place makes sex interaction but none of hero team is possible.

    Personal feel: Put potions in the game make more interesting. You find out when you get there. 60 days is 2 months of hero existence how long before your central hero dies. Pregnancy is 10 days.

    Gear is not cheap, and must have people working otherwise no means to buy stuff + food.
    Besides repeatable slime mission which 500 G each time.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Really cool concept with some really big problems. The way skills and classes work is obtuse to say least, the maps are obnoxiously spacious, and far too many some things especially in the sexual content department involve spamming through commands while waiting for RNG to go your way. In the most recent versions at the time of this post they've introduced an absolute inventory limit (in other words, having 2 potions and 2 antidotes means you have 4 items and when that 4 hits 200 you can't carry anything else) which adds a layer of busywork that the average RPG maker porn game player probably isn't interested in.

    The best feature of the game is the inheritance system. Characters have a set of visible physical characteristics and various positive traits which can be passed on to their children, which you create the good old fashioned way (clicking a button in a menu that says "sex"). Though there is a lot of awkwardness in its current implementation. You can't actually see any of these physical characteristics until the child comes of age, and every child character spawns in under the novice soldier class, which seems to render the system for inheriting levels useless, since their level resets to 1 as soon as you switch them to something else. There is little point to leveling characters right now since you can just breed better ones. And since you can always breed better ones, there's not much point in pretty much ever engaging with the grinding and questing aspect of the game.

    There is a transformation system but it doesn't do involve anything super interesting right now. Your characters can accumulate corruption, mainly when hit by certain enemy attacks, and when this corruption bar maxes out, the character will turn into something else. Seeing the physical changes in your characters is interesting when it happens, but in gameplay terms it just amounts to getting hit with a status effect. The transformed character becomes a liability in combat, you go back to the town to get them purified, and they're all back to normal after a day or two as if nothing ever happened. Ideally these transformation victims would have some interesting use as breeding stock but that's not really the case right now for the most part.

    For this version, I recommend playing with a save editor, both to skip any money grind and to give yourself various useful and interesting items which don't seem to be accessible through normal gameplay. I would also recommend not using any of the game's built in content filters when starting a new game, they seem to cause more trouble than they're worth, and you can't change them later without starting a new game.

    Edit: (v.0.3.02) Added strikethroughs to the parts that have changed. It's worth mentioning that creating children requires money to timeskip with (each child takes 10 day/years of in-game time to produce), which you will only have in abundance if you cheat. So the gameplay loop is not as deeply broken as I probably made it sound. While I still recommend having a save editor handy just for fun, many of the items mentioned earlier are now available via a new NPC near the lake