oh my god...you are lightyears too FAST for me!
(i.e. you're ~normal~ and I'm slower than a turtle!)
I know I did "at" you, but see down, I meerly wanted you to know about it,
and yes, this was not ~OK~ by me...
I only can apologize to you again! I NEVER meant you to change your MOD that massive,
because of my MOD that virtually NOBODY will be using...ahh..I'm SO MUCH SORRY!!!
following what I had started writing yesterday and finializing now:..
hmmm...I see, I see...
1st! thank you for your detailed explanation !
well "inspired" was not correct...I had meant my mini-update concerning translation.
Which was my fault from the start, because I failed to notice your translation-MOD before I published my MOD.
I DO (now) apologize!
Even though I'm not a native english too, I only roughly engaged in translation.
"someSayText" + str(someVarThatMayBeA-NumberOrNot) + "someOtherSayText"
will be a pain in the a?? if you want to translate!..
and I use that ~"somewhat"~ massively!..
(never thought about it...)
"solution" is to "tokenize" EVERY ~"string"~ and I now do admit,
I don't see much other way than "config.replace_text".
I DID have ~bad feelings~ about that, because it is one of the most
"TOP-LEVEL-CallBacks" of RenPy...many years ago, I did start using exactly that
to add "tips" to "choices"...
NOW I ~"override"~ the screen choice...
and thus I am very happy you found a way to translate
without replacing screen choice.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean with ´t.replace()´, I suppuse its something you commented out in your replaceText.rpy/c /// i.e. the simple python-string-method: replace.
but it doesn't matter!
I met text-tokenization when modding a game, that deactivated History, because it caused an exception, because dev used "[" in say!
I'm somewhat sure you know about it, but following (renpy-history)function does tokenize and can remove ~"text-tags"~:
renpy.filter_text_tags(h.what, allow=gui.history_allow_tags)
->while ´gui.history_allow_tags´ can be "allow" OR "deny"!
EDIT: (strikes) you can give (kw)Arg ´allow´ OR ´deny´ !)
I then fumbled with "strings.json" (I'm still looking for the dict in renpy.store, only found "zenpy_strings", but that seems to be a dict from translation to translation...)
I am using "continue"(WITH enclosing text-tag AND as an addition to "choice"(with leading line-break) aswell as in my "ChoiceScreens" especially in this game ALOT!
-> adding (e.g.) "continue" : "ITAcontinue" to the "strings.json" worked (nearly) perfect, all occurances of "continue" were replaced by "itacontinue", when "GBItalian" was selected!
I know it looks like...but I never meant by "tipping you" to:
quote: Tomorrow I'll update the Doll City translation and add your Mod.
I'm rightfully looking like a ... bad man ...
(you seemingly did one hell of a job (in NO time)! (though for now I haven't had a look at your MOD! MY FAULT!!!))
init python:
config.language = "GBItalian"
config.default_language = "GBItalian"
yes this works, I would think setting config.default_language to "is not None" may result in loading a game, always using the default language; at least that was happening to me when I tried...
Not sure if this is (still) relevant, but I would want to be able to "switch" languages...
(you said you did that, and I'm sure it works like a charm!..)
(Are you there?

hah...yeah, kinda;)
you shamed me, and I'm in your debt!
you should not have translated all my lousy screen-blah-blah!!!
"continue" "enable" "enabled" ... and so on and so forth should have been flagged BY ME _("translatable")
happy to have got more insight to translations!
unhappy someone else had to bug out MY failures...
will have a look to your update! (though I fear there will be no wish left for me to utter)