Ren'Py - Divine Dawn [v0.33] [Cryswar]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the fact that theres actual gameplay, but the writing is seriously cringe in a forced kind of way(especially the humour), like a kid trying to seem like an adult so they pick up the words but not the situational awareness for using those words effectively.
    I dont know if it gets better past the beginning with Sam, but if it does then ill edit the rating, cause the gameplay seems cool

    Edit:tried it out and its a bit better but the insane verbosity of text is makimg it hard to focus on anything in fact it removes all fun from 90% of optional choices
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good! I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much but this is great! I really advise anyone who likes Monster Girl Dreams to try this game because it's in a similar vein and you'll probably like it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing for this really sticks out for me. The closest style I can relate to is it gives a sense of the four elements style which I really really like. The characters are all really interesting and complex and thats rare in these kinds of games. The sex stuff takes almost a backseat but its not really a bad thing because the world and the story clearly have a lot of thought and a lot of heart and it shows. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys getting to know the characters and the narrative. If you're just looking for some quick nude scenes however I'd look elsewhere. The combat system is pretty cool too.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What time is it? Its time to die by the sweet walls of a succubus pussy.

    Time to start of with Divine Dawn's genre

    Divine Dawn is a renpy game so expect VN style reading.
    Its mixed together with combat that is more thought out than most renpy games with abilties going further than most do, and it has an romance aspect and is mostly Story focused where some choices have an Impact on the overall story, the rest is flavor text for your personality.

    Thats just a small summary tho.

    But now im going to dive deeper into more specific bits.

    The Story Dialogue and seggs scenes

    Its world is set in a fantasy setting where most mythologies and religions from our history are adapted and made real with their own spin on them, and is set in a rather peaceful time(as far as the MC knows) after the aftermath of a battle between angelic and demonic forces, so there isnt any big bad that plagues the world so far.

    Divine Dawn is rich in worldbuilding and dialogue and already starts with an extensive amount of good lore.
    The Angels so far are the most thought out thing we can read up on currently in game and we get to know a lot about them, and their extensive history, how their powers somewhat function, and about most individuals and the disconnect between angels and humans in current times and what part of their believes got twisted or lost and actually meet one of the archangels as a party member.

    The game tries to make a big effort of how its world functions and actually tries to explain it, in ways that make you understand how these things work, instead of keeping it simple and avoiding the topic of actually setting rules in your universe on how something functions, going to a different magic tree of abilities makes you go trough lessons with the corresponding character, where they teach and explain to you how this power functions and what you need to know to use it in combat, and it prob has the best explanations I have seen so far in a renpy game, the author def put a lot of work into it.

    The only problem this might bring to some people, is that the explanations are too indepth for them( i dont understand how you expect to play a game based on reading but complain about too much text but ok) and skipping would be a reasonable solution for them, but apparently thats not enough, so I would suggest implenting a dialogue option where you are treated as an ass for interrupting them or telling them that you arent interested in their lecture, would make it even funnier if that made you lose trust points.

    Im excited to see how the story will develope since I havent seen anything like it so far.

    To go further on the dialogue, Im happy that the Choices have been remembered most of the time,
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    , some Issues i had tho was when
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    , there are some inconsistencies, but they have been minor so far.
    The choices that serve as flavor text are also diverse enough if you want to be rather upfront or act timid or less sex craved, im pretty happy with that aspect.

    Lets come to the cringe check,

    So far i can confirm, that Divine Dawn actually isnt infested with a cringe fest of unneccesary references or shitty memes, but manages to balance out when its funny or when it should shift to the mood that fits, since for me personally its a huge turn-off, when i get bombarded with 2010 memes or pop culture reference, that make me want to commit not alive, since that has been common for me in most renpy games, but Divine Dawn executes the balance pretty good.

    Its also important to note that the english of the writing is on the rather high end and you get the sense that the author mastered the english language, that also shows itself on the ability of them, to describe scenes on a rather rich level of details and descriptions during scenes, which makes it easy for you to follow along and imagine how things play out.

    Now lets go to the topic that should be most important part of the game for this Website


    The game has normal sex scenes and sex battles.
    In Sex battles you engage in a battle that features 3 different positions so far, titsjobs, blowjobs and SEGGS, each of them is accompanied by either doing it gently, rough or trying to defend your dick with the crumbles of honor you have left, while doing it you get fancy descriptions on the scenes happening with dialogue by the opposing seggsiator, which can easily make you rock hard if you are into dirty talk, with the personality everyone expresses in their lines, you battle by fucking your partner unconscious, and try to deplete their hp bar by rough fucking and making them cum, beware tho mages can only ask nicely to switch positon and cant change them on their own, so hope that your seggsiator feels up to listening to your feeble pleas.

    The game is still on a early side of development and so far there are 2 characters that I know of that you can rail every night, sarah and ashley( the beatiful creature on the thumbnail of the thread).
    I mostly experienced Ashley since she got me hooked on her instantly and I didnt try Sarah's scenes yet,but


    But to make my point clear, the sex scenes with the characters are filled with dialogue that make your dick rock hard, and are rich in personality that goes beyond just making the character into a one fetish show, most of the other chars in 16.b dont really have sex scenes, there are still enough tho for me to keep my dick throbbing through the whole playthrough i had, until i reached the end of the content, the quality of the sex scenes sate you enough, since they are doing a good job at making you cum, at least for me, and im hard to please as far as i know.

    Overall the Story and dialogue are the strongest feature of Divine Dawn for me and both do a stellar job, even in the seggs scenes.


    The game has a rich cast of characters that joined your party up until the current patch and teases a lot of interesting future characters, im talking to you dialogue option woman i had when i wanted to rest, all of them are well written and have their own struggles and strong personalties, that make you want to be invested in them and see where the story leads them, I've mostly interacted with UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHOOOO SEEEEEGGGGGSSSSSS Ashley, Metatron and Celica and all of them had their own struggles and were pretty 3 dimensional, ashley hold on
    for example is a succubus that is pretty sex driven and snarky, but she has her own trouble
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    , the game so far is pretty consistent with that way of writing chars, which makes me more invested in them.

    I really dont have any complaint about the chars written so far, that I interacted with, im really invested in them and in UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHOOOO SEEEEEGGGGGSSSSSS
    and in Ashley the most.

    Romance stuff

    The game allows you to earn trust and affection points with each char, that allows you to have more dialogue with them on the rather long side, to give you the opportunity to get to know them deeper and get into their thoughts.
    Seperate from dialogue they give you teaching lessons 1 on 1, where they teach you abilties as explained earlier in great detail, with the touch of the characters own struggle or thoughts of said abilities and also serve to know more about them.
    Ashley every night, she has 4 different sex scenes with the ability of a randomizer button, which is neat.

    The romance is cool so far, but since the game hasnt been that long out yet, i cant critize it for the lack of more scenes, since that complaint is only fair when it got more time, before i complain about smth unreasonable.

    The Combat
    The game for me honestly wouldnt even need combat, but combat is text based and turn based.
    It functions with generated encounters and events in the stages you visit, there isnt any game over, you only lose 30% of the exp to the next lvl, and it doesnt go into minus so its neat, that game overs arent a problem to binge me into save scumming.
    You have 2 characters you control in combat, yourself and a Partner chosen from your party, the characters so far have diverse enough classes to mix playstyles with them up.
    The abilties go beyond do x dmg with x element and include, a variety off debuffs or buffs, that you can try to pair with your partner to make playstyles that correspond with each other.
    It lies on a good foundation, but some abilties overlapp and are just a changed up version, with a different element applied to them, fire for example didnt really have much personality to it and leaves more to be desired, since other elements feature more secondary things that make them distinct enough to find some differences. Maybe making fire more reliable to burn than the other elements, maybe playing around with the concept and adding smoke that gives the enemy a disadvantage on hitting, would make things more interesting, or actually including more buffs that the other elements dont have, since fire was about dmg and buffing in the initial description, but doesnt really feature that many.

    Another Issue i also had is that some characters lack the feature of providing enough utility, if you are already in a class that doesnt fit them when u play on normal, for example i struggled hard with the last few spikes on diff, with sry excuse me i have to hold it in this time, Ashley i had huge problems as a fire mage even when i branched my skill tree over to other things to support or deal enough dmg, but healing was later on not enough and reliable, neither could we dps enough to get through it, I would suggest on giving the characters more utility, making the ability to be a reliable support easier with the MC or to dps stronger, when you go in all dmg, or to simply give people the ability to differentiate between partners in events during stages and your combat partner, since switching to someone else made it easier for me, but took the oppurtunity from me to see deep breathes Ashley's reactions.

    Finale words

    As long as im not forgetting anything thats pretty much it for my review.
    Im very excited to see more of this game and of
    Ashley, and have high hopes for it, that are reasonably waiting with the appropriate amount of time needed, for the dev to continue with this game.

    Divine dawn is def now one of my personal fav renpy games, I have played so far and would def recommend to anyone else, as long as they dont mind things, tending more to the vanilla side of things.

    If i missed anything, I'll add it in horror when waking up.

    I'll proof read this later.

    Otherwise A-a-a-shley is best girl.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an early build, but you can easily see the passion in the writing. It's a text-game with a good pace, and characters are fun and enjoyable. Images are clearly place-holder, but the combat system feels relatively smooth. Overall, a good experience although could be better in some parts.

    A gem in making. Keep up the great work.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Seems like a very, very, very early build. placeholder UI/Art everywhere. sex acts are just written, there is no art for it, just standard sprite keeps standing and text only. writing was mediocre with some typos. history was at times not very functional, with text overlap. rollback is permanently disabled, welcome to save/load spam, ugh. Basic combat is present (select skill+target). Check back in maybe 1 year or so, right now it felt like super early alpha test-build. I might update my rating if the issues are addressed.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly just really enjoyable. Well written and solid characters, plot's not a drag like in most of these games. It doesn't have a ton of content yet, but what is there is fun characters and plot. Overall highly recommend once it's a bit further along and gets more art especially.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    An promising start, will be nice to see where some polish and dev time take it. One thing that worries me is with so many combat styles some of them feel too same-y. But higher level skills and such may alleviate that.
    Hope to see more :D
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with an intriguing story and multiple fun and unique characters. Core systems like fighting and leveling up give you tons of choices and are really well done in my opinion. Different dialogues depending on the options that you choose are also a good addition. Really excited to see what future updates will bring.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Review 11.a

    Excellent story with a very strong cast of characters. The building blocks of something great. The porn is getting better and better with the addition of CG artwork. I was going to give this a bit more time to develop but the writing is superb.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, wow, I absolutely did not expect so much good writing for this. I feel honestly invested in the story and the setting, and character descriptions are so good I honestly don't mind the lack of CG one bit. The author having similar taste in girls is an added bonus, all the waifus fit perfectly into my types.

    The game seems to have decent progression system with a fair amount of variety in who you want the MC to be, and fights are not so long or grindy to bore you, good balance.

    The humor is good as well, very relatable and seems realistic, if a bit out of place for the setting, but it works since it's a porn game. No one will take it that seriously anyway.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality writing and an interesting premise give me a lot of hope for what's to come. You can learn to code, get better at design, and poll for interest all you want, but if your foundation isn't solid, then there's not much of a future for you. Luckily, Divine Dawn shines in areas that can't be taught, so the story's only limit is how fast Cry can find his groove. Godspeed.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It doesn't live up to the hype these reviews gave me but it's still quite good. The balance between humor and lore is really nice, it doesn't make you roll your eyes all the time or start skipping walls of useless text. If I had to say I didn't like something i guess it'd be the pacing. But overall it's great, best of luck to the devs.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is just plain fun. I like it. Only issues I had were minor: the music gets a bit repetitive at times, and the lack of content on certain paths. But obviously that will change if the dev continues with the project (as I hope they will!)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say that has already been said?
    This game writing is beyond good is phenomenal, probably the best text game on the site.
    Immersive world with interesting and deep character, a good worldbuilding with good humor, and the rpg mechanics are simple but they get deep and addictin.
    Even if I wished there were sprites for the characters and monsters you can still imagine yourself everything.
    The character creation is various and you can have for this version of the game (0.5) at least three different routes of playing.
    What are you waiting for?
    I highly recommend this game play it and you won’t regret it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is nothing short of phenominal.

    Right off the get-go, it starts out like many other RPGs but quickly differentiates itself with the twists the story takes, the stupid, yet hillarious jokes and of course the absolutely divine writing skills of the developer(s). What the game lacks in visual, artistic assets, it makes up for (by a mile) in it's beautiful writing. Pay attention to the writing and, before you know it, you're hooked, finding yourself present in the moment, experiencing the entire endeavor through the eyes, ears and other senses of the main protagonist. At this point I have seen, and played a vast variety of visual novels and games, both on and off this platform, and nothing comes even close to what this game provides in immersion through reading. Be it (SPOILERS) experiencing epic battles between higher powers, or the gentle touch of a loved one, the game does a magnificent job of immersing you into the plot and ensuring you have a deep and meaningful experience, with a splendid story and rich characters that feel real and unique. I have yet to see whether the choices taken matter yet, as I am just through the first day of playing, but I am hooked.

    As with all things, despite the immense praise above, there are some things that could be improved or added.
    - The GUIs/Menus could be improved, providing some visual presentation of stats etc. Maybe icons for the various traits/skills/perks/abilities.
    - Visual representations of the characters. While the describtions are rich and somewhat easy to imagine the character's looks from, it would be nice with a picture or sketch representing the character, even if it is just the face (that way you wouldn't have to make new sketches for each outfit).
    - More options in regards to character creation for a more unique feel to your character.
    - Honourable mentions include the rare typo here and there.

    Overall, it's an easy 5/5 stars. It's some of the best writing I have ever seen. I am looking forward to follow the development of this one.

    EDIT - I completely forgot to mention the soundtrack of the game. While something easily missed, it nevertheless does an incredible job at establishing and reinforcing the foundations of the mood currently present in any given setting, be it romantic, full of action and thrills or mystical in nature, it solitifies the story nicely and helps create a complete athmosphere.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Ravens Retribution

    I've been apart of this site for a while now. I've played everything from Being A DIK to niche games like Shag The Hag. In all of that time, never have I felt compelled to leave a review. That said, I'll keep this short. The quality of this game is beyond excellent. Cryswar deserves all the success he/she will no doubt receive for this addition to the community. I genuinely look forward to supporting the developer in this game and any future endeavors they embark upon. Keep up the good work <3
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing for this game is absolutely superb. The author is able to jump between funny and serious at a moment's notice, everything is described in vivid detail, and the game's had me laughing my ass off several times.

    And yes, the porn's written well too. There's not much of it at the time of review, so if you're only interested in getting your dick wet, keep that in mind. If you're looking for a good game outside of the porn (which is exceedingly rare in this industry) this is a great project to follow.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best writing of any game I've come across here. Ability to change between believable banter and high-tension immersive writing at will is damn impressive.

    The story is immersive and had me hooked from the get go. The descriptions are rich and pain a complete image of the surroundings, and the characters are interesting and makes you want to find out more about them.

    The combat is pretty repetitive. But that's inherent to all PnP-esque systems. So really that's par for the course. The choices do feel like they matter though, even if you end up making the same choice a lot of the time. Again this exact same thing could be said about DnD 5e combat or SR 3e combat. So it's pretty universal to the genre.

    The erotic writing (only one scene in my playthrough, due to choices) was also very good. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. But almost afraid that it's "too good". Which usually means the dev will get poached before the project ever gets finished. As this (so far) isn't "just" a good lewd game. It's a good game, period.

    The art (or lack thereof) is the only thing I'd complain about. Though the descriptions are rich enough that it didn't really bother me. But I assume that's more of an early development placeholder issue than necessarily indicative of the final product. But who knows?
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Very well written, diverse characters with great personality. Definitely has my attention. My one and only complaint is that there isn't more game to explore at this point. looking forward to future updates.