[Discussion] Incest lovers, if given the chance, would you commit incest in real life?

Would you commit real life incest if given the chance?

  • Yes, it would be a dream come true

    Votes: 28 21.9%
  • No, it would ruin our relationship

    Votes: 100 78.1%

  • Total voters

Advent Games

Living Together! with Imouto
Game Developer
Jun 6, 2023
I would 100% fuck my aunt if she let me,
she used to cuddle me and smother me with her tits (clothed of course) when I was 7 and 8.
Now we're both much older, but she's only 8 years older than me, and everytime I look at her while talking, I get that hungry feeling like I can't wait to tear into that piece of meat.
If I can get them to roleplay as her, shiiiit, I probably would never be able to pull out.
Dude, try carefully at least. See if she returns some slight advances, escalate very slowly. Maybe she's thinking the SAME but is ALSO avoiding it for the same reasons. Maybe the current problems would go away when she regularly feels you inside of her.
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Dec 17, 2018
Dude, try carefully at least. See if she returns some slight advances, escalate very slowly. Maybe she's thinking the SAME but is ALSO avoiding it for the same reasons. Maybe the current problems would go away when she regularly feels you inside of her.
Best shot I got is probably when she's drunk. She gets kinda flirty and touchy (with everyone) when she's drunk. But Idk, finding her alone when she's drunk is a challenge in itself and idk if I got the balls to risk everything for a chance. Maybe if I get drunk too I can blame it on the alcohol if shit goes south.

Advent Games

Living Together! with Imouto
Game Developer
Jun 6, 2023
Best shot I got is probably when she's drunk. She gets kinda flirty and touchy (with everyone) when she's drunk. But Idk, finding her alone when she's drunk is a challenge in itself and idk if I got the balls to risk everything for a chance. Maybe if I get drunk too I can blame it on the alcohol if shit goes south.
ngl, I think this is going to be a multi-month project. Jumping in at an opportune moment when you're both drunk is too risky, I think. You're safer if you take it at a snail's pace with your flirting and escalation (it will be extremely hard to control the urge to seize the moment when you think it's there). If she then confronts you with behaviour she did find objectionable, you can far more easily play it off as teasing and apologise if she thought you went too far. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just teasing and didn't mean anything serious, obviously."

But if she does allow you to push boundaries, you might experience great new things!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Best shot I got is probably when she's drunk. She gets kinda flirty and touchy (with everyone) when she's drunk. But Idk, finding her alone when she's drunk is a challenge in itself and idk if I got the balls to risk everything for a chance. Maybe if I get drunk too I can blame it on the alcohol if shit goes south.

come on, we already know how to do this from all the, err.. documentaries we've studied on the issue.

1) move to live with aunt for summer
2) do chores
3) hug
4) apply sunscreen on her
5) profit!

(on a serious note: one of my cousins drunkenly suggested sex to another of our cousins, who told about it to everyone and now he lives in another town.)


Dec 17, 2018
ngl, I think this is going to be a multi-month project. Jumping in at an opportune moment when you're both drunk is too risky, I think. You're safer if you take it at a snail's pace with your flirting and escalation (it will be extremely hard to control the urge to seize the moment when you think it's there). If she then confronts you with behaviour she did find objectionable, you can far more easily play it off as teasing and apologise if she thought you went too far. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just teasing and didn't mean anything serious, obviously."

But if she does allow you to push boundaries, you might experience great new things!
If only I had the ability to see her that often . We live in different towns and live our own lives so it's hard to make it happen.

(on a serious note: one of my cousins drunkenly suggested sex to another of our cousins, who told about it to everyone and now he lives in another town.)
Bro, it's exactly this that's stopping me from putting any moves on her. My mom and all her siblings tell each other everything. If one sibling knows a secret, all of them do. I worry that if I try to pull anything, she'll rat me out to the others and I'll be SOL. We're all pretty close too, especially since I'm so close in age to all of em, and it'll be really, really fucking weird if that happened lol

Advent Games

Living Together! with Imouto
Game Developer
Jun 6, 2023
If only I had the ability to see her that often . We live in different towns and live our own lives so it's hard to make it happen.
Perfect! That means your immediate family isn't around to snoop, either. Make up a real excuse to be in her town regularly. Find something you have to do in her town (job, side gig, study, hobby, whatever) and then call her to ask if you can visit her after you're done with whatever it is you're legit doing (it has to be legit, no lie). That gives you the perfect opportunity to see her often and in relative seclusion from the rest of your family.

Stalker Seducer

Active Member
Sep 22, 2021
Personally, no. I'm a huge sucker for mother-son incest games, it's the only genre I download and play on these forums but if given the chance, I wouldn't touch my mom even if I do her constantly in my erotic, lucid dreams. I find incest without consent immoral but if it ever happened to me, it would break our relationship not enhance it.

I'm curious, would any of you, if given the chance, do them? Would it be a dream come true or a ticket to sure fire relationship doom.

Also, who are they to you and what makes you attracted to them?
If i had a Yandere sister you know i would be hitting that shit... i'm a only child tho :cautious:


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
I would 100% fuck my aunt if she let me, every other family member I would be disgusted with. I have some decent looking family members, around the 7's and 8's, and my aunt fits firmly in the middle. However, it's not really the physical attraction that gets me hard for her, but the emotional attraction. My mom was a terrible mother and my aunt was the only one who showed me any sort of motherly, nurturing affection, and she used to cuddle me and smother me with her tits (clothed of course) when I was 7 and 8. That shit resonated so much with me that I started to develop a sexual attraction for anyone with strong nurturing traits. I didn't see her much, maybe 2-3 times a year while growing up, but the times I did see her left enough of an impression, along with the actual depravation aspects probably contributing to it more, that it started twisting the way I saw her especially leading into my horny teen years. Now we're both much older, but she's only 8 years older than me, and everytime I look at her while talking, I get that hungry feeling like I can't wait to tear into that piece of meat. Luckily, she's been exhibiting some traits recently that are major turn offs of mine that keeps me from doing something stupid like actually trying to fuck her, namely alcoholism and gambling. That shit is like the polar opposite of the pure motherly, nurturing aunt image I have of her in my mind. Again, she's not objectively that beautiful, but the emotional attachment I have for her and her looks is so strong that other girls I meet who look like her, are instantly boosted up like 2 points. If I can get them to roleplay as her, shiiiit, I probably would never be able to pull out.
You could fuck yer aunt legally so long as she aint blood related and its ur unc thats the blood brother to yer parent


Active Member
Nov 5, 2022
Ignoring the fact that my own mother is already 80 years old...
And even while she still does sports, and could easily pass as 60-65 in my country, or 50-55 by global standards...

Merely trying to imagine that my parents ever had sex with each other is repulsive. Unthinkable.
They simply are no sexual beings in my perception.

I have an older sister. But i can't even say wether she looks good or bad.
She is my sister, for christ's sake. Like a female version of myself. And i never felt jealous about her when she had her first boyfriend, or later got married - quite the opposite. Despite the healthy degree of sibling rivalry we often had, i always felt glad knowing she's happy.

Trying to imagine sex between me and my mother or sister - even from times when they were much younger - just doesn't work. It makes me sick trying to think about that, just like trying to imagine sex with another man, or sex with animals.

A feeling as if you just realized that you ate a rotten burrito last night. There's this psychological impulse, telling you to throw up, even if just a little.

It feels wrong, it is wrong, just like a faulty math equation. Period.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2022
Alright, so with the post above unambigously describing my own stance on my own situation (incest IRL = Nope)

There is of course the question, why are incest games so popular - when 80% of the forum users voting here are against real incest. They certainly were the #1 tag before Patreon put the hammer down. I can absolutely say that this is a tag i prefer to search for.

You also may want to ask, why for example Game of Thrones and Crusader Kings became so popular - despite or because of their inclusion of explicit sexual incest? Or why people after 2000 years still gossip about Roman Emperor Nero, over rumors of sex between him and his mother, although absolutely nothing proves this claim.

Well, obviously there are a lot of things which are exciting to people, only because they are shunned, taboo, forbidden, illegal.
Like why do so many young people secretly smoke cannabis - even when most of them don't enjoy its effects? Why some people do shoplifting although they could afford to simply buy the goods? Plenty of other things fall into this category. It gives people a kick to do something forbidden without being caught.

So we can assume that at least for the majority of mentally and sexually "normal" people, who reject incest for themselves in real life, still enjoy the topic in the game due to the taboo and the connected excitement. After all, it isn't the player having sex with his own relatives. So the natural aversion is not there, rather a voyeuristic sensation.

"Oh my god! How can they do that! This is illegal! And digusting! And... Kinky!"

And even playing such a game, while not illegal in most countries, would be absolutely shunned and not something you could explain to your wife or other relatives.

Now you could ask - why only incest? Why not gay sex, bestiality, or other shunned / forbidden things?

The answer is quite simple. Incest is actually a biologically "normal" form of sex. Man and woman, sweaty tits, a moist vagina, one penis doing exactly what it was made for. It merely comes with the thrill of the unthinkable. Something you would naturally avoid under all circumstances in your real life. A paradox.

You also could compare this to other fetish elements you would avoid in real life, like anal sex can be really... unsavory. It smells, it can leave a huge mess, it is often painful for the women and bears a significant risk of injury and STD transmission.
But it is one of the most popular porn tags, because it looks great on film. Not something most people could have or see at home. And while vaginal sex always covers the vulva, you get a nice clear view of it during an anal sex scene. Well, so much for observing it.

It also is not only shunned and taboo, it also is a direct health risk for bacteria infection. And abrahamic religions consider it something worth a death penalty. When you think about it, you can attribute these exact same terms to incest. Health risk for the offspring, people hate you for it and may want to murder you. The thrill of the taboo.

Then there is also the point - introducing completely random people in a game is not really relatable. Hi i'm Jenny, you met me on the street, let's have sex. Bad. Boring.

Having a specific scenario does certainly change things. Like a character is your secretary, your babysitter, your maid, your teacher, your neighbor, your in-law? Doesn't need much explanation, the player can immediately relate. And fill any gaps in the writing with his own experiences. This is also how classic porno movies used to work back in the days.

And which scenario is right on top of this list? Indeed, the family. Everyone has a mother, perhaps a sister or cousin. So just a rough description of the family scenario is enough, most players will feel "at home" so to speak...