Unreal Engine Doll Labo [v0.1.1] [3d Package]

3.80 star(s) 5 Votes


New Member
Nov 30, 2024
Just wanted to say this game is really good so far! Super excited for what's to come - also are there any similar games like this?

Edit: Whoops, looks like this is a FNAF-style game, which shows a bunch of similar games (more animatronic however)
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Active Member
May 4, 2017
It’s too dark in the game and you can’t really see anything, a flashlight would be nice, maybe I didn’t find the light switch, I don’t know
Um, like pressing 'F'?

Fn weeping angels, those things always freak me out. But great start to the game. Has a base gameplay that makes it easy to add in whatever scenes/kinks you want.
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Dec 13, 2019

Shame the game doesn't have a light dark meter to stay hidden in the dark
Apart from the Unreal Engine issues, you have mentioned mostly Quality of Life additions you'd prefer in the game which would change the game on fundamental levels, mostly for the worse. Part of the entertainment of games like these is that not everything is fed to you and you have to discover and trial and error things for yourself. Or go on sites like this one to discuss stuff with others.
You don't need hiding spots, or a light meter, since this is not a stealth game, it is supposed to be a "horror" game where "monsters" chase you and they are supposed to have advantage over you.
Clearer objectives and "x item here" distract from the already easy pattern of going into every room and check each corner. It would not change what you have to do in a run, it would just clutter the screen with more garbage.

this game is nearly unplayable with how much motion blur there is
I have not really encountered motion blur in the strict sense. I noticed frame jittering when the game is having issues generating its frames properly, which I got around by turning Antialiasing to its lowest setting and putting on a frame rate cap. The game is not properly optimized for the level of detail it has, so I hope this will be done with more updates.
If they stick to the detailing of the models and textures, they don't need massive Level of Detail settings, Shadow detailing etc.
Mar 6, 2022
No idea how to get all the scenes, but for anyone wondering heres how to do just about every task/most of the item spawns(i think)
  1. Picking up trash: There are two spawns for trash in the office, one on the desk, one in the trash(yeah don't ask me why you have to trash things that have been in the trashcan already lol), two trash that can spawn on the desk in the doll's room, and then three that can spawn on the table to the right(one in the can, two on the table).
  2. Clean handwashing: The bathrooms both have sinks, just clean those. They're down the left hallway from the office when you spawn.
  3. Clean Staff room: Pizzabox in the staffroom on the table, its to the right of the office when you spawn.
  4. Check the Whiteboard: There is a few different ways to get to this room, you can go right immediately when you spawn, past the staff room and down another hallway, through a door to the right, and then another door to the right where there will be a whiteboard to clean. It looks like a meeting room.
  5. Repair What's Broken: You need to find the gloves and drill, then go to the room with the robots on the stage(I think they're also dolls, but for sake of differentiating them from the roaming enemy I'll just call them robots)and go to the door with the red light on it. Then turn and look at the electric panel and fix it.
  6. Clean the bottle: You'll need the keycard for this room(which I think its kind of dumb to make you unable to complete all tasks in the game unless you have the keycard bought, but they're all down to rng either way I guess). Either way this room is right next to the system room(where you deal with the system hack) and you need to unlock it each time you play, go in and then fix the bottle.
    1. Return the bottle: same room as above, except you just pick up the bottle and hold e on the table I believe
  7. Find and Return the core: You have to find the green glowing cube that spawns around the map, bring it to the dolls room(In the robot room with the door to the repair task, just keep going straight, turn right when you enter and go till you find the thing that says 'hold e to return core') and return it in the corner.

I believe that's every task, but if anyone wants to feel free to reply/quote this if I'm wrong.

Item Spawns: I'm gonna start this by saying I don't know every spawn of the drill, as some runs of this game I've not been able to find it at all.

  • In the robot's stage room, right in front of them.
  • Also can spawn in the storage room, which you get to by taking the furthermost left door in the stage room, entering the hallway and then the door right across from the left stage door. Should be by the crates.
  • Can spawn in the computer room, next to one of the desks.
  • Can also spawn in the locked room you need the keycard for, by the bed.
  • In the office you spawn in, to the leftmost on the desk.
  • In the Storage room on the rack
  • In the doll's room to the left when you spawn, sits on some devices(?) I believe.
  • In the storage room, on the same rack the gloves can be
  • In the meeting room, on the little alcove.
  • There should be a third spawn somewhere, that I might've seen and forgot. Sorry!

Bonus: The system hacks are dealt with by heading to the office you spawn in, and looking at the red usbs on the desk. Hold e to grab one, then rush back to the computer room and you'll find a computer with the hacking symbol on it. Quickly hold e to end the hack.(this is a little mean of a task lol)

I believe that's all, but anyone whose delved deeper then me can feel free to add or take over from this. Cheers.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2020
Map layout by chance?

I mean, normally you would be given a tour of the place and familiarize yourself of the location before you start a job as a security guard of a facility.
3.80 star(s) 5 Votes