Ren'Py - Completed - Doll World [v0.11] [Slooty Slots]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    fan of the artist and fetish. AI stuff is fine idm. Some of the AI is kinda poorer quality but I see improvement so im excited for the future when they get used to the tools. why do i need 200 characters for a review
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    There's almost no continuity in the game and almost no story. At random you're going through scenes you've already been through. Some interesting use of AI, but way overused in the end and not very well executed.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I dunno what to even say lol

    - Huge tits on thin and skinny women (turn off for some)

    - No plot whatsoever. I can't piece together what even happened here
    - The map system is terrible
    - Why are you still here reading this review, go play a better game

    Yeah skip this game unless you wanna quickly get all the scenes. Takes about 30 minutes if you speedrun it
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Avoid this game, it's better to spend time even playing other game another time rather than playing this game.

    Ladies models are decent, animations also not terrible not fantastic and that all good things in this game. Concept was interesting but execution is terrible, like developer didn't know what he wanted, he introduces something new and forgets about it in the next version. And that AI stuff is just garbage.

    I repeat avoid this "game" at all cost.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The first few updates were alright - decent renders, but lackluster story.
    After the overuse of AI however the game has been slowly spiraling into mediocrity.
    The final update is a mockery of the game, with all the flaws of AI images laid bare.
    AI when used right can be enjoyable, but with this game....
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a fever dream of a game where after it's done you still have no idea wtf you just experienced.

    +The models are good looking (until the AI art seeps in)
    +Fast H content
    +Braindead Bimbos

    Sadly that's about all I can say for the positives. The game jumps around completely randomly with grammar errors everywhere and no semblance of a coherent story. You just poof poof poof into scene after scene where you suddenly have magic bimbo powers for some reason.

    I mean if all you are looking for is a fast fap it's aight, but other than that this thing is a steaming mess of sloppy ideas, art, and execution.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was actually off to a decent start.

    The over-the-top bimbo renders – which we're used to from this game maker – were good as always.
    The interface and progression were also even much less bug-riddled that what we're used to from that maker.

    For a couple of updates, the game seemed promising.

    Unfortunately, all of the sudden, they decided to completely and utterly ruin the game by flooding it with low-rent, garbage AI images, which makes up the majority of content in recent updates.

    Very sad.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I think I am in Chapter 7 now and am not sure if I like it or not tbh...but it takes me out of the "universe" if I may say so, but the AI doesnt work for me.
    Don't know but the faces dont fit the rest of the ingame "Dolls"
    throws me off
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is off for me in many ways. I get the fantasy of the bimbo, not my thing but I get it, and yet it doesn't justify the poor writing or the even poorer development of events or illogical/absurd worldbuilding around it. Choices seem to matter nothing to the point that no one has bothered making a walkthrough. And events just seem to happen for the stupidest of reasons.

    Render quality is decent if you're into very over exagerated body proportions. Animations, at least as far as I got before quitting, are a bit basic. Music exists but I found it annoying.

    So, all in all, only get into this if you need a quick fap or you are really into this fetish.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Not my Fetish so my rating is probably unfair.

    Anyways, i prefered the models without the power of the MC.

    Then about the story? what about it? there is one? To my point of view that was a collection of porn clips...

    The dialogue was bimboesque or bimbo like ^^

    So if you are a bimbo kink guy or girl then may be add a few stars but no more that's not a perfect game i would prefer some corruption in the story.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4716251

    First thing first, this game reminds me Idiocracy movie, which is good way.

    Renders are really good, and this game has a great vibe.

    Dolls are generally not my taste, but I really liked the vibe so 4 stars is really fair for this game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    4 stars for the quality of the graphics and animations. Even if the bimbo look isn't your thing the quality here is genuinely great.

    0 stars for story/writing. You can just mash through the dialogue and you won't miss anything.

    If you like what you see you'll like it. Don't expect Shakespeare.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    + Realistic dolls
    + Engrish
    + Good plot
    + Choices that matter
    + Nice red car

    - Long game
    - Short horse dick
    I hope it is played by as many as possible, it is a good game, a big step forward on the road to Idiocracy.