Others Dirty Chatting [v0.13] [Mimir Games]

4.80 star(s) 10 Votes


Game Developer
Sep 22, 2017

v0.13 Public Update - Day 2 continued, the Party arc is starting, technical updates, save function overhaul, and more !
Third update coming through, though a bit delayed !
Note : old save files should not be compatible, better start fresh !

What's new ?

I've worked on a bunch of stuff !
I've tried to prioritize addressing the many feedbacks I had : little nitpicks or actual bugs, they are all important to me and I made them my priority.
Therefore, all the problems regarding the save function should be resolved, and no more softlocks should be encountered.
Furthermore, it's now possible to have several save files per session, for players that wanted to easily test out several paths.
I spent a lot of time refactoring (improving the code), as a big part of my codebase was written when this was just a tiny side project, a lot of features have since been added and it had become kind of a nightmare to maintain, it was limiting the design possibilities and it was causing some bugs. This big refactoring is complete for the main and oldest part of the game, i.e. the messaging system, which is good !
A bit of character customization : you can now change your name and gender and see those changes reflected in the dialogues.
Returning players rejoice, it is now possible to skip the individual tutorial sections through dialog choices if you don't need them !
Some new hints to be found, as I'm paving the way to another story arc with the roommate which you'll be able to discover.
I've also reworked the flow of the different scripted events in the story to make it more consistent, for instance, the ManyFans stream is now only accessible during a limited portion of the story and turns offline afterwards. Don't miss it !
The ManyFans app have been improved, I've added the technical framework to include hints and clues all over, and some posts now feature comments.
And of course, the story continues, with a bunch of new dialogue with both characters, some branching paths and a few pictures to unlock !
I have a lot of ideas for this story arc and what's already been implemented should tip you off on where this will be going.
And as usual, a lot of bugfixes, keep the feedback coming !
I know this update is a bit delayed, so I'll talk about that in the next section...

Regarding the Android development

I worked a lot on this for this release, and unfortunately I lost a lot of precious time trying to solve annoying, blocking issues. The UI stuff is easily worked out but there's a lot of other issues to address, more than I anticipated, before being able to release a seamless, multi-platform software with minimal forked code (that's the important caveat !).
I really wanted to be able to deliver a working Android build for this one and got really sidetracked, and kind of burned myself out on this stuff, which frankly is not the most interesting part of the development process. That's part of why this release took a bit longer that I expected, as I also allowed myself a brief hiatus to reevaluate my priorities.
I'm putting this aside for now.
Going forward, I really want to focus on new content as that's what is the most appealing for you guys, the players, so content will be the main focus of the following releases.
I however do not abandon the Android development, this is still very much part of my backlog, but I will try to better evaluate the amount of work needed for it and allocate my time accordingly.
Managing a game development project by yourself is a huge task, and this game is still in its infancy so I'm learning, bear with me !

What's next ?

As I said, I want new content to be the main focus of the next releases.
I got sidetracked and too many different things for this release and ended up losing time, and not producing as much content as I would have hoped. I'm releasing now to try and realign the release cycle with what I originally had in mind !
The party arc will likely be the subject of the next couple of releases, depending on how much I will cram into it.
I have a lot of different ideas for what's to come, but storyboarding/drawing/writing/coding takes a loooot of time, so the actual development does not really follow the pace of the creative process, which can be annoying !
I try to hint at where the story is going towards and I hope you guys like it.
Once again, I really appreciate feedback so please, keep it coming !
In parallel to the android development, I will investigate the feasibility of a web release. Several technologies are possible so I'll try to look into it, as targeting several platforms is a must.
I always try to improve on the management aspect and will keep fine tuning the extent of the scope of each release.

To get early access to the content, see some WIP artworks and most importantly, if you want to support my work and keep this project alive, feel free to become a !
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New Member
Mar 16, 2021
Great work! Much better than most phone text games. I love the more interactive nature with the Instagram and OnlyFans apps, and the 'detective' part of combining clues. Can't wait for more!
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Game Developer
Sep 22, 2017
Clementine has a very boring personality.
Hey there, can you elaborate ? Did you find her a bit too "vanilla" ? This character will be all about progression, starting very slowly so the player will be able to steer it towards different paths such as classic romance or more "corruption oriented" choices.


Game Developer
Sep 22, 2017
It keeps crashing when I try to log in my previous session.
That is expected, as I mentioned, old savefiles should not be compatible as I made significant changes to the save feature. If you start fresh, you can now skip the tutorial sections ! You can also set the message speed in the options if you wanna zoom through the beginning of the story.
4.80 star(s) 10 Votes