Not all trainer style VN/Games work in the same way... But there is a tendency for many to go the route of some form of corruption... Corruption comes in many forms to include (but not limited to) mind control, behavior modification, seduction, blackmail, magical/scifi based influence, and so on... Just because a VN/Game doesn't say directly that it's corruption, doesn't mean it's not just that... Corruption is a generalized term that encompasses many facets of modifying someone to deviate from one state of thoughts and behavior to one they normally would never directly try or want for themselves, otherwise... Just because it's not labeled as Corruption doesn't mean it isn't in fact Corruption... It is probably the number one most used theme in this industry...
Trainers are no exception... They are all about the corruption...
Over the years I've found that Trainers come in two types, fast ones and slow ones... Rarely are they somewhere in the middle... Either you have to spend a ton of time slowly training a character towards the intended goal, or the training takes a short amount of time to get intended results... Usually if the trainer is more story focused it's the slow method with the primary characters, whereas with the more porn focused trainers it will be faster... That doesn't mean a porn focused doesn't maybe include a couple slower trained characters, but since it is porn focused that usually indicates a tendency to get to the porn quickly without spending a huge amount of time grinding or reading story text... Therefore some if not all character training needs to happen a bit more rapidly to keep the people, just looking for jollies, happy... And, sometimes the same thing happens in story focused ones with a couple faster characters, just to keep the jollies people happy, while continuing to appeal more to the story happy folks with the primary slow trained characters...
I hope that all made sense, hehe...
Me, if it is a porn focused trainer I would prefer it be in the form of a parody of something or include lots of humor, in order to add a better sense of playful fun over just a bunch of meaningless bouts of sexual content... If it is story based, depending on how it's handled, I don't mind slower training as long as I'm enjoying the story, like the characters (personalities and visuals combined), and find the game play fun... But I'm not looking for trainers with the purpose of seeking corruption... I'm not usually looking for trainer in general... I just run into them now and then, and sometimes I enjoy them and sometimes they are bad...