I really enjoy VR games, both pr0n and not. Got an OG Vive, and sure the controls can be a bit janky at times. And though the screen door issue is noticeable at first, after a few minutes of use I stop seeing it. I've luckily never experienced motion sickness with the system, either - not even in something fast-paced with lots of movement (both physical and with controllers) and head turning. Games like Arizona Sunshine.
Adult games of course tend to be much more about staying in one place and the better designed of them tend only to require using one controller. For.. ..reasons. VR Kanojo, Virt-A-Mate and the VR freemode in newer Illusion games has impressed me mightily.
For video playback I use Virtual Desktop, it has the lovely addition of being able to play vid straight from certain video hosting sites.. You know the ones I mean! - by pasting in the vid url. Then selecting what kind of vr they recorded in so it'll play back properly (180, 360 etc..). Also you can use mouse and kb, so you don't need to wave..
There is the downside, of course. If you're all hyped to bash one out then spending a few mins setting up your gear, then getting the initial weirdness of putting on the mask (and making sure every door in the building is locked!), the sudden coldness of the controllers in your hands.. Bit of a mood killer.
Still, I'd recommend VR to those with a bit of coin to spend on the hardware. Well worth the initial strangeness!