Welp, I suppose this is closest I'm going to get to satisfying my guro fetish for a while. Been nothing really since Dustmania Grotesque that I can find, well, nothing that isn't text-based anyway. That was years ago, I get that it's a fetish in the minority, but every other underground fetish gets much more content. Still waiting for an erotic cannibalism one, hell even real porn does that shit, but nothing for vns or games. Going to cut myself off before I get on a long rant. Anyway thanks for the upload, eager to give this one a go.
Edit: Tried it, and...well the word disappointment is far too nice. Games short, no real story, has an unused mechanic(Has a horny meter that does nothing but tell you how many scenes you've collected.) the gameplay is simple and unoriginal, the encounter rate is too high to the point where it is frustrating. I could list so much more, the guro could have redeemed it somewhat, if there was any guro to be had. It felt more like 'Generic rape scene, oh and btw my arms fell off'. If I'm being honest, this feels like clickbait for guro lovers, really frustrating clickbait.