Ren'Py - D'Legacy [v0.8.0.0] [Lustion]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The story centers around the main character (MC) who studies abroad and unexpectedly returns home after the death of a parent, only to learn they've inherited a property. With such promise, I was eager to dive into an adventure filled with emotional depth and a bit of exploration.
    However, I discovered that the excitement quickly took a backseat to the grind of mundane life. The game has some enjoyable aspects, like the immersive moments where you're navigating the aftermath of family loss, but after that, it's almost like entering a monotonous cycle. My MC mostly went through the motions: work, shower, eat, binge-watch TV – you name it. I kept anticipating some engagement with the inherited property, but all I found was an ever-growing list of daily to-dos that did little to further the story.
    The issue of grinding felt a tad disappointing. By the end of my play session, I was stuck feeling like a player in an endless loop, yearning for substance beyond waiting for the game developers to potentially drop more content. Is there an endgame promise in terms of property interactions? Or is that a carrot, dangled beyond the reach of casual gamers?
    Graphically, the game did its job. The visuals are decent, even if they hail from AI generation and feature some unorthodox content like JAV clips. While that might not be everyone's cup of tea, it did add an unexpected flavor. As far as aesthetics go, it's a mixed bag, but the visuals alone can't carry the gaming experience.
    In summary, this game attempts to weave an emotional narrative but ends up sacrificing engagement for repetitive routine and sigh-worthy grind. While there’s a seed of something great within the story, it feels like we’re being asked for patience to wait for future updates. For now, it may leave you scratching your head over whether you’d prefer to grind now or perhaps take a hiatus until the devs unlock more meaningful content. Overall, it’s an experience worth considering—with caution.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a walking simulator with JAV clips thrown in. Push same button x times, see a JAV clip. Extremely boring. The game mechanics are so dull. Real porn games are either very well done with a fun story and interesting mechanics or they are really bad, with the author using real porn to mask a clicking simulator. Overall I can't find anything redeeming about this game. If you want to watch JAV just watch that instead.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's the best fucking game with real porn, I've never thought that I'd enjoy this game so much considering the unfathomable amount of grinding. I just have only one complaint, despite having an incest tag, it lacks in incest content. You have aunt for incest but it's step-aunt, it's barely any incest, calling a totally anonymous milf an aunt sounds better than step aunt. Step-aunt is a bullshit.
    Note to the developer: If you are going in an forbidden route, go all out, don't give us shit like step aunt
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The MC is just another generic shitty person that wears a nice mask, but is a total piece of garbage. I can't really put myself into the shoes of a piece of crap like him. The dialogue doesn't really connect or lead into the sex scenes very well, at all. There's no good way to track your progress with the different girls routes in game, having to rely on a clunky external walkthrough. The story isn't very well thought out or organized, it kind of jumps all over the place. Everything feels really aimless, like you have to accidentally stumble into story advancement to find it. Not a fan of this one, won't be playing future updates.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    A collection of Japanese porn clip grind simulator. There is no choices or anything to do but to massive grind everyday to see scenes you cannot control. Why not just watch porn instead of wasting time clicking the same things hundered times to see the same clip
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising game. This is just the beginning, this will truly be a big project for Dev with many promising female characters. With a diverse and attractive cast of female characters, I believe we can look forward to this game. The gameplay of the game and the way the characters are built are also things I quite like. With the support of AI, I hope the content will be developed more and Dev can complete this project well. Good luck, Dev.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's clear that you're one of my top developers in this genre, right up there alongside with CorpoLife_Dev.

    Let's dive into what makes your game such a compelling experience for me:

    The choice to use Renpy over HTML is a godsend, especially since it allows seamless gameplay on mobile devices without any hiccups. This level of accessibility is a huge plus, ensuring that I can indulge in the game's pleasures whenever the mood strikes, without being tethered to a PC.

    Your integration of Smooth AI-generated CG for the girls is nothing short of revolutionary. It brings an unprecedented level of fluidity and expressiveness that static images simply can't capture. But the real cherry on top is the transition to actual pornographic footage during the sex scenes. It's a bold move that pays off by providing an authentic and titillating experience that static visuals could never achieve. And let's talk about Akari Tsumugi – her absence in Corpo Life's lineup is baffling, to say the least. Her inclusion in your game not only enhances the star power but also the overall immersion and fantasy fulfillment.

    However, no game is without its flaws, and there are aspects that detract from the experience:

    The gameplay mechanics, while ambitious, verge on the overly complex. I understand the intent to create a more immersive experience, but it skirts dangerously close to turning the game into a simulation of mundane tasks rather than a source of entertainment. Balancing hunger, hygiene, and the like can be engaging in games like The Sims, but here it feels misplaced and detracts from the core erotic experience. I'm here for lustful escapades, not to micromanage my character's need to shower.

    In conclusion, while the game excels in accessibility and adult content, the cumbersome gameplay mechanics bog down what could otherwise be a flawless erotic gaming experience. A little simplification could go a long way in keeping the focus on the game's sensual delights.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has way more potentials than my games here are the reasons

    - More complex gameplay
    - More $var included

    But you gotta be careful with complexity. Developing wise, it takes more time and effort for relatively not so much fun, it will drain you away and cost you developing time, and this will make you loose subscribers/patrons

    Wish you luck for your game!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I am going to leave this at a 2/5 until it can be worked on more. I may be harsh as this is a first version release, but I would like to come back to this and hopefully see improvements, as I feel it needs a lot.

    In regards to the mix of AI art and real porn, I do not mind it too much but there are times where I notice something and it does pull me out of it.

    I do hope that the writing a story improves with time. The Dev would definitely benefit from someone translating and proofreading, its not the most egregious but could definitely be better. The story starts out fine enough, like the summary say PC's father dies, you go to Japan, etc. I have a complaint about the story that I'll make in a bit.

    Game mechanics, I feel like need a lot of work. While at the current build the map is bare bones, I think some tool tips would help make navigating a little easier. For example, when you first take real control of the PC I had no idea when I had to be at work. So I was just wasting time until I could finally enter the location. Also, I need to double check, but I think the start time for work on the weekends are different. Then there are a lot of "energy" stats to keep track of and kind of micromanage. There is energy, satiety, hygiene, fun and lust (lust at the moment doesn't seem to do much from what I experienced). Doing anything affects the four main stats, excluding lust, and it is impossible to start the day off with full stats unless you wake up at 5 am and do things like eat, drink coffee, shower, brush teeth, etc. Next, when you interact with NPCs/work it is very annoying to talk with them but then have a random chance to fail the conversation, or get a chance to fail work even if you put the maximum amount of effort in.

    This next point is kind of a mix between sex scenes and story. So far I have only encountered one sex scene, and it is fine. It has the same same limitations that any game that uses real porn game has, where your options are limited to what happens in the scenes. My problem is how we got to the sex scene, where basically you build up your relationship with character do a "quest", and then assault her. Then a couple days later you can start talking to her like nothing happened. We get no build up really as to why, like nothing about the PC so far lead me to believe they were gonna assault someone, the only way you would have known is because of the tags. Do other games do this? Yeah, but you kind of know the PC is an asshole with this in mind, this was just kind of out of nowhere.

    Again, I hope the Dev continues to work on this and improve, as I would like to come back and change my score to reflect any positive changes.