Others - Completed - Dohna Dohna: Let’s Do Bad Things Together [v1.02] [Alicesoft/Shiravune]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Likely one of the best H games Ive ever played, so what the hell, let's review it.

    Storywise this game is really not that different from many JRPGs out there. Its got the usual trope of highschoolers using the power of friendship to defeat god, except this one is more the 'secret society' side trope - where you use the power of friendship to beat the government instead. Oh, and in between that all you run a brothel. Yes, that's about it really. Just keep beating them bosses, make friends along the way, and hustle various, usually relunctant girls, to make money.

    Gameplay consists of two parts. The first is the familiar battle turn based system but its sort of a weird take where skills are only available while the character is standing in specific positions, and yet since there's no penalty for moving your character about, its kinda redundant. The 2nd part is pimping girls to make money - Yes you read it correctly. While youre in 'hunting phase', you beat enemies, kidnap girls (mostly generic but some unique ones thrown in) and force them into sexual slavery, termed 'dohna dohna' in this game.

    The best part of the game is mostly aesthetics. The artwork of this game rivals and perhaps even surpasses real triple AAA JRPGs out there. Its vibrant, its pretty, and the character design cannot fail to impress. And the best part is in battle its all sprite based, so its handdrawn and animated, with great attention to detail. Music, as you would expect from JRPGs, is excellent. Theres been times where I just sit back and watch the idle animations with the music in the background - just let it all sink in. Its all so weirdly pleasurable.

    If youre perhaps wondering why Ive left the H for last, there is a good reason, and that is because its below par. Its pretty much VN style - there's no real action, choice, or indeed animations anywhere. You just spacebar until it stops. There are tons of H scenes in this game, ranging from all the female playable characters + the unique 'escorts', so the game's not lacking any variety, its just that in comparison with everything else in the game its so lackluster. And this being a H game, youd think the H scenes should take precedent but the game begs to differ.


    I cant rate the game any lower than a solid 5 stars because Ive played the shit out of this game and enjoyed every second of it. Its basically a H Persona game, and if they have modded the H scenes away for regular dating scenes and marketed the game to mainstream I have no reason to believe this wouldnt sell, and sell hard.

    Unfortunately, its a H game, and thus if I rate it only with that in mind, the score would drop to 3 at best, because there's not really much to do here. Great characters, but my hardon was about mid.

    Last few points of bugbears, I'll make this quick;

    The game is grindy, and there is no difficult setting (far as Im aware). Like all JRPGs, be prepared to drop at least 40-50 hours into this game, because you have to level up ALL ten characters individually once obtained. Its not for the faint of heart.

    There's many endings, and even more event scenes across the game and its chore to unlock all of it. It'll probably take multiple playthroughs, and I can already hear the collective groaning.

    Finally, there are NTR scenes here, very violent NTR scenes. Fitting, because its scenes obtainable only when you lose at certain points in the game, or otherwise miss out on certain mission deadlines. Just something to watch out for because if youve grown to like the characters in this game - like I did - dont lose, or you'll likely put the game down and never come back.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Glassware Grass

    It was great until the bland ending.
    It has everything from great voice acting, art works, concept, villains, world building, NPC, music, heroines, mechanic. It's the first time I've a game went all out in battle animation in a p0rn game.
    It has NTR content but for me it's not enough to be called a NTR. They lacked in this. But when NTR happened it's really well done.
    But here is where it ended. All the fun, and amazing you got and then you will have an amazing boss fight, and then ending cut scene.
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  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Painfully mixed bag.

    + excellent production quality
    + interesting setting
    + good turn based gameplay
    + top notch combat animations
    + variety of characters with style
    + clean Ui

    - no H scene animations
    - mosaic censorship
    - tone deaf and degenerate prostitution mechanic
    - gets grindier after the mid way point
    - weird main character
    - pedo vibes

    It really is weird seeing some of the best designed and sexiest adult fem characters being side villains while you have to bang the lolis.

    like bruh >: /
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    version completed

    it has voice acting, unique premise, compared to porn games unique gameplay (similar to darkest dungeon). nice art, some interesting but a bit cliché characters... so it all sounds good... but it's just a bad porn game. sex scenes are NOT animated. fucking/training your prostitutes have no a visuals just text (unlike games like Eld). sure it's a quality game where dev spent a lot of time and effort on it, which is rare nowadays... but it's still a bad porn game imo.

    no battlefuck mechanic, sex scenes are boring since it has no animation and lots of boring talk, i think it's just a really boring game, i dont like the prostituting mechanics either. they tried to be real life like but it's just not good for a game imo. (with managing multiple stats including mental, all in all it would be more expensive to keep their stats positive than to dump them and find new prostitutes due to them being too "used"/broken)

    there is no visual when you acquire "new talent" you just kidnap girls, force them to prostitute themselves and somehow they do it of their own free will? or are they forced? but regardless, it's handled really "nihilisticly" like it's a bad html game where ppl have no reactions or longterm consquences to anything. so it breaks immersion a lot.

    so breaking immersion, no animation, boring+few sex scenes imo it's a 2/5 game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better games that exist here as this is just a full blown game with actual gameplay as well sick as hell sound tracks and good voice acting. The game contain good design/art as well a decent story!
    So I suggest playing this game ;)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit this has to be the best H game I've ever played, and may be one of the best games I've ever played period. Might sound insane but I didn't even get off once to this game, and I was skipping through the sex scenes just to get back to the gameplay.

    Visuals - extremely stylish, just look at the images online. Even outside of an erotic standpoint, the art and pure style is fresh and captivating
    Characters - the full cast of characters is extremely compelling, with full voice acting for named characters. Originally, I expected myself to be skipping through the dialogue for the male characters, but they are as compelling as the female ones. I think at the end I had the highest feeling with Zappa (a burly biker guy in sunglasses) instead of any of the heroines. Shoutout to Shimazu for being the gigachad/strict dad of the show - his lines are cold af too (got shot to pieces then commented he"liked having a breeze on his insides")
    Sound - The voice acting is superb. I must admit there are some that are annoying if they speak too much (Alice...), everyone was acted with passion. Characters like Kirakira and Torataro really feel like your old friends after you get to hear them speak enough. In addition, the soundtrack is also superb, and the battle music really reminds me of the street fights from Yakuza 0 (iykyk)
    Story - Decently well executed story about an evil corporation controlling society, being a metaphor for conformism. Nothing spectacular, and the moral greyness of their "hustling" could be explored a bit better. They just handwave it by saying the victims are part of an oppressive society so they deserve it - it would've been better to focus more on it. Nonetheless, the villains are very hateable (beating Kuina after becoming vastly overlevelled had me cackling) and the final boss fight was satisfactory, if a bit underwhelming due to my over-preparedness - the final boss's ultimate move, a literal ICBM, did around 5% of my party's hp
    Gameplay - the gameplay is also really fun, and reminiscent of Darkest Dungeon minus the permadeath elements. In fact, I had been looking for something like this, since I wanted to find a game with darkest dungeon gameplay without the brutal difficulty and with party members I could bond with. Dohna Dohna perfectly fulfils this niche, but would've been made better with the "movement" included in moves as well like in darkest dungeon. One downside of the gameplay is that it is quite grindy - finding weapon parts is quite RNG even if you spam the maps that drop them. On the bright side, you don't need to max out all weapons to easily dominate the game (read above about the final boss fight), and I never even used a single consumable item so you don't have to farm for those either. Money is scarce at first but once you get "matching" going it's basically unlimited.

    Overall, 10/10 and I would definitely recommend this to anyone, even if you aren't looking for an eroge
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Dohna Dohna is one of the best adult videogames that I have ever played, and has so much going for it that it became one of my references, and stays that way to this day. If you want a good mix of setting, gameplay, characters, porn, production values, and a fun manager mini-game, then look no further, I can't praise the title enough.

    - Awesome art style - It was a breath of fresh air at the time, mostly because of the vibrant colors. It didn't break the traditional formula, it went above it.
    - One of the best (instrumental) OST's ever - Same as above. They just pick up the mold, and shake it vigorously. So much diversity and quality. Do check it out.
    - Gameplay - You have to understand that "hybrids" have trouble in this department, and expecting anything complex is not fair. With that said Dohna Dohna is a side view turn-based combat game (like darkest dungeon), and there's enough skills, characters, special attacks, types of enemies. Overall pretty good, I didn't find it too grindy.
    - Prostitution Sim - It's the same principle behind collector games, and a nice system with unique characters, that can be customized. Some have their own H-scenes. Think Monster Girl Club Bifrost, but not as good.
    - Lots of H-scenes and tags, in all of Alicesoft's greatness - Very impressive all around, great porn. The problem is that some scenes require you to "lose", in order to access them. The dev was (is?) still following that policy, for some reason.
    - More than enough story content - I'll be honest, and say that the story itself, and the structure of Dohna Dohna, are nothing to write home about, but the characters, and individual scenes, more than make up for it. Again, it's a solid compromise between text adventure, and gameplay.

    - It think you guessed it by now. It does nothing great, outside production values. Dohna Dohna does a lot of good, but specialized titles can surpass it in most parameters. Being a jack off all trades is asking for trouble, when reaching for the top.

    Score: Dohna Dohna is an 8/10, and a really great time. I have no idea what Alicesoft is doing right now, but here's hoping they can come up with more of this. Very good videogame, highly recommended to anyone who is fine (or better than) with the tags presented.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good art.
    Recommend to use cheat engine, cuz Dungeon is really fcking boring later, raise character level to level 99 and enjoy, when you want to get bad end cg, change character hp to 10.

    Use cheat engine again to get all main heroine CG before clear episode 22, raise their feeling to 10000, and spam Event. Play one ending, after that you can download full save to get all CG that you don't know how to get.

    Enjoy like a monkey.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Played it a while ago and dropped it before reaching the end. I was considering revisiting the game but decided not to, I will explain what turned me off the game, but it has a lot of good going for it as well.

    The Good:
    The art is absolutely beautiful, the voice acting is fantastic, the interactions between characters are genuinely funny at times, and if not, at least interesting and worth reading.

    The Bad:
    The story and gameplay drops off around the mid point imo. The experience in the mid to late game becomes stale, boring grinding. What makes grinding through dungeons after dungeons fun in a game is getting rewarded for doing so. But you don't get much new in terms of story, it progresses to a crawl at some point; neither will you get any new interesting bosses or game mechanics to keep you engaged.

    The Ugly:
    The game does have bugs, it will crash from time to time, so make sure you save often if you do decide to play it. Sometimes the text will just disappear and you get blank text boxes. It might not be the fault of the game itself, but the pirated, translated version. That's why it is ugly, not bad.

    I do think it is worth trying at least once, it is not a difficult game to pick up, there's even a comprehensive guide for the game, and I'm sure for many, the problems I had with the game will be a non-issue for them.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

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    Most certaintly not a masterpiece, and definitely not worth the 50$ price on Dlsite, but a good game nontheless, atleast in terms of enjoyment of story and porn content, gameplay.... not so much
    With it's strange difficulty scale that requires alot of grinding you'll find yourself bored alot.
    Though questionable, the story of the game still works, and it still manages to flow well without being bad or mediocre, and perhaps you could enjoy the interesting character dyanmics between everyone
    Likes: DuniX
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    While it has some downsides, I liked it.


    - Colorful and pleasant visuals
    - Nice characters and suitable voice acting
    - Sex scenes are good
    - Interesting gameplay


    - Eventually becomes grindy
    - The story doesn't even try to be realistic (especially at the point where guards break out lethal weapons)
    - Some scenes with unique talents are hard to obtain or can be easily failed and locked for the rest of the game
    - No replayability as there is no variability to the story (only the girl selected by the protag for the ending will change).
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5389512

    + Darkest Dungeon combat
    + Persona stylish art
    + Beautiful characters visuals
    + Great voice acting

    - Gets very grindy and repetitive
    - Sex scenes are 5 images with little to no difference between them + tons of text per image.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game is the art. The gameplay consists of RPG dungeoneering and brothel management sim. The characters are charming, but the story isn't anything to write home about. The grinding for better gear is completely awful as you gotta go through dungeons over and over again hoping for random loot drops to upgrade gear. It would be far better to just have stronger weapons just show up in the shop just like in other RPG's. Some of the sex scenes are repeat. The MC is pretty awful as he is just some unassuming type that has very little interest having sex with others so it doesn't even make for great erotic scenes. The artist for this game is amazing though.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the recent negative reviews threw this game put it waaay below where it should be, let's look at what's wrong, hmm?

    "Hentai games are always subpar to 'normal' and nothing will change it"
    "The one sex scene I've found in ~1h of playing was also just three images."
    ""Porno" is an absolute whore which is kinda gross."
    "see a lot of content is ugly-bastard/rape/ntr-ish stuff, also gross."
    If explanation is needed as to why these remarks shouldn't stop you from playing the game, you really shouldn't be on this site...

    The only legitimate complaints are that of the poor brothel management mechanics. And even with its flaws, this is literally the best game alicesoft has ever made, music, art, voice acting, gameplay, all screams quality, and obviously if the lolis plastered on the cover isn't enough to give you a hint that this isn't for you, I fail to see why engage in something you'd obviously hate.

    If you're a fan of H-games to any capacity, this game is a must, one of the better, fuller experiences out there, but then, you'd probably have played it by now...
  15. 3.00 star(s)



    -Flashy and stylish.

    -Basically it's a game inspired by Darkest Dungeon in terms of combat mechanics and also has Persona vibes in terms of communication between characters and nature of dialogues.

    -Nice positive soundtrack.

    Cons (strictly personal):

    -Zero alluring girls for me, only some typical 'kawaii' types from 'kudere' to 'genki' types, they don't have appeal for me, even in Persona series girls were better, here I have a hentai game with some shounen girls which lack personality and physical allure.

    -Dialogues and 'funny events' are crap despite I like comedy in anime and hentai games.

    -Kidnap women to 'hustle' them is pretty ridicolous and leave a bitter taste in my mouth, one thing is to make some dirty sexual scenes and another - making some anti-social crap as local version of 'progressive view on things' when women become prostitutes just because they were kidnapped, add to that all these smiley and happy characters around and it feels so fake and abnormal. How about to make it realistically grim then with kidnapped women forcefully become junkies so then everything will have some sense.

    -Grind, If I wanted a game I would play a normal game not this.

    -Too little of actual hentai.

    Conclusion: This game tries too hard to be more than a hentai game since as hentai it's average at best, it has too little hentai content and too much of grind to satisfy fully. Hentai games are always subpar to 'normal' and nothing will change it, instead of making it all flashy and implementing all these gaming mechanics I would prefer to have fully animated and interactive experience at least with hentai characters made in different styles, not just in 'cute' style like It was made for 12 yo.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most stylish porn games I've played, as expected from a titan like Alicesoft.

    The story and setting is very interesting and the characters are absolutely brimming with energy and personality. The combat is fantastic, think Darkest Dungeon, and the animations are fluid and look amazing. The music is fantastic, and I still listen to their OST on occasion.

    The sex scenes, just like with Alicesoft's other games, are top tier that cater to a wide range of fetishes.

    Definitely check this game out. This is one of those games where you feel a bit bad for not paying for it after making it to the end because it's totally worth it.

    Just keep in mind that this is a visual novel, but you should have expected that when you heard the name Alicesoft.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The game got recommended to me as a brothel management game but it's the most frustrating part about it. It's essentially a card-matching thing that can't even really be classified as a game, and then there's no sex scene or anything, the girl just loses looks, as if she gets uglier just by sleeping with some dude. What's she doing, collecting dried sperm on her face?

    The battles are actually somewhat fun, but you can decide whether you want to battle or prostitute so it's still frustrating. There's a lot of text for the story, which I'd appreciate, if it were actually interesting. Maybe it is, but there's just so much to basically say "We're rebels" that I started skipping them.

    The one sex scene I've found in ~1h of playing was also just three images. I guess that's overall fine if the sex-to-text ratio wouldn't be so high.

    The MC is also a guy who basically forces women to prostitute themself, fucks them against their will to teach them sex, but then is completely flustered like a virgin when it comes to actual sex scenes.

    It definitely isn't a recommendation from me and I'm not sure how it's got these good reviews.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Not even remotely as good as people claim. The entire game is animated except sex scenes (lol), the text-to-sex ratio is way too high in favour of text, and the minigames are rather frustrating.

    For instance you have some really difficult to memorize random stats on your girls that you need to bring up, in order to match them to customers with the same needs.

    So your girl can have a stat called like "tech" and then there's a guy liking tech, but you can't just upgrade "tech". You have to perform actions such as having sex or spending a day or whatever to bring stats up, but they all add randomly stats and decrease others. So it's already overcomplicated here.

    The next disappointment is when you gather new girls that you "train", you can fuck them, but when you hit fuck you just hear a sex audio and then see that their stats got increased.

    This is a NSFW game, why the fuck don't you animate/show tasks like fucking a girl that you fought for to get into your business?

    In combat you have to kill all enemies and NOT kill the girl you want to conquer for your business (means she must be the last one living), but often because of the range-limitations of your party and the random placements, you have to kill her before enemies because you can only reach her with your attacks, which results in you getting nothing. This is bad game design at its best and really frustrating.

    But then again, if you get her, you can't really interact with her anyways.

    Complicated and unfun mechanics, everything animated except sex scenes in an NSFW game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that tries to do (copy) a lot of things and succeeds at absolutely nothing.
    There is some combat system which is basically a clone from Darkest Dungeon, but very simple and uninteresting. Absolutely no strategy required making it a boring grind.
    There is an exploration system like FTL where you can only go one direction that just depends on you doing the same locations over and over and over to see everything making it a boring grind.
    There is a brothel system where you kidnap women and whore them out. Here you see a portrait of the woman of the woman and that's it, no other form of interaction, all the action is "off-screen", no flavor text, nothing, making it a boring grind. Numbers go up and down and sometimes the girl mind-breaks and you throw her away.
    There are story / porn sequences which feature the same static images with tiny variations. E.g. Woman next to MC. Woman next to MC with penis inside. Woman next to MC with penis inside and squiggly effect lines to indicate speed. Woman next to MC with penis inside and jizz coming out.
    Story is absolute garbage and full of inconsistencies and garbage characters. Main character is a standard A-sexual Japanese protagonist which all the women fall head over heels for for no apparent reason that with some weird twist and faux logic gets into some H-scenes that don't make sense for the character.
    All other male characters are accidentally also A-sexual and have sub-human intelligence.
    Your main girlfriend "Porno" is an absolute whore which is kinda gross.
    From the gamefiles is see a lot of content is ugly-bastard/rape/ntr-ish stuff, also gross.
    I do not recommend this game, art is good but there is simply not enough of it for the 20 something hours they want you to grind this game. If you are dig the art just check a CG-rip on e-hentai or use a complete save.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is my first game I actually can enjoy as there is an actual setting to play through and manage in it.
    I love the art that is used, and the VO are excellent for every character encountered so far (still quite at the beginning of it).
    Definitely will play it for longer than I could expect, and will use it as a starting point to evaluate each other game that I'm going to play in the future.