Does someone want to test my game?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Ok, here is my preview of the game:

-First of all let's talk about minigames, it isn't bad but when you can only win and it's always the same minigame it gets really repetitive. On the other hand it may be interesting to add lose scenes for minigames. I kind of wanted to know what would happen if I lose to Raska.

-The mood mechanic is a bit annoying, basically forcing me to buy gifts for my slave because I need her on "high mood" for many missions and events. It would be nice that she recovers 1 mood daily or 2 if resting.

-It is kind of annoying having to send the slave girl to work each day, it would be nice that you could tell her what to do directly, like choosing to "work at the market during the day", it would make things more easy for the player.

-The game kind of lacks any element that would make the player move forward, at the moment it is just infinite days and it can even be maintained like that but the game needs some events that add something special rather than what you unlock during missions (for example the conflict between the rebels and the sultan increasing over time until it explodes).

-About the slave girl I kind of missed a dominant/submissive stat, I say this because many events like the arena one are kind of demanding it.

-I don't truly understand why was it necessary to make the relationship and respect stats different ones. But well you should have your reasons.

-I find it perfect to have 5 main girls, making more main girls could complicate the game quite a bit. But they need to be really developed, one thing I wondered about is the use of the lust stat, a girl with high lust what would it mean? doing more kinky stuff or rather that she is more like a slut seducing and having sex with other people?. The game kind of builds up that the girls may end up having sex with other people with things like losing at the arena.

-Personally I didn't like the trainings for certain events, mainly because you don't truly get your level of skill but rather it seems to be kind of weird. I believe adding skills at least for the mc and the slave girl could be good, for the MC things like perception (so that you don't get robbed), pickpocking (to earn money this way), arm wrestling (for when it's necessary), fighting, persuasion (it would feel nice to use it on some events)...

On the part of the slave girl perhaps things related to jobs like seduction, persuasion, fighting, business... basically things related to what she can do.

-I kind of missed that there weren't truly rebellious events such as she giving you less money than what she gets, asking for rest days and things like that, in fact related to this is why I missed the dominant/submissive stat, it just feels necessary for her.

-The stat gains seems to be quite linear, it made me think that if I don't optimize my conversations and chances I won't get the girls fully maxed (if that's intended of course).

-The quests overall are kind of basic and easy, it would be nice to get some more elaborate ones.

Overall the game is okay, it didn't strike big in my mind but it has potential. Something that I liked is that you don't rush into sex scenes, In fact the witch mission I think you just added it as fanservice.

It's nice to get a game that won't be purely "meet and fuck" but rather it needs development before you get there.

Lastly it would be nice that you get a closed list of the future fetishes you have planned for the game, while playing for example I thought that for sure one would be NTR, seeing things like the arena fights, some slave missions... seem to point at it. In fact I can clearly see the arena loser ending for the slave.

To end, the game works well on windows 10, did all the current content and the game never broke or anything weird happened.
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Reactions: Grumpy Eagle

Grumpy Eagle

Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Thank you!!

You have many great ideas. I'll try to implement some of them before first release and some of them later.

To be honest, statistics are absolutely unimportant. I use them in coding to track the progress of the game. I just thought it can be fine to show it to player in "stats". Just to see the progression.

Anyway thank you for your time and review