I'm not going to say that I know what people are doing or not doing, I have my idea that differs from yours but I might be wrong.I'd be shocked if porn isn't already bigger than non-porn. not everybody consumes the disney stuff, but everybody watches porn whether they admit it or not. especially the people making the biggest stink about the 'immorality of porn', those are always the guys who get caught dressed in a gimp suit while 10 oiled guys take turns shitting in their mouth.
things like the oscars or top10 charts are not the yardsticks for popularity, they're run by the marketing departments of 5 big media companies. they're ads, and ads do nothing but lie to sell a product. and as the same people own all corporate media everywhere in the world, they also dictate what is the 'public opinion'. if you don't agree, your opinion won't be shown anywhere outside small independent media. (and even some of the indy media is already bought off. I mean when was the last time you saw a 'game reviewer' making actual reviews instead of just uncritically selling the product like any other corporate drone.)
imagine if there were only 5 giant porn companies producing ALL porn in the world, distributing all of it, owning every single porn site? dividing ALL the global porn revenue between them. can you even imagine what kind of crazy loot they'd be making? more than the GDP of many nations.
now imagine rupert murdoch was behind or closely tied to those 5 porn companies, deciding how porn is portrayed in media everywhere. it would be his financial interest to publish sex positive views and bury moralist views, and he would 100% do it. there would be no way for any moralists getting their voice heard, just like 8 billion people jerking off to online porn daily is in no way visible in the media right now.
porn won already, and maybe it's always been the biggest market. it's just that the mass media controlled by a very few people makes a lot of money pretending everybody isn't into porn. also its tied to political theatre, many parties control people by upholding the same moralist views regardless of left-right positioning. so there's a symbiotic relationship between them and the media giants upholding this status quo.
I don't think that whole system is in any way invulnerable. maybe it's already beyond their control because of the global online anarchy and their lack of control over online people. sex positivity and rejection of 'traditional' moralism seems to be everywhere online, and very few people even consume the old controlled media run by rupert et co. maybe the old guard will find a way to control our media consumption again, but frankly it doesn't seem like they even understand what's happening.
All I know is that when my wife was still there I didn't use it and it lasted over 10 years.
Obviously everyone is not in a "good relationship" and some consume as a couple etc ... There are plenty of variations and personally I have no stat and obviously you either, so let's avoid saying "truths" without knowing.
Then you might forget that a lot of the porn is free, that when it isn't it is often pirated and therefore the earnings might not be that important.
Would people still consume as much while paying? I do not know.
Personally in my youth we had access to cds and tapes (yeah I'm getting old) or magazines ... And in reality the products in question were seen and viewed a lot of times before moving on to another.
At present, I doubt that many young people would go to their parents to ask them for a brazzer subscription or to buy a video. Not that it's impossible, things have changed quite a bit and more people are accepting porn.
Amateurs would continue to produce videos, offered free of charge. Some will surely try to integrate a company but the selection criteria would reject a lot of them which would therefore resume as now.
There are a lot of criteria to take into account ... The status of actresses (they are not treated very well in a lot of cases, according to some books that I have read), the practices that are not accepted, scenarios that would not be accepted etc ...