My ideal game is one that will never be made.
1. You get to select the sex/gender of the protagonist. For simplicity's sake, it would be limited to male, female, trans (man), and trans (woman). It would be tempting to add the option to choose their age, but people who care about narrative would, no doubt, have trouble accepting it if age and action don't line up.
2. You get to name each character that the protagonist fucks as well as select their sex/gender, even if they're family members. This can happen both as they're met and pre-emtively in the options/preferences menu. You also get to choose which personal pronouns they use via a selection screen with an Other option that will allow you to type out any words that are missing.
3. You can customize the appearance of both the main character and partners with adjustable features. This includes templates for various body types (and I don't mean just skinny, muscular, and fat, either--if we want to make a short and squat 5'3" woman, then we can). Features like height and hips, as well as the usual, will also be available. This can happen both as they're met and pre-emtively in the options/preferences menu.
4. You get to select between purity, corruption, and "I'll decide as I go" at the beginning of the game and can change your mind at any time through an in-game menu.
5. You can decide what any given character wears at any time via an in-game menu. The options can be limited (casual, formal, job [in both normal and slutty version], fetish, or nude) or obtained via a dress up doll screen with outfits that can be named and saved. If the former, then a preview model can be placed by the side of the selectable options by hovering over your selection. If the latter, then there will be plenty of varieties of everything from clothing to jewelry to piercings (and the piercings can be placed in designated areas). Clothing for the latter won't be restricted by sex/gender--if you want a man in pantyhose or a girl in a suit and tie, then you can. Additional items like glasses, beards, and whatnot, will also be available.
6. You can decide which tattoos, scars, moles, and birthmarks a character can have and where they're placed (both protagonist and partners). If a dress up doll screen is used, then they can be decided there. If not, then I have no idea. Tattoos et al, like clothing, can be added, removed, and replaced at any time.
7. If the game has incest, then you're given the option to turn it on or off (and, like the others, you can reverse that decision at any time). Here's the catch: the characters don't stop being relatives; the protagonist just won't have sex with them.
8. The protagonist can have sex with anyone you want them to (minus any restrictions that you impose), allowing you to have scenes between whichever sexes/genders you'll want. If you're a person of simpler tastes, then an option can be made available to play a straight, gay, or bisexual route. This option can be made available in both the in-game menu and the options/preferences menu. If you're a person of complicated tastes, then don't select anything.
9. Sex scenes will be animated well, whether the game is 2D or 3D and you will be able to choose between a multitude of kisses and positions as well as deciding when everybody cums and where. With kisses, you will also be able to decide where on the partner's or the protagonist's body they're placed at any point before, during, and after the sex scene.
10. No grind. If a game has an economy, then the player will be automatically and immediately given an infinite amount of money/resources. If a necessary item for progression is limited to a specific time of day, then we're given the option to go to its location at that point in time both immediately and at our leisure via an in-game menu (say, having the item marked on a map, for example, as we just click on it). If any other mechanic is in place to prioritize narrative over game play, then we're given the appropriate option to override it instantly.
11. Fetishes can be selected from the in-game and options/preferences menu. They can include, but are not limited to: feet, pantyhose, BDSM, pregnancy, boy, girl, alien (humanoid), alien (tentacled), crippled (and you can choose the type of crippling), mind control, and probably a few other obvious ones that I'm forgetting right now. With pregnancy, however,
anyone can get pregnant (regardless of gender/sex) and you can decide who does and doesn't. Let's see a baby popping out of a dick! (Don't lie; you're morbidly curious, too.) With mind control, you can decide whether the victim is aware of it, either at the time or later on, or not. If you choose that the victim can be aware during the attack, then you also get to select their emotional state: angry, sad, helpless, et cetera.
12. Kinks for various fetishes will be worked into the sex scenes. For pantyhose, as an example, I go into full detail
13. Sex will require no effort to get started, as it won't be tied to the narrative. You can fuck whoever you want with all options immediately available. There will also be an in-game menu for selecting a partner's sex scenes that's accessible at all times. The menu, for example, can have named avatars of all partners that the player selects from to access their scenes.
14. If the game is an open world or sandbox, then we can go everywhere immediately. Travel, of course, will be instantaneous and, if the narrative must interrupt, then it may, but with a Not Now option and an in-game or options/preferences selection to prevent it from disrupting game play in the first place.
15. Nothing within the areas will have you narratively locked out. Puzzle-based solutions, like maybe having a Sudoku on the door that needs to be completed is fine, but certainly
not needing to go through multiple steps to find and get a key--that's unacceptable.
16. If the game play/narrative is based on making decisions, then each option will be color coded and a description of each consequence will be noted. If the decision tree turns out to be a tangled mess, then an in-game walkthrough will be provided.
Whew! That's all that I can come up with for now. I'll edit this if I realize anything else.