better start downloading your favorite porn games while you can, if this joke is true, Patreon and their restrictive terms on content will only mess things up. games of your favorite genres would be limited and restricted, even censorship might even take more precedence, in summation, it would not be a moment to fathom. having the way things are now, is not only preferable but it is better for the site. think about all the great games you got from here, honestly i love many of the games i downloaded from here and i would not like to see any restrictions for them. this is how i look at it, Fzone has more leeway in content, whereas Patreon does not. i feel more content in Fzone's terms compared to Patreon's terms.
yes i am aware i said content in my last sentence, but content refers to games and or other things, and content means a state of feeling comfortable. 2 words that sound the same but have a different meaning