RPGM - Diana's Quest: From Princess to Peasant [vd1.0.0] [Hentai Room]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Initial release thoughts.

    Story- Solid start, feels slightly rushed but nothing bad. Little odd the fmc was defeated so easily by a trio of thugs. Would have liked to see a little more clarity on why that's the case.

    Gameplay- Promising, definitely old school turn based. Used the warrior outfit and noticed the mp regeneration on enemy kill didn't work which was a little saddening but can be fixed in a latter update.

    H scenes- Mixed. Art was good but the fact she agreed to a bj so easily is bizarre. Especially since the info she got from the guy she got from the barkeep and others right after that. I suspect this was to show an H scene to entice players, so I won't be linger on that point.

    Overall- Promising first release, could use some polishing and bug fixes, but I am looking forward to it. Good luck Dev!