I freeload too. I mean its free to demo for the most part. Most these games are in what I consider to be Super Early Access. I'll wait a month to play the current version later. I'll wait until a playable public version of the game is available. There are a couple games in mind for my support. Along with that, is my support for future games. Its because I believe in their work and the satisfaction I get from their games. It's just that I haven't seen much to have them have me be a stakeholder in their game quite honestly. I need to think of my well being and can't impulsively support every game I like and enjoy. I wish I could, I wish I could. Its not though. Personally, I feel a monetary support of any kind is an investment. Like any investment, there are things I need to know that my money is being put to good use. $1, 10, 20, 50... no matter the amount, I feel the investment is worth it because of the monthly and likely yearly support. To some capacity, we become business partners.
I am particularly picky. To me, all these games are in a phase where I can evaluate the gameplay and see how the creator manages their time and content. Seeing games update in increments is fine with me. As long as it finishes someday. Thats the big dilemma for me. Theres no time limit to complete the game. The extent from the content of the game is always bigger than initially thought of. Potentially the longer it takes, the more expensive it becomes. That's how anything goes. I got an idea of programming difficulties and how it takes time to sort it all out all the while creating both content in art and story. Couple games stand out for me. I'm just waiting for them to complete it. Its like trying a game out and seeing how it plays. Most if not all these games are in start of game creation or the middle of expanding the content further more. Few games here are completed simply because of the scope of the content. I am very interested how these creators close out the game. Thats something I need to see here in order to ease my mind in the risk I take from my support. It would give me the post-production analysis of how everything wrapped up and how the creator used the feedback to merge it with their game. Were the expectations from supports met. What lessons did the creator get from the experience. How will that translate in the next game. will there be another game. Seeing how I happy I was to play the game. Seeing how I'd feel about playing another game from the creator. Like any other game franchise I play the games I want and if I want more, I'd be supporting it to some capacity.
In essence, I'm a freeloader. My money is very valuable to me. A one time donation, I wouldn't mind doing. I liked it. Here's a few bucks for the stuff you already did. A monthly support for a game, now we are talking an investment paid in content. Content thats free reigning in terms of the game's size, time for completion, and costs it takes to improve the game. can the creator deliver a finish product under these conditions? Most games are in the early phase of their games. Few games are in the middle content of expansion. Even less games are in Alpha or Beta status. Rarely are games actually completed. There's a risk with these games. A risk that I'm not willing to take just yet.