I know this game isn't for everyone, and I do wish more storylines went further inwards rather than branching out into hundreds of incomplete branchings, but I absolutely love this CYOA game. Some of the inspirations are fairly clear (Scooby Doo, WoW, perhaps too much FFVII and even the beginnings of an MST3K[?!!] homage) while others are more generic, but they all are supported by top-notch erotic writing. This author handles squick topics in such a perfect, almost light-hearted manner. Even in its darkest avenues and its most evil choices (which are my favorite, and I believe I've hunted them all down at this point, I very much wish there were more of these available) Devious World has a wry smile about it. Nothing is taken too seriously, and none of the story is weighed down by gore or scat or general grossness. All of the squick topics included are described to be fantastical and tawdry, not torturous or too real. I do wish there were more rape scenes that didn't end with "you're/they're body betrays you/them" and powerful orgasms for all, but given the wide and varied choice in plot threads, this is a mere quibble.
Seriously some of the best and most erotic writing I've seen on this site,