RPGM - Domina [v10.0] [Dekarous]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Masterclass on how not to make a porn game; or any game. Fights take forever and you have to repeat them multiple times. Attacks miss way too often, making many fights entirely luck based. Extremely long attack animations for enemies, so you get to sit there for 15 seconds while the same boot attack animation replays 3 times.

    The only good part of this game is the art.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh, Domina. It used to be my favorite femdom game. Well, despite some disappointments, the reasons why I loved this game are still present. The biggest issue would be to decide who would be my bride, Katrina or Narcissa.

    Nevertheless, I'd not be fair if my rating excluded the obvious flaws that everyone can see both in the game and in the game development itself (which actually isn't a part of my evaluation, but the consequences of game development problems are present in the game).

    All in all, not a bad game - but could be better, much better!

    • Shakie arts are really good! She made well designed 2DCG characters. No exceptions here!
    • The first 5 dominas (Katrina, Madeline, Narcissa, Mary and Rosita) have a good diversity of scenes. The available fetishes varies according to the Domina, but you'll find feet/boots/armpit/ass worship, facesitting & oral servitude, lactation, farts and full toilet (piss and scat).
    • Dialogues and narrative is very well written!
    • The plot is really interesting.
    • Musics are great! It fits every realm very well. Sound effects are typically good and have a nice synergy with the H-scenes, with some few exceptions (eg: piss and scat sound effects - the Domina is shitting on a face and not a water-filled toilet; the sound effect should match this)
    • Combat system is very well designed. You can choose among different classes and weapons. It features a skill tree as well.
    • There is some potential on the new artist.
    • Personalities and dialog choices help to create a good player immersion in the game.

    • Heavy grinding! If you don't cheat, you'll pass more time seeing ugly skeletons than beautiful dominas. Level progressing is the worst part of this, it is really really slow.
    • The game is very long and repetitive (partly due to grinding issue). Without cheats, expect at least 5 hours to reach the 9th Domina (Hora), especially if you don't know anything about the game. 5 hours is VERY optimistic, you could get this time if you just aim for beating dominas without care for H-scenes.
    • Take your best insecticide before playing, because you won't find bugs - they will find you! You should save everytime, and use different saves (so you won't take the risk of losing everything by saving AFTER you got into a softlock situation). You'll never know when the game will crash or softlock you. And I'm not even talking about skills that doesn't work and always deal NaN 0 damage (thankfully, you can solve this issue following these steps). If you already know the game, you can play it almost normally if you manage to remember situations that leads you to crashes or softlocks (doors are especially dangerous in Franziska realm, and the reason is not related to her gore thematic). The fact that we have bugs that lasts for more than 2 years since the official release is the icing on the cake.
    • I know the default for RPGM is 20, but taking the last point and the quantity of Dominas into account, 50 save slots is somewhat low for this game. It should be at least 100.
    • Sexual content in any domina after Rosita is very shallow. Until Rosita, we've had a lot of battle fuck. You'd see Katrina facesitting you and cumming in your mouth, Rosita smothering you with her breasts, Madeline's feet in your mouth... but after Franziska, all dominas attack moves are just normal physical or magical attacks (no facesittings, no strapons, no spits, nothing).
    • Easy mode makes you lose some content. This fact is the only reason why I didn't include the presence of difficulty settings in the "PROS" section. It would be better if, instead of destroying battle mechanics, the Easy Mode just boosted the stats of your char, so you'd always win when possible.
    • We could have an option to skip the few lezdom scenes present in the game (I'm mostly talking about Mary raping Llavanya)
    • The game would be considerably better if we had a checkpoint selector, so we can jump straight to the domina we want instead of relying on saves or playing for hours just to reach the last content (and find out it wasn't worth).
    • The new artist is good, but the new arts for old characters are not ok. Body proportions and the everything about faces doesn't fit at all. Katrina and Narcissa were the worst by far (and the best ones were Mary and Franziska). That said, designs for the new Domina (Ruby - not present in v9.9) are nice.
    My rating: 5.0/10.0
    This game has a great potential of being good. But Dekarous needs to give more attention to this game if he wants to bring it back to the former glory.

    Of course, the issues concerning the artist is the biggest challenge here, but he shouldn't overlook things that are in his hand right now. A new artist won't erase bugs and heavy grinding issues. For this cases, all he needs to do is to open RPG Maker and do his job.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played 9.1, honestly I don't get why people say it's grindy, I've finished available content taking my sweet time and enjoying scenes in 10.30h or so and was a breeze, maybe picking duelist and going with whip was an overkill on evasion.
    It covers niche fetishes like farthing, and gross stuff (toenails etc), it has stress and enslavement techniques.
    Nice scenes and honestly the Mary+ llavanya plot won me over.
    I would just avoid forcing the player to lose 10 TIMES WITH THAT FKING BITCH lol..
    Ok rant over. It was super satisfying to beat her tho.

    Overall 5/5 for me
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with beautiful art and kinks. I excitedly await every update.
    The store is dark and humiliating and will always keep you yearning for more. Battles are fun. A tiny bit grinding but you're nit supposed to go in over leveled. Losing to the Dominas still feels like a win.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Id play on easy mode or with a cheat enabled cause the game is quite grindy. HOWEVER the characters are top notch, scenes and art are very good and I genuinely cried at the Hora part of the story, if you ignore the combat it is one of the best
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    English is not my first language sorry for it being rough.

    I want to like this game but it feels like a scam by this point. The fighting isn't fun and the events are not worth it. Every character feels and look the same.
    And there to many bugs I wish the developer focused more on the polish then content or maybe scaling down his idea
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Borderline scam.
    Domina is essentially a clicker with low effort cutscenes. The combat is just spam until you win with no thought behind its fights. Every domina plays the exact same except for 1 of them. Every new update is unfinished trash to stop the game from being seen as completely abandoned.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Just for context I'm reviewing this game mainly for it's sexual content and not it's gameplay because I don't expect good gameplay in a rpgm game anyways. These sorts of games are almost always grindy af (looking at you ToT) and kinda repetitive. The art and scenes are good, and I think have decent dialogue that fit each primary domina. My main complaint is that this game uses little to no effects in its scenes and relies almost soley on cgs. And while I do like the CGs I believe it'd benefit from using more effects or just minor animations.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Domina is a good idea just done wrong. Now before I begin I'm not comparing it to other games, that's not fair. Nor am I expecting a perfect high-quality style game from a solo dev.

    There's a bunch of femdom RPG games nowadays but that's not the reason of the poor review. If anything I like how there's a lot of them!

    I'm giving it a poor review cause the execution of the game is lacking.
    For starters the game is REALLY grindy. I'm fine with doing some here and there but when it becomes a requirement for each fight it gets tedious and mindless. The game is also really hard, when each update is like over an hr or so I feel like it's doing the game a negative rather than a positive.

    I could deal with all of that if the H scenes were any good. The art is nice sure, but they're pretty boring and stale, then others go too far with blood play.

    Sorry for the dev I hope they don't take this to personally but this isn't for me
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The game itself is great. I like the story, the art, the music and the whole atmosphere of it. It's femdom focused, with content you might find to be too extreme (urination, scat). But there's not much of it. The biggest problem of the game is the developer. They used to produce about 1 update every two/three months. Now it is much slower, even to the point that a lot of people believe that the game has been abandoned.

    Still, if you don't mind an unfinished story, the story so far is awesome and the femdom content is strong.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    What to say? Domina is a good idea poorly made due to a Dev not knowing what he's doing, where he's heading or even how to test his game. I could write pages upon pages on how this game fails on some very basic fundamentals. The game is a buggy mess that breaks even more every passing updates. Save yourself a brain aneurysm if you will. This game was worth it very early one (First 3 or 4 Dominas) but became an unredeemable mess due to the sheer ineptitude of the creator to provide content and quality that is a minimum respectable to supporters.

    Avoid supporting Dekarous, your time and/or money will be better invested on literally any other game of the same genre.

    Edit: 9.5.2 just dropped and somehow this game manages to get worse and worse. After spending a whole year of turning his thumbs and not doing anything, living in drama and syphoning over $12,000 from his dumb loyal patreons, Deka has done it again! A piss poor update with very little work done and some super awful AI generated scenes with piss poor humor. You can't write this shit. Lowered my rating from 2 stars to 1 star. If I could give half a star, I would at this point.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    8 dominas are implemented as of domina version 8.0. Very grindy game. Every domina has her own personality. From foot worship to gore. Even tho some scenes are hot, i feel like this is more more of a game rather than an erotic adventure. So iam kinda disappointed. Other games are less grindy. For 1 Domina you need around 1hours, and that is on the "easy" route. Playing normaly i think it would take around 2 to 3 hours per domina. Very Grindy, not my cup of game.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Menacing Pervert

    Terrible game, full of bugs, dev doesnt care. Releases are as often as Rockstar games promise for GTA VI. Even when they come it's 5-10 minutes worth of your time and 2-3 scenes with stolen art. Avoid.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    I must say this game is not technically bad,its more a matter of personal taste and not only.

    Music: It is ok,not bad or good
    Combat:Outside of story segements,the fights are pretty straightforward and what i dont like is that you have to grind alot.
    Add to this the random and boring fights who are pretty much just attrition warfare.
    Love the specilization and variation in the player classes but it still doesnt go far enough.
    Scenes: This is one of the things that brings the game down alot,the dialogue is very vulgar,even though i expected it to be harsh but this is too much and a big turn off,later in the game you get more brutal scenes up to the point that budget harley quin cuts off a dick,in general very digusting,brutal and a major turnoff.
    Story: Not exactly bad but not exactly good,after the goddess that the player serves gets captured and as time goes on the story becomes more depressing and boring.
    No side quests,items are very simple and few options.

    Not bad at the start but i dont recommend it,it gets far too brutal and vulgar to be enjoyed unless you are a masochist/sadist.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game with a wide range of kinks to satisfy most people. The gameplay is decent without much grinding if you chose the easy mode and the story is interesting too. Had similar vibes like the game Tower of trample , which is another great game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Normal difficulty mode is way too hard. I spents maybe two hours trying to pass the first mistress... more the "challenging" mode. I don't want to restart and listen all the infinite text (it's cool the first time you play, but it's boring as hell if you just have to wait, it pass so sloooowly)

    Add some weapons to buy at game start to make the game more enjoyable. And a tool to change difficulty in-game.
    This should make players have some rewards and takes them to want to go further.

    3 stars cause it's really well written and there is a lot of situations playable. It semms to have more content, but i've died of boredom for leveling for now on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    (Ver 8.0)

    I went into this game after looking at the screenshots fully expecting a standard RPGMaker game with uninspired scenes and boring combat. After looking at the screenshots, I assumed it was only one fleshed out enemy. But my expectations were absolutely blown out of the water. You don't just get 1 fully fleshed out girl to choose from, you get 12 (soon to be 13) all with their own unique personalities and scenes. The game features:

    -12 Unique dominant girls
    - Bad ends where you get enslaved by almost all of them
    - At least 5 fully drawn and scripted scenes for each girl
    - Fetishes ranging all the way from soft domination, all the way to vore/gore (avoidable)
    - Fully-fleshed class system with 6 classes to choose from, all of which have subclasses
    - The option to give in willingly or fight back
    - A decent story, fairly long to play through
    - Little to no bugs

    I really highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys femdom. If you can work your way through the story and enjoy the character progression, you're bound to find at least one domina that really fits your tastes. If you want a motherly dom who tries to be nice to you, there's Madeline and Rosita. A whip cracking sadist? Katrina and Mary. What about threesomes? Mika/Maki. Gore has Franziska, sadomasochism has Narcissa, and there's even Giantess with Raa.

    All in all you really can't go wrong if you enjoy any form of femdom. Amazing Game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is:
    - Long
    - has a lot of fetishes, some of them might be too extereme TBH, but they are skippable,
    - not much grinding
    - I like art (mommy, BBW women)
    - Story is good
    - I never encountered a bug.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Domina by Dekarous - version 8.0

    This game is more than just a regular porn game. It sucks you in for long hours of rpg combat and I think thats great!

    Some fetishes included may seem extreme, and if u are worried about gore, you have the option to blur it.

    The art itself is a solid 9/10. It isn't a full hd imagery set, but it suits the whole game really well.

    Domina design for me is the part that kept me playing, especially Rosita and Franziska, both of them are really well built characters and if you consider being enslaved u should definetly give them a try.

    The gameplay itself may be difficult at first, but there is always a way of beating every chapter. Btw, those who ask do not miss!

    On the other hand tho, the game is a bit bugged, remember to save your game as often as possible, in orded to avoid getting yourself into a corrupted save file situation.
    Also the fact that some of the info is required to be found by yourself, makes the game a bit annoying. (for example how exactly does the corruption system works. Trial and error pretty much)

    Im honestly waiting for patch 9.0, keep up the good work Dekarous!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, but falls a bit short of greatness.

    Art 4.5/5: It's great, sometimes the body proportions aren't quite perfect, the feet in particular are hit or miss, but there's improvement as the game progresses, which at least to me is the most important thing when it comes to ongoing indie H-games.

    Gameplay 3/5: Nothing to write home about, it gets the job done, although there are some segments that are plain tedious or too linear, personally I wasn't bothered by them too much.
    It is worth mentioning that I'd take whatever this game has to offer in terms of gameplay over pretty much anything made on Ren'Py.

    Story 2.5/5: Again, it's quite average, but I feel like it's just there to give some basic incentive to the player to get through the game.

    Dialogue 4/5: This one confuses me the most.
    I feel like Dekarous got a bad reputation when it comes to writing because of sunny coast college (which admittedly did have awful dialogue).
    There are remnants of that game's writing that carried over to the first domina, but after that, it becomes so much better (except on a few select occasions).

    Overall 4/5: It gets the two most important aspects of H-games right (Art and dialogue).
    I think some animated scenes and a more engaging gameplay could easily elevate it to a 5/5.
    But even in its current state, I think it's a must play or at the very least a must try for anyone into femdom.