
Jun 5, 2017
it's like a bug because it won't let me buy ranch because I have the money but it won't let me buy it


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
Hello ,I'm stuck in hte frank mission to find eden ,i encounter Lola and her mother and they finally tell me to wait the next update but i remember that i played an previous answer that i could continue this mission but how,i search everywhere but i'm still blocked .Couls some please help me?
it will really appreciate.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
I apologize for the small oversight with the variables for training the girls in the brothel. I wanted to reduce the grind, but some brain lag messed up the whole storyline in the process. The display of options related to Jimmy has also been fixed. Here is the link to the fix itself: FIX MEGA
Awesome, but was the fix applied to the online version? Cause I play the online version.
Call it v1.07b or whatever system you use :D. In the menu so we know it is applied.

edit: also, girls? I only got the character I first picked. We can get more? That would be nice.

edit2: some missing images/vidoes, at least for online version, point to incorrent file type in at least 2 instances, ie: says filename.gif but if changed url to webp it works.
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May 4, 2017
testoviron Is repeating Callies anal event the end of her content? Can't seem to do anything else. The game mentioned having her work at the ranch when she graduates but I don't see a way to proceed with that?
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Mr. Bob

Dec 27, 2023
There is a mistake at the ranch when trying to sleep. ( Error: child tag <</if>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<if>> )


May 8, 2017
Thank you for taking your time and energy to respond to my post.
I was quite frustrated with the experience I had gone though and might not have been entirely fair.
I will try, respectfully, to respond to you, in broad terms I agree with your response, but with something I will go a little deeper/explain myself better than what I did in my first post.
I hope you will take your time to read my post.

  1. "How do I increase my stamina, it's always only half full.
Muscularity doesn't increase it as far as I can tell and none of the items you can buy have any descriptions so it's impossible to know if you want to buy them."

It actually is. It works like this: Muscularity > 180 = 10 action points Muscularity > 150 = 9 Muscularity > 120 = 8 Muscularity > 90 = 7 Muscularity > 59 = 6 Muscularity < 60 = 5
This is nice to know but it would be nice to have some way of knowing this, there are no feedback on your training.
Muscularity is quite a lot in the beginning, so you don't see the reward for a long time.
I didn't focus on muscularity as it didn't seem to add anything worthwhile, as I will come back to below, giving some feedback during the game would be nice and enhance the experience.

  1. "The game also seems very boring, there are nothing to do other than: Go from your room to work and home again. Then either train at the gym or clean at home and that is it."
Okay... So, at the beginning of the game, the first task is cleaning to continue the stepmother's storyline. During this time, the player should focus on earning money to freely unlock new locations; of course, you can also get there by taxis, but it is less convenient. At the beginning of the game, there's the dealer storyline in the ghetto, Justin's house, a job at the local store with 3 promotions and over 30 different events where you meet new characters and unlock locations such as Luna's house. This includes buying your first business, which gives you passive income. The player should buy a phone and a computer (and upgrade it!) so that more possibilities appear. In the meantime, at the gym, you train your body and over time you gain more action points, which will come in handy. After a while, you get a job offer as a personal trainer. More earning opportunities and several characters are unlocked. The park and Don Vasyl storyline are also available from the very beginning. In this update, another location, the arcade, has been added.
The dealer while I could buy drug everyone that wanted to buy would ask for more than the 10 you start out with both in the ghetto and downtown, making it a quite expensive investment that doesn't seem to pay off that well.
The house, taxi, the pc, the park I'll explain below.

I have added my take below in blue for ease of read.
  1. "Taxi, doesn't go anywhere." What does it even mean? I had no destination to choose from, I could only go back, that was before and after I got the quest to deliver the package downtown. It opened after I had bought the car for 1000$, so I don't know why it is was there or how to unlock travelling with it.
  2. "Arcade there is nothing after you talk with the 3 there." Honestly, do you even read this game or do you just want to see a naked woman? The storyline mentions that Egbert prevents you from meeting his sisters, so you first need to gain his trust. You gain trust by doing tasks, which means first buying a computer (THE FIRST ONE IS A JOKE AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ON IT BECAUSE IT'S CHEAP, AND THEN THE SECOND ONE, WHICH IS THE PROPER ONE AND OPENS UP MORE POSSIBILITIES IN THE GAME) you search for information about the broken machine in the arcades, etc. All of this is written in the game. Then I can't find the better computer and I have seen no mention of it. Going back to the arcade and talking with all three doesn't hint to anything. That might be me being a moron, but I have no clue as to how I would find a better computer. At the shit shop I have the options to buy chocolates, roses, perfume and buy first pc($100)(again?). The exclusive store sells clothes and jewelry, the car dealership cars. I haven't found a single store in any other location.
  3. "Local shop, nothing as I have no way of earning 20.000 to progress before dying of old age." Already answered that. The issue for me is that it takes an extremely long time to get any sort of reward for working there. When you have the full position and store in is completely redundant by just working a single shift at the office. So why would you ever finish this storyline?
  4. "You need respect for progression at the lux store, but there are no way to do that." ???????? There are no explanation how you gain respect, nothing to explain what the different items you buy do.
  5. "Car dealership, nothing to do there." Literally nothing, just 3 characters who can give you a discount for a car, which gives you an opportunity to easily travel to the downtown and for example look at the bulletin board and maybe somehow deal with your financial problems. Yes fair, I was quite to hasty there and not giving a proper responce.
  6. "The shit shop, nothing there, you can buy things but why would you as there are no context and no prices on what you can buy.
    Also, the tings you buy just disappear, you can't use them anywhere." Ehh... The further it goes, the better it gets. Going through this post is a bit like the Stations of the Cross in Christianity. Testo falls for the third time... In this place, you have a character in the game and here you buy various items needed for some tasks, such as a phone, computer, etc. Gifts that can be bought there come in handy in the later stages of the game.
    Again as stated above, there are no context to what things do. You can't see what you have bought.
  7. "Gym, you can train there, but need a lot of muscularity to progress, so a lot of money." Maybe I'll just start being ironic here, instead of replying factually as if I had autism. THAT'S TERRIBLE! You're 100% right! The idiot developer thought that you need to gain 50 points, which will come in handy to get more energy, to get a job at the gym! 3 muscularity points per action! 5% chance for a super workout that gives 12 points. That's a whole 3 days in the game! It's insurmountable! Inhuman grind kills the entire game!
    There are nothing to tell you that increasing your muscularity will unlock anything, at least give some type of hint in the text you write after doing a workout or somewhere else. I have trained up to around 50 and wasn't seen anything to hint to that and never gotten the 12 points increase. Also, that is 17 workout and 15 shifts in the store, so at least 15 days of work then workout. I can't see how you get it to be 3 days pure training as that would take you to 27 and not 50.
  8. "Park, nothing to do there." Exactly, and the storyline with over 20 tasks somehow got lost. Who would care about that?
    What 20 tasks do you talk about, I have the option to go to the city and sometimes pick up a girl. I haven't seen anything regarding a Don Varsyl, but that might be unlocked by something I haven't done yet.
  9. "Neighborhood: (No context of why you know the people living there and why you are allowed to enter their houses." First, you don't read the storylines and don't know what to do next, and now you complain about the lack of context. Where's the consistency? Justin's house unlocks when he invites the player after a conversation. The context is that they are friends from school days. You don't just walk into Lisa's house either; first, you need to meet a requirement, and there's a scene that provides this context. The rest of the houses appear when you meet the owners. Yes sorry, just restarted the game and had forgotten that there indeed is a introduction, my bad sorry.
  10. "Justin's home, nothing but an empty house with a lot of rooms." Exactly, there are no 4 characters each with their own story and tasks. When I went there, there wasn't anyone in any of the rooms, tried revisiting the house several times and no one was ever there.
  11. "Lisa's house, same thing with the gym, need a lot of money and training to progress." Again, this fucking developer is killing this game with unreal grinding! Well, with all the other things that is kept behind grind, it can become quite to much. Grind can be good, give context, progression etc. but that isn't the case in the beginning of your game. Just a little more contextual text would improve this.
    In general, there seems to be to much grind in the game without any rewards, but that might just be me.
  12. "Ghetto: nothing there." Already answered above. I gone though that in the post above.
  13. "Your room, nothing there." Yeah... nothingtodointhebedroom.jpgWell I don't have these options, might unlock later, but as of yet I don't know how I would do that. I have the phone and as stated above the first pc, but can't find the upgrade.
  14. "Mom's room, you can clean and talk with your mother, but that doesn't go anywhere" Yeah... There's no story here at all, and later on, there are no dozens of random scenes that appear throughout the house. All these files in the destroyer/assets/img/india folder are there just to take up space on players' disks.
  15. "Sister's room, nothing there." Same as above... I'll answer both here, I have gone to all the rooms around 50-60 times at least, I have never encountered either the mom or sister in any place other than their room.
    Around the 5th time I went to the mothers room she was there, giving the task to clean. I have done that several times and talking to her in her room when she occasionally is there doesn't seem to have affected anything.
    Yes there are a lot of files, What I wrote in my post in general was out of frustration that nothing is explained and that things just happens out of seemingly nothing. Was I entirely fair, no but at some point it just feels like it is a bit to much.
  16. "Kitchen, you can clean, but nothing else.
Bathroom, you can take a bath but that doesn't do anything." Because if my time in the destroyer taught me one thing. It's that rooms, rooms never change...
Again, some contextual hints would be nice and soften the frustration that some people experience when they stumble around not knowing what they need to do.

"Basement, need 5000$ to progress, so 84 days of work, if you don't do anything else." Psst, hey kid, come ‘ere. I’ve got a secret to tell you. Not everything is to be bought after 5 minutes of gameplay; some things can be left for later. You can play in such a way that you plan your day. I know it's crazy, but listen. You plan your day, you go develop yourself a bit, work a bit, do a task from a storyline that interests you, and so on day by day. Practically every few days, some new events will appear. You won't even notice when you get promoted in one job, get another, passive income appears, and money won't be such a big problem anymore.
The basement was the first thing I encountered, there was nothing else in the house in any of the rooms.
Then I went to different locations, and finally the shop that offered work.
Yes I played while going around doing different things, but 5000$ seems so far off when earning 60$ a day and are using those money on training etc. that I felt it was just completely unattainable.
When you buy a car an finally can go to work in the office, that dramatically changes.
Also, going from earning 60$ to 6500$ a day is quite the jump.
If I understand you right everything is unlocked behind a decent grind, but here it is just offered to you of nowhere.
The salary from the office just makes working in the store completely irrelevant.
Also, how come a single shift in the store is the same cost(energy/time) as working 5 shifts in the office?

My main takes is:
Add contextual text so you get a clue that training, cleaning etc. unlocks things further down and give some text to what the items you can buy do so you know it before you buy them.
Adjust the grind in some places, example I continue to come back to is the shop, as it just seems irrelevant and other content might end up the same way.

Sorry for the long post, but I felt it only fair that I took my time to read though your response and give feedback.
The experience in my original post was from quite a lot days in.
As of now, I have bought the first car, worked in the office and have quite a lot more money.
I will however properly restart I give it a fresh go with a more open mind.
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New Member
Sep 30, 2019
Hey guys...

Wow, what a game. Hours in so far and this is amazing. So many layers and so many paths. I love it all.

Because I am a "completer" and want to experience everything, I just want to make sure that I am not missing anything.

I have done the whole church, Mr. Juice, jail, office, my house including the rancho, nursing home, village house, nightclub, hotel (to the mom saying Eden is in the next update), massage parlor, boom boom (with one dancer), University, Brandy and her husband and Gerson. I have also "done" all of the Tinder girls (thought there was an unlock or something on there for VIP Island).

I have even "made my game" for several days and "mined for crypto" enough that I think there are no paths there. Also, I did the contact Jimmy for the first part that I am able to do (no dad or mom corruption, just emailing him).

I just want to make sure that I have all of the active stuff.

If someone can let me know if I am missing anything with the Jimmy path, making my game/crypto, or the VIP island, please let me know. Or even something I am missing (maybe with the cab drivers??)

Edit: Should say that I am online, sorry.


Mar 17, 2019
Incest version of 1.07 with the last correction of testoviron

If you found some typo about Incest or dead link about sister or mother tell me.
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Oct 27, 2018
Hi, testoviron. I have a suggestion. now in the game, when developing a relationship with someone, there are a lot of scenes, but when the plot with that character is over, there are several options to choose from to fuck her. But here's the problem, when choosing a certain sex, you are given 2-3 videos or gifs, which gets boring extremely quickly, although there were cool videos during the development of the relationship.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
Hello everyone,
I'm stuck for the mission jail ,'i have already the super hero costume ,my police stats are more than 7000 ,all missions in the precint are done but the chief doesn't give the jail mission how can have it?
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