Others - Completed - Dohna Dohna: Let’s Do Bad Things Together [v1.02] [Alicesoft/Shiravune]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Played this game back when it was still only machine / partially translated so take this review with a grain of salt .

    Dohna Dohna is a visually stunning game with an amazing , colorful , original and recognizable art style defining it , the art is just lovely , that needs to be said .

    You will be playing as Kuma , the co-leader of an underground prostitution traffic as both him and his group try to fight their way to the top in what's essentially an extremely corrupted city ran by unscrupolous corporations and other criminals who also deal in this prostitution market .

    And here comes one of the first things I disliked .
    During the whole story our main party appears to be a jolly gang of nice flamboyant anime boys and girls , each one playing along the lines of their classic anime-culture stereotype ( in a positive way ) and just giving the whole story a rather nice atmosphere...making you feel like you are the actual good guys in this mess of a city....except...you are not .
    The game's divided in two main aspects , the first one being the almost rogue-like one you go through when exploring new areas , fighting enemies , getting items to upgrade your gang's gear and the likes and the second one being the actual prostitution one . These guys do kidnap innocent girls from the street on a nightly basis and force them to prostitute until their mind breaks or worse ( since mutilation , trauma and similar shit are also part of the kinks this game has to offer ) . Whether you are into this stuff or not ( and I'm honestly not but I won't judge or kinkshame people over their fictional kinks ) this is such a stark contrast from the way the gang's presented to be in their usual everyday lives across the whole story .

    The second issue I had with the game is that this prostitution management part seems to have been conceived rather poorly as well ; you will often simply not have enough consumables to keep your girls sane and as such you are literally forced to watch them get mindbroken and toss them away to replace them , even when it comes to unique girls .
    To make things worse...they don't even seem to have any animations , pixel art or literally anything to them at all to add to the sexual aspect...you just click a button , you know they had sex with the client , that's it . Unique girls get maybe 1-2 static censored CGs providing a few special conditions are met...which is rather lame .

    Then we get to the main gang's hentai part of the game...which is also just composed of very few , very sparse censored CGs . I understand the art is amazing and that many people here just get the game via F95...but I'd rather remind them that this game originally came out on DLsite for the whopping fucking amount of 70 US dollars , which is a lot for a porn game...and which does cause a lot of expectation from a potential buyer . In this case I do not feel like the price matches the expectation it creates...sure , the illustrator did an amazing job and their art hard carries the game...but it's not enough and the whole rest of the game just appears to be rather mediocre if not bad .

    To cut it short...I simply do not deem this game to be worthy of all of the praise it gets . It felt rather bad to me . The rogue-like aspect was okay , the story was okay and lasted for quite a while...but they didn't get beyond that . The art was great...but for such an expensive ero game I'd honestly like to get something more than just a few sparse censored CGs and a badly designed prostitution system . That's just my two cents .
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid game, solid gameplay, solid scenes, voice acting is good, plenty of content both sexual and non-sexual, and the story is compelling in this increasingly capitalist hell we live in.
    10/10, would play again, and would probably buy it for real, once I figure out how to make it not obvious that I bought it on steam or wherever.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love this game. I know this game from musedash, where one of their song are coming from this game. Although it sounds very boring at first, with all of those prostitution stuff and etc, and combat system, but after around 50 days or so I just grow attached to it. It's really addicting to try out different character's combat style and etc etc. Gernally, I will give it 9/10.

    Gameplay 8/10
    Sounds boring at first, but when I got to know the tricks of how to do the combat, I soon became attached to this game. The prostitution system is pretty alright. Not to great or not to boring. The event schedule are perfectly balanced, making you have a clear goal or mind about what you are going to do next.

    Artstyle & H-Scene 9/10
    All the art and the H-scene are absolutely astonishing. Really well made and is the biggest pro point for this game. However all of them are static, which is a big let down of the game.

    Plot 9/10
    Probably could be improved furthur, but I believe in terms of character development, this game did a awesome job to incoprate those dark element of the city and the vibe of the teenagers together. Ending is somewhat underdevloped, done in a bit rush. There are seperate endings for each characters too.
    *be advised, ntr is involved.

    Final comment: I believe this is one of the best game in Alicesoft or the whole adult gaming industry as it perfectly balanced between the combat system, prostitution system and the H-scene + plot. It's definitely a worthy playing game, whole game playing length will be about 4 to 6 hours.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Yet another game with S-tier presentation and incredibly boring gameplay. It's turn-based combat with a very limited moveset (basically just equates to spend more mana = do more damage). Moving the characters doesn't cost anything and you can't change turn order whatsoever. It is genuinely difficult to lose a fight (I tried multiple times without success).

    You'll find more strategy in FFA shooters than you will in this game, and strategy is the only appeal other than the h-scenes, which are rare and surprisingly bad. You'd expect a lot of them since it's a brothel-esque sim, but fucking the girls just gives a text popup that says stats were increased and doing the nighttime game just shows the same static image of their body afterwards.

    The only scenes are scripted with main characters and all of the characters are generic stereotypical husks. There is virtually no emotion in the dialog other than "excited". They're all happy 24/7, which is especially weird in a game about trafficking. It feels like an unfunny gag manga, with scenes that are barely animated (despite every other thing in the game being over-animated) with very little variation and the same corny electric pop in the background.

    The long animations for every little thing, incredibly repetitive gameplay, and lacking h-content turned this into a chore to get through. I'm genuinely impressed that other people managed to get off to this slog.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Hunter's Reprisal

    An Alicesoft game is always to be expected to be good and they served a great game!
    Story (3.5): Kuma, the protagonist, who is the leader of a group called Nayuta that uses violence and prostitution to rebel against the city of Asougi oppressions. It's basically an anti-hero story. There are multiple endings and many juicy build ups and plot points. However, I'm starting to notice a trend that Alicesoft tends to rush their endings like in Evenicles and some of the Rance games I've played. There a lot of plot holes and a ton of unanswered questions that I would like to be answered. Maybe the game might get a sequel? Evenicles is getting a sequel.

    Gameplay (4.5/5): The gameplay is divided into different parts, Interacting, Hustle and Hunting. Interacting is basically just interacting with your girls, shop, and such, so maybe I shouldn't list this part as a gameplay part. Hustle is where you sell your female talents to customers to gain income. Hunting is where you get your talents. It is similar to Darkest Dungeon. The game is basically fairly simple and might eventually become repetitive to many. However, you don't need to grind in this game. You can basically complete the game underleveled due to how buffs work in this game. Regardless, it still an enjoyable experience. My little issue is that it doesn't have that difficulty that the other games by Alicesoft had. But that's my opinion. Other than that, it should be a 5/5. It's 4.5/5 imo for that reason.

    Characters (4/5): At the beginning of the game, the characters at the start and the protagonist already left an amazing impression. Each has their trait and uniqueness to be likable. Idk if I should put this comment in art only or not, but the character arts are really colorful, outstanding, and brings out the character in them. However, I will say that there is some flaws with the characters. Especially with some loose endings that the game has.

    Audio/Music (5/5): Every character, minor character, and nobodies are voice except for the protagonist which is basically the standard norms nowadays. (Personally, I can understand why gaming companies don't give voice overs to the protagonist, but that's a whole as different topic) Anyway, the music in this game is amazing. I would actually make a playlist for it later due to how good it is. It matches with the game, or just enhance the gameplay in general.

    Visuals/Art(5/5): The main part of the game that draw our attention and basically made us stay for the game too, the visuals and arts. Everything is basically eye candy. The colors, the animated artwork, the backgrounds, the chibi arts, UI, and etc. It just jaw dropping. If I were to compare it to something, the visuals is almost on the same level as Persona 5's visuals.
    In terms of H-scenes, the game serves everyone's fetish (rape, ntr, etc are included) while being amazingly portrayed. Even though the art isn't animated, it still gives an amazing experience in via voice acting, music, and many expressive art factors!

    Overall, 4.5/5. Rounding to a 5. The game is amazing for those who want high quality music, art visuals, amazing gameplay, and lovely characters. However, the story was good until like mid-late way. I don't know if it just me, or most of the Alicesoft games like Evenicles, few Rance games, and etc tend to have a rushed ending or so. Either way, it also satisfies anyone whether it's for the H-scene, or just for the game in general. Btw, you can avoid the "extreme" fetishes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    [Final] Fantastic artstyle, engaging gameplay mechanics, great dialogue - what else is there to ask for? The characters are unique and interesting, the events are frequent, and the combat is frankly addicting.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Young Breezy

    Certified KAMIGE.

    We talkin about multiple endings, FUN gameplay, professional voice acting, interesting story and setting, hours of content, GOD TIER art style, a cast of lovable characters you just won't get in any western adult game, and a BANGER SOUNDTRACK. Call me a weeb, but western adult games don't even come close to anything AliceSoft (or any other major dev from Japan) has put out, including this Godly game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't played many VNs as I am usually put off by the static images and sub-stellar art. Well, this one is trying and surprisingly succeeding in geting me hooked. Of course the fact that it has got some grimdark rape scenes in addition to sweet and happy onces is a major draw for me but the art is also near perfect and the colourful modern style is a pure eye candy. Gameplay is rather simple but just deep enough to be satisfying. Highly recommended.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    People complain about the Hustling Game but I quite like it.

    In terms of Agency the Player has it is all about what you items you buy and what you invest in.
    TP is less useful because you can just use as many items as you have, it depends on how larger the number of girls you have to take care of.

    The most important thing to understand is the Traits, everything revolves around traits. They give changes when the girl hustle/fucks.

    MEN is basically your growth rate potential that translates to TEC, especially with positive growth traits.
    TEC is what gives the actual result, so they are kind of useless if it isn't high enough, so yes there is a reason for the fuck command kind of.
    LKS you don't need as much as you think as it depend on the competition and you have options against your competition.

    It is a question of how much you invest, how long it lasts and how much of a return do you gain.

    Hustling Phase is another part of the your Agency, some Customers have Traits that they Gift.
    If you have more than 3 traits it's overridden, I am not sure if you can override negative traits.
    Appreciation Day is best for this to actually transform your girls from waste of spaces to hidden gems.
    MEN+ Gifts I also believe always gives positive MEN, although I could be wrong.

    Desperation Day on the other hand is your disposal day where you cash in your girls that have high TEC and the right traits but low MEN that you ultimately are going to dispose off. The Investment is finally Returned. They always have bad traits Gifted that can ruin them.

    One Tip is to have a Bad Looks girl that can act as your skip button so that the girls aren't used on certain customers.
    Another is the Hospital Map gives contraceptive items and rope that you can use to capture your competition.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    If looks could kill, then this game killed me. Dohna Dohna oozes with style and you could see all of that even at the main menu. Everything looks and feels awesome, from the UI, animations, visuals and music. It's the same feeling I got when I played Persona 5 and that says a lot. Now that I think about it, this is basically Persona 5's story and UI with gameplay elements of Darkest Dungeon plus porn.

    Content (9/10): My overall playtime of this game is around ~42 hours (189 in-game days) and that's only for 1 out of 7 endings, I got all the endings for the unique talents so I would say the total playtime of the entire story is 30-35 hours. To be able to complete EVERYTHING in the game I would say 55-60 hours as there's 1 ending that requires you to grind a lot of money. There's also a lot of bad endings, items to collect and CG's that can be obtained if a female character is overkilled (dealt 10x damage of their remaining health) so there's a lot of things you can do in this game.

    Story (6/10): You play as Kuma, a cold hearted son of a gun, who is the acting leader of a group called Nayuta that rebels against the city of Asougi using violence and prostitution. The story is basically an antihero's journey of conquering a corrupt city. The start and middle of the story is great but it eventually falls off at the end and I am left with disappointment when the game suddenly ended. There's so many loose ends for every character that the story flops when I got to the credits. It feels unrewarding. Also some of the twists aren't that good and is predictable.

    Gameplay (8/10): The gameplay is divided into two major parts, Hustle and Hunting. Hustle is where you sell your female talents to customers so that you can earn money. Hunting is where you get your talents and this is also the part where it has the same gameplay as Darkest Dungeon but dumbed down. I actually like the gameplay, some say it can become tedious and repetitive like the Hustle part of the game but I never had problem with it because I only do hustling when I need to progress a unique talent's story or it's a special day where you can obtain more money. I did little grinding since the game can be accomplished even if you are underleveled as buffs and debuffs has a huge impact in this game so use them always.

    Characters (7/10): Every character is a walking trope. Now is it a bad thing? Yes, to some characters unfortunately as it can be a bit annoying. However, some have great character development especially the protagonist and characters from one clan but the protag also suffers one thing...

    Voice Acting (8/10): Everyone is voice-acted, from the main characters, to supporting character and even nobodies and they did a fantastic job at it however one glaring issue is that, only the Protagonist is not voice-acted. He is a fully fledged character right from the start and not some blank state protag every RPG has but somehow he doesn't have any voiced dialogue. A huge loss knowing how great all the VA work.

    Visuals (10/10): The main selling point of the game, is the visuals. Everything looks awesome. Battle? Fully animated and is full of flashy moves, CG? High-quality, UI? So stylish, Character design? Awesome, Scenery? Astounding. Everything is great to look at. I don't have anything to say.

    Music (10/10): Next big thing is the music, there are times where I would just bop to the music and leave it there for a while as the game has amazing soundtrack. Battle music is a banger and it made it into my playlist of game music I admire.

    H-Content (9/10): H-content is divided into two, the Main Heroines and the Unique Talents. Main heroines h-scenes are great and if do not like one just choose to ignore them and focus on one character, there's a kink for everyone here and if you want some more risque kink, the Unique Talents offer a lot of things mainly NTR and rape so if you do not like that you ought to avoid many of them. Now, I know some prefers animated scenes over static images but what I like is substance. So whether it is animated or not, as long it gives more than enough then that it is a good thing. An animated scene with only two separate scenes is bad and CG's with only bare minimum static images is also bad but in this case the amount of variety per H-scene is a lot. There's some scenes that repeats but it only happens twice or thrice.

    Overall (8.5/10): I highly recommended this game if you want great art and music plus gameplay with chunky content to look forward to. Sadly, the story is the worst part of this game and it shows at the end of the game. Everything else though is great.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The amount of effort put into this is insane. I havent been following this closely as other people, but for me the hype is well deserved. Music, art style, gameplay are all amazing and fresh. Im only a few hours in but there hasnt been any bugs other than save data which was easily fixed.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.

    - Multiple Ending
    - The art is Fantastic.
    - Game mechanics prety solid
    - Music BANGER
    - Dialogues are voiced
    - Great Story
    - The most Pack VN i ever play with bunch of content

    - No animation for H part
    - The prostituition mechanic is realy meh for this type of game

    All and all, decent game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll start off by saying I had high expectation for this game since its announcement. I had no idea how the game played but the unique art style and clear polish the game flaunted in every showcase was enough for me to get excited. Well, this and the fact I'm an AliceSoft fanatic.

    Visually, the game easily lived up to the hype. I mean goddamn, the game is drawn in 720p and still looks miles better than anything put out this year by any AAA developer. This goes for the music too, the OST is a non-stop slapping Electronic/Drum 'n' Bass, top tier stuff.

    Now I'll talk about the writing for a bit. I thought the characters were pretty fun in general. There's a good amount of fun banter and interactions, events and sex. You have the usual exception to the rule though, ALyCE is bit too immature for my taste and Torataro is an insufferable idiot most of the time, although both have their moments. Antenna and Zappa are the stars of the show in my opinion. Zappa is such a bro, he keeps the group together and is always supportive in his own way, and Antenna is simply best girl, quirky but doesn't cross into overbearing territory, great design, excellent voice acting, hot CGs, she's got it all. As for the worldbuilding, I think they did a fine job, they set up the conflict and the main antagonist early on but, sadly, they do the bare minimum with it, there's so much wasted potential here. You do the same thing over and over throughout the game, you go hunting > someone in your party gets nabbed > rescue mission > minor reveal or a fight with a rival clan because why not, rinse and repeat. The plot is still serviceable, mainly carried by the cast, so it's not a complete chore but it could've been much more. Also, for a group a rebels there's not a lot of meaningful rebelling and I get that it's kinda the point but it certainly doesn't help either.

    Gameplay! I have mixed feelings about this one. I get that some players like this kind of simple and flashy gameplay but for anyone who likes a decent amount of depth and difficulty in their games, it's a bit underwhelming. Other AliceSoft titles have simply yet complex combat systems, they pull that off by creating these intricate little systems and have them work together, case in point Sengoku Rance and Daibanchou. DD's combat lacks that nuance, you have almost unlimited MP, you can swap characters mid-battle with almost no restrictions, the level scaling is broken so you're almost always overlevelled, it's just an unbalanced game or maybe it's meant to be that easy? I don't know but this type of "difficulty" curve is definitely not for me. However, what it lacks in complexity and challenge it makes up for in intuitiveness. Combat encounters are mostly short and sweet, sprite work is stunning and everything just feels snappy and impactful.

    Overall, the game's presentation is in a league of its own, and while story is underwhelming, it never drags thanks to the fun characters. It's a fun title, and it doesn't overstay its welcome. 8/10
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a high quality full fledge game. The art in this game is amazing. There are a ton of H content here with all sorts of varieties and fetishes. It has a turn base battle system with some tweaks involved. You are given two choices to either go on the map and battle or be a pimp. You can level up your relationship with your party members and get H scenes with the girls through battles and gifts. The pimping system allows you to make money and train girls. Only certain girls will give you H-Scenes when you pimp them out and they all feel like little side stories. The story is fun and exciting with the characters being likable. This is as highest quality as you can get with a full-fledge H game.

    I read some people don't like the pimping system with context to story and gameplay. People want that 100% vanilla righteous MC which eventually gets dull to me. The pimping system is not even hard at all I think some people are just lazy because it is a little bit of a grind. Training gets easier as you make more money and level up your girls. H-Scenes are censored so thats kind of a bummer hopefully we get an uncensored patch but I feel like it won't happen. There is ntr in this game but it didn't bother me because this is not a romance game where you have a crush, girlfriend or wife. Personal preference this is an Alicesoft game and I dislike lolis but this game gave me enough outside variety where it didn't bother me. If you like this game please buy it and support the creators so we get more content like this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One my my favorite eroge of all time. This is an AAA quality eroge, as others are from AliceSoft.

    -The art is top notch. I love the style, the animations, cg, backgrounds, sprites, are all amazing.

    -I found the gameplay to be super fun. Its kind of like darkest dungeon but a bit more basic. I really enjoyed it though. Note you can hold control to speed things up.

    -I LOVED all the characters. Main cast, villains, random side characters, everyone. They all appealed to me and had interesting unique personalities, and most have some kind of character arc and development through the story. They also all play off of each other well.

    -I found the scenes to all be really hot. While they don't go too extreme on the fetishes I loved it because when you care about the characters it turns for example a missionary scene from something generic to something I look forward to as the characters develop their relationship. The dialogue during these scenes is also great and the images vary a fair amount to change with what the dialogue says.

    -The overall story too is pretty intriguing. They develop the world well and I felt quite immersed in the story. They do this not through the main cast but also through the unique heroines that you pimp out.

    -I think unless you look at the wiki you would miss a fair amount of the bad ends. Check the dohna dohna wiki for help.

    -The pimping minigame isn't that fun. Tip to avoid it: Every day talk to girls (never have sex with them, except one D/D/D girl you keep to skip bad candidates and get 100 sex training achieve) and buy all MEN/LCK items from shop, only pimp them to B+ or higher candidates if you need money, and only when you need cash or for events. The shop randomly has sales ranging from 10-90% and you can even reroll the shop by loading your days start save. I highly reccomend using the sales to avoid doing more of this crap minigame.

    I give out 5 stars fairly often because so many of these games are awful that a standard game is a 5 in my eyes. This game is AMAZING, a 6 stars if I could. This and Evenicle imo are the most high budget real game eroges I have played, and I have played a LOT.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring AF. The art is the only good thing in that game. I dont care for the music, its a porn game so I just mute it.
    Most girls have small tits and butt, no much variety. The dialogue scenes are extremely long and boring.
    The sex scenes have good arts but it don't happen so often as it should.

    The worst part is the prostituition mechanic, it is what mainly maked me drop the game. You basically have to train the girls, but you dont got a SINGLE SCENE of you fucking them, you just hit a button and thats it. You dont got a single scene of them prostituting themselvs aswell, again you just hit a button and thats it.

    It could be a wonderful game, but the execution are just poor and even a good art cant save it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    alot style and too little substance is what you can describe this game as. should be 7/10 but because its so stylish it gets a 8/10 from my bias

    art 69/5- extremely great. probably the best i seen in a vn ever. has so much style in them other vn may have better looking art but they lack style, originality and creativity. The art alone tells you what kind of game this is gonna be its extremely expressive. One look you will think the vn is just gonna be chaotic fun with a bunch of misfits.

    character 4/5 - why not 5/5? While the character interactions are great you barely actually know them. Hell, even the main cast you barely know. But it lands the interaction between the characters which is what this whole game is about essentially, wished there was more about who each character is

    music 4/5- this is the good shit. At least for some of them, there's plenty of great ost in this vn that expresses what the game is about, and there's also a lot that falls flat. The start screen music tells you alot about what the games about that alone makes it 4/5.

    story 2/5- This is why I said all style and little substance. How did the main cast meet? Actual backstories except for a few sentences? story about the other 2 clans? what is the secret organization in the game? Where did they came from? So many things unexplained that feels like its either extremely rushed and the writers just write things on the go without properly expanding on previous things. Like theres suddenly a sister to kikuchiyo half way through the story without any mentioning of her before? How did she get her group? Also extremely contrasting stuffs. The writers tried to cater to everyone which is why i think the story isn't well written. Like why the fuck is the main cast business to prostitute girls? It saids because they need cash but when in the story has cash ever been a problem to them? Instead of so many prostitution scenes. The game would have been better if most of it is removed. Why not all? because the other 2 clans actually feel like they do it. The game makes you feel like your the good guy than slaps you and make you kidnap and prostitute girls. Like what?

    gameplay 3/5- The rpg part gets a 4/5 -1 point because of how grinding and repetitive it becomes but the prostituting part gets a 2/5 because of how disconnected it feels to the game.

    porn- 4/5- caters to both vanilla and darker them fans at the same time and falls flat imo. for darker theme all i feel is thats it? The game makes it like it never happened in the story which is BORING. i want to see what happens after the rape but the game acts like it never happened. For vanilla ones too much reused art like wtf. If they removed all the pointless unique npc scenes and instead added to more to the vanilla or the dark scenes to make each scene connect to each other more it would have been better. All the scenes feels disconnected which would have been better imo. i rather have a full bowl of 1 kind of icecream than 20 different spoons of different icecreams.

    tldr-Game has too much different variety but not enough quantity in each variety would rather they have less variety but more quantity.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, the haniwa's still kicking.

    I'm a sucker for turn based combat, and although the difficulty was toned too far down compared to Kichikuou Rance or Sengoku Rance, it remains enjoyable nonetheless. The sfx and animations contribute a great deal in my enjoyment of said combat.

    Cutscenes are numerous and fully voiced, which will cater to storyf..bros but there's a ton of min/max bullcrap and hidden mechanics for my people too.

    Great tunes too, upbeat, but in good taste.

    Overall, this title feels quite modern and polished, which makes it stand out in Alicesoft's catalog. Would recommend.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An actual, high quality game. Uh, yeah. Just... I spent almost 12 hours just playing it the day I downloaded it.

    Gameplay, 5/5: Fun? Fun.
    You go between a management game and an RPG. For the management, you have to manage captured girls and whore them out. You can't let them reach 0 Mental Energy, otherwise they break and you make no money. They can also gain traits or other resources depending on the client. So it's a careful balance of managing their mental state, pawning them out, Trying to keep it short, so lots of details are left out.
    The RPG part, there's enemy weaknesses, and your characters have certain roles. DPS, crowd clear, support, tank, etc. So you have to manage who does what, and who goes in front and whatnot. Akin to Darkest Dungeon, really. Yeah uh, not much to say. It's just anime Darkest Dungeon. Sometimes it has rather high difficulty spikes though, where you just beat a chapter, enemies do 1/10 HP of your tank, then another map that unlocks, they two shot them.
    Admittedly, there is a bit of RNG involved. From the item shop, to matching preferences, crits, etc. Sometimes you can just get RNG screwed, trying to get one stat (i.e. mentality) to a rank, but the shop just refuses to give you that item. Can be annoying.

    Visuals, 5/5: Really Good for an H-Game.
    Like, most H-Games, I'd give 5 for being "good for an H-Game" this game is actually, standalone, good looking. Cut-scenes, blips here, interactions there, attacks, etc. Like, everything is genuinely good. I haven't seen anything that looks bad.

    Audio, 5/5: Good.
    Gonna keep this short, everything's good. Music, sound effects, etc. It might get a bit droning, if you play it for like, 8 hours straight as I did. Voices are present (though MC doesn't have one in the VN part, just combat), NPCs have voices, battle cries, etc. Good shit.

    Story, 5/5: Excellent, Not Some... Berserk Level Stuff, but Good On It's Own.
    Without trying to spoil anything, you play as Kuma, broody, somewhat edgy, gets all the girls for some reason. You're part of an Anti-Aso group named Nayuta, basically fighting capita- I mean, this mega-corporation who's controlling people's lives. You get to learn more about your peers, and what-not. Obviously, there's more to it, like character motivations, traumas, backstories, tense moments, etc.
    However, it's nothing particularly GROUND BREAKING, but a good story, nonetheless.

    TL;DR, 5/5: Excellent Across the Board.
    Gameplay is good, difficult in the beginning, sorta easy later on (for the Darkest Dungeon bit). The opposite seemingly (for me, at least) for the harlot house. Visuals are very anime, but very good nonetheless. Story is good too, but nothing ground-breaking or mind-shattering.

    Shout outs to my best call girl, Mako Takimoto. Accidentally broke her; started getting too much to keep her sane. Sorry.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is absolutely top-tier, the story is great, the characters are interesting, and the gameplay is awesome. All the things you'd expect from Alicesoft.

    Highly recommend as a genuinely fun game to play. The porn is there, and it's prevalent, but this one stands on its own.