I have a problem i cant seem to solve. DD and all the other mods im using worked fine until yesterday when my sim is just standing idle by doing nothing until one of the needs turn yellow or orange/red. After filling those needs she is idle again. I tried playing with the goth household but they are active.
After moving the mods to a different folder and deleting the resource.cfg fil, i went by the elimination method. I added 2-3 mods, started the game and repeated until atleast half of my mods was in and my sim is running around being active.
Then i started to go into mod setting menu to adjust fetishes and whatnot. BOOM, my sim is idle again.
I get som exceptions from MCCC but those where for duplicate packages, which i deleted. The others are most likely old mods.
Have anyone else had a problem with this regarding fetishes. Im also using cumshine and added the trait "loves cum". Could that be messing with the cherrypie cumoverlay that is a req for DD?
Ive tried searching on the wiki and this forum(and google), but no luck.
Let me know if you need the exception log and i will post it/dm it.
Edit: Ive also tried testingcheats and reset sim, and ive made sure no package/ts4scripts are deeper than 1 folder. only thing deeper are the subfolders of mod_data.
Editedit: I noticed i could press CAS from the traits window and remove fetishes. What do you know, my sim is moving around autonomus again.

So if anyone else has this problem, try removing fetishes.
I will test which fetish is the culprit.
Conclusion: I only had two fetishes active(like and dislike). Those were feeding cum and being bred.
Dont know if those are the problems or if the entire fetish system is bugged, but after a little while my active sim stopped autonomy.