And also... how to make my sim not to rape the dog with a strap-on

))) she something uses male animation))
This is kind of a stab in the dark without more information, but several possible causes come to mind:
ShiftClick on any sim -> Configure Mod settings -> Deviant Core settings -> Animation System settings -> Sexual Organs settings -> uncheck "allow sims with a vagina to take actor roles requiring a penis"
Click on target sim -> Set animation actor role preferences -> Prefers receiving it. In this case I believe there's another option you have to also touch somewhere, but for the life of me I cannot find it right now.
The last one that comes to mind is to check the animation configuration the next time it plays. ShiftClick on the sims having sex -> Devious Desires -> customize current animation. Then Check if Actor: 0 has sexual organs set to ANY or Vagina, and switch it to Penis only. Also, try setting Actor: 0 role preference to Giving It, after you have set up the sim preference to Receiving It.
I'm not promising any of this will solve your problem, but it's worth a try.