Well I've looked through your save and you are trying to do both dom and sub routes in one go, hence why it's bugging and you can't progress, I've changed your stats to be able to progress in the sub route in case you want to play the sub route, if you go to class now everything should progress normally
Unfortunately since it's my first game I was not able to make a switch gameplay, perhaps in a future new game I'll attempt at that!
The easiest way to do it and maybe lazy but working.
To do this, we create an event better at the beginning of the game to include these settings in the game itself.
Creating two selection buttons.
<<button 'The choice is 1'>><<goto "transition to the game">><<set $Faggot to 1>><</button>>\
<<button 'The choice is 1'>><<goto "transition to the game">><<set $Straight to 1>><</button>>\
Now, in order for this system to work, we need a widget.
Go to the engine and create a new passage and give it the tag "widget".
After that, we create the widget itself to work in the game.
<<widget 'Choice'>>\
<<if $Faggot ==1>>\
<<set $Faggot += 1>><<if $Faggot lt 0>><<set $Faggot to 0>><<elseif $Faggot gt
10>><<set $Faggot to
<<elseif $Straight ==1>>\
<<set $Straight += 1>><<if $Straight lt 0>><<set $Straight to 0>><<elseif $Straight gt
10>><<set $Straight to
I immediately added restrictions on the set of points to the code. So that the player does not collect a lot of them and knows where the end of the grind is.
just change the values marked in green in the code and to the desired amount.
After that, we insert the widget in this way <<Choice>> on the page itself or in the button.
If we put it in the button, then something like this: <<button 'The choice is 1'>><<Choice>><</button>>
With this simple action, we solve the problem of scoring points for different routes in the game.
Because the game will see which variable you selected at the beginning, the widget will select an option from this to choose which points to give the player.
Have a nice day