Saw this on someone's sig about six weeks ago and decided to download and play. Somehow, I missed the "sandbox" tag (which is usually a "no go" for me after a bad experience), but I guess I should have expected it given the AVN is set in post-apocalyptic Egypt.
By the time I realized the style it had taken on, I was already engrossed and pretty well hooked on it. The renders are outstanding, character expressiveness, character variety, and overall feel of the game is top notch.
Another aspect I love (but also kind of hate...) is the ability to opt into and out of so many different types of content and interactions. I think the WT aspect of the game tries to send you on a complete anti-NTR route, but I like to see the various interactions, and don't mind seeing the funkier aspects of a game that already has "taboo" elements and, after all, this isn't reality - some random dude isn't banging my real-life wife and/or daughter in front of me (and I wouldn't be banging my IRL daughter anyway) - this is just a fantasy world with different rules and social norms. Besides, the scene I just watched, when played in a sharing way, had some down right funny lines that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Guess I'll be keeping my page 8 "freaky saves" to see how choosing those aspects play out. The "hate" part is that this means I have to make all kinds of different saves and chase off down so many rabbit holes. This may improve for me as I get used to the Dev's style (e.g., it looks like the position of the "max content" choices may be consistent, but still assessing), but it's still going to mean a lot of chasing and many things to keep track of unless I decide to stick to a "keep it simple" route somewhere along the way.
On the negative side, and maybe I'm only experiencing this because I started playing with the V0.12b release, is that there are quite a few primary and side quests to keep track of. It may be that, because I can't see "end of release" markers (or, at least haven't since the end of the prologue), that I am picking up new tasks of a later release before all old tasks available from earlier releases are completed, putting me in the position of juggling multiple quests rather than definitively getting through all of the available tasks as of a certain release end point before starting to pursue a newly added quest. I also wasn't certain how to get out of a particular day's sandbox immediately to try to get back to quests that can't be pursued on the same day. I did figure it out, but I'm also keeping a couple of older save points just in case something does fall off the page (as would happen in the AVN that really gave me a bad taste for sandbox style AVNs).
I'm genuinely impressed by the quality of this game (renders, dialogue, ability to view non-MC scenes happening while MC is elsewhere), but what is most impressive is the way it was able to draw me in so that I didn't immediately hit "delete" when the sandbox screen made its appearance after the prologue days.
Looking forward to getting further into this one - can't really say how far along I am, but I feel like I might be more than a quarter, but less than half way, through 12b. Still waiting to "complete" a quest, though.