Chapters 1 thru 3 work fine on my computer, I'm exclusively having issues with only Chapter 4.
Its a desktop. (32 Bit) AMD Sempron 2.7 ghz CPU, nVidia GeForce 7025, 4 GB RAM, and the OS is Windows
8.1 (If there's anything importantly different between 8 and 8.1) , DirectX 11, OpenGL 2.1 is supported.
If I run in comparability mode for Win7 or Win8 the program doesn't crash but I still get the Performance Warning, and none of the renderers I can select seem to change anything.
In the render options menu of the performance warning....
If I select the GL2 renderer, I get a "Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not create GL context: \xd2\xb4',)" in the log.txt
If I select the ANGLE2 renderer, I get a "Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not initialize EGL',)" in the log.txt
If I select "Automatically Choose" I get this:
UGUU couldn't find glBeginTransformFeedback: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferBase: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferRange: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfi: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferuiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glEndTransformFeedback: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glGetFragDataLocation: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glGetStringi: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glGetTransformFeedbackVarying: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformuiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIuiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glTransformFeedbackVaryings: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1ui: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform1uiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2ui: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform2uiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3ui: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform3uiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4ui: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glUniform4uiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4i: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4iv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4ui: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4uiv: No OpenGL context has been made current
UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribIPointer: No OpenGL context has been made current
Ive done some various checks, drivers are up to date, fixed any registry issues, everything required for this as up to date as it can be. Short of trying another computer (which I don't have) I am unsure how to fix this. Everything I've tried so far has not fixed the issue.