RPGM - Domina [v10.5] [Dekarous]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, but falls a bit short of greatness.

    Art 4.5/5: It's great, sometimes the body proportions aren't quite perfect, the feet in particular are hit or miss, but there's improvement as the game progresses, which at least to me is the most important thing when it comes to ongoing indie H-games.

    Gameplay 3/5: Nothing to write home about, it gets the job done, although there are some segments that are plain tedious or too linear, personally I wasn't bothered by them too much.
    It is worth mentioning that I'd take whatever this game has to offer in terms of gameplay over pretty much anything made on Ren'Py.

    Story 2.5/5: Again, it's quite average, but I feel like it's just there to give some basic incentive to the player to get through the game.

    Dialogue 4/5: This one confuses me the most.
    I feel like Dekarous got a bad reputation when it comes to writing because of sunny coast college (which admittedly did have awful dialogue).
    There are remnants of that game's writing that carried over to the first domina, but after that, it becomes so much better (except on a few select occasions).

    Overall 4/5: It gets the two most important aspects of H-games right (Art and dialogue).
    I think some animated scenes and a more engaging gameplay could easily elevate it to a 5/5.
    But even in its current state, I think it's a must play or at the very least a must try for anyone into femdom.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Each character have a unique personality and appeal,the kink crescendo is every exiting and intriguing.
    The gameplay have a balanced challenge and even if i usually play at easy mode i liked it.
    Would love to see it completed.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Bad game design absolutely ruined the game experience. I played this game but I had to stop because of how cluelessly it was made. I could not enjoy whatever porn there was.

    My first issue with this game: zombies.
    I simply do not understand why I have to fight zombies in this porn game. They are a bad addition. They have a custom epic music and graphics so I assume zombies were very intentional. This is a waste of resources. Also, they are quite OP unless you have the correct items. They just are not fun.

    My second issue: quality of life.
    This game wastes your time. Maps are not fun: there are no TP shortcuts and some are actual mazes. Also, there is no recollection room for past porn events. Merchants are far apart. The merchant interface is confusing, which might result in a loss should you sell items for no revenue (yes, I wrongly assumed that SELLING an item was going to make be richer). The combat interface is stupid. Many menus are empty, the Surrender skill is listed first so inattention will result in a Game Over. Last but not least, the skip feature that RPGM dialogue natively has is disabled!

    My third issue: derp
    I firmly believe that the dev has no idea what he is doing with RPGMaker. When the game tries to be original it just makes things worse IMO.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Where should i start.

    This is not a generic h-game, almost every single domina includes scat scene, some are from your requests, some from defeated, some only after you are bound by them.

    There's also like 'job' classes being implemented to 'introduce various combat styles", I played duelist, had trouble early on the game until i am fighting narcissa and switched over to feral strike knife that hits 3 times in a turn, can be quite OP as well all things considered. Some said Arcanist are the most OP class but I never tried it.

    There are numbers of game breaking bugs, and also those unavoidable. Just close the game and reload, try different approach to avoid such bug

    I kind of like this game, it has the most filthiest (yes, in a positive way) scene such as description of consuming the stuffs.

    Some of the dialogues are somewhat kind of too lengthy when you are in a rush just to see and there's no way to immediately skip them or fast forward. I do appreciate there's also an option not to show extreme content; scat & gore.

    Battle system, can be quite lengthy because the 'boss' fights often heal 2/3rds of their hp. Just use shadowbound + healing aura, you should be safe, except Mary

    I also appreciate that there are hints/explanation/warnings on certain realms that; you should be careful on specific route such as Mary's realm, you need to lose to her in combat several time to proceed. And Rosita's realm, relationship with her will not be improved after defeating her

    In conclusion, this game would've been worth as much as gold bar for some of the extreme genre contents along with the dialogues; scat, gore, golden shower, inanimate object, vore, anal vore. Which, almost none of the h-games out there even want/care to put these kinds of genre.

    If i were to choose which domina i would like to be with (along with their genre and content):
    1. Rosita - her dom scene are almost at a soft dom, except the toilet, but hey, you're being bound, rest aren't
    2. Narcissa - sometimes you adore a woman that's always naked, with somewhat childish personality, her 'house' lacks something, and she is the only one has lactation out of all. Lastly, that description of being with her is just great too
    3. Raa - inanimate transformation, too bad it's not enough or buggy (i heard this game development is in utter chaos now)
    4. Mika Maki - double the fun, golden shower at most, sissification (cute, I mean it), gory cock torture
    5. Mary - tending her 'morning need', chastity, sissification, pegging
    6. Franziska - most extreme content of all, too bad the binding are bugged of black screen only, her room's floor pattern can be annoying to watch
    7. Madeline are quite similar to Katrina
    This review is on v8.0.1
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Its really hard to rate this one tbh. Its not bad in any way. Its just not as good as Tower of Trample. It does everything ToT does but takes it a level down. The Dominas themselves are somewhat interesting but they are kinda generic. The levels are the high point tbh. Labyrinth, forest and the saw worlds were cool af, wish there were more adventure worlds instead of just walk up to the character and fight her worlds. Fights get tedious at higher levels, or maybe im shit at building the characters but it took me half an hour to beat the two girls boss and not because i got my shit kicked in, but because they had 1000000000 hp and it just took a long time to kill them. I also dont like the art of this game but thats too subjective to deduct any points for it. Music is decent,sound effects dont really hurt my ears which is a plus in those rpgm games. All in all id say look at the art, if you like it play this game if not just play ToT or any other of those games.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    LoveHurts really wanted me to play this damn game so I did. I didn't beat the game, and I have no idea if I will. RPGMs aren't my favorite game, nor RPGs in general. So, there might be some bias.

    Gameplay, 3/5: Mostly Standard RPGM Fanfare
    Turn based RPG, balancing HP, MP, and Adrenaline, sometimes called SP in other games. To be honest, it's nothing amazing but it's good enough. There's some depth like class selection and stuff, but some minor problems is that you can't reclass. So you have to choose a class, and if you don't like it after a while, you have to stick with it or reload when you made your decision.
    Secondly, the amount of "skills" you pick up is very... Padded out? There's just a bunch of minor stat boosts and mastery bonuses. It'd be great if it was cut down so you get bigger bonuses, but fewer to pick up.
    Grinding is also a must, got to lvl 8 and only barely beat the first boss (on Normal, as Crusader) because her whip deals ~1500 DMG, and I'm already one-shotting most enemies. IDK if there was supposed to be a way to reduce her damage, but I was using the best eqps I could use at the time. Some people like grinding, personally, I don't.
    Dialogue and stuff also feels a bit excessive. Probably spent like, 20 minutes on it's "Tutorial" speedreading text and spamming Z because holding it doesn't speed text for some reason.

    TL;DR, it's not bad, but there's a lot of what feels like filler, and minor pacing/balancing issues. I.E first boss first phase, absolute cake walk. Second phase, does insane damage on one attack. Lots of minor stat boost "skills" lots of grinding, lots of dialogue, though it is an S&M game so I guess all that dialogue is for degrading you, huh.

    Visuals, 4/5: Dominos Pizza Girls look fine, mob enemies meh.
    The main Dominican girls look fine, very anime. The Dominating girl's lackeys, look very "stock" image/asset store, if you know what I mean. The tileset and other stuff like menu is standard RPGM stuff. They're fine, nothing horrendous but... Eh.

    Audio, 3/5: Standard Stuff
    Slashing and combat is very RPGM, as in, it is the stock sounds. But, at least it's present. The music is fine; I recognize a few like the main menu screen (forgot the name) but otherwise... Eh.

    Plot, 3/5: Very Cliche
    So, you're summoned by the Goddess of Twitch to banish E-Thots and steal their OnlyFans accounts. In a more accurate terms, you, Joe Schmoe, was summoned by the Goddess of Light to defeat the 13 Dominas and break their seals to prevent calamity from occurring. You're one of millions, and the other millions failed.
    Each Domina has their own personality, the first being very headstrong and obviously very dom heavy with whips and leather and shit, the second is more subtle than that, playing mind games n' shit. That's the furthest I've gotten, so I'm really just assuming they're all different. It's nice but... The overarching story is pretty bland. There's no real questions asked, it's just a porn game where you act as the sub.
    Which is another problem, nothing you're forced to say makes sense or you can't just... Not? Like the first lady, I already knew she'd break her "promise" and I didn't want to listen to her at all and give her anything. Well it's relevant to the plot and whatever as she makes a strength potion that I promptly chug down like a gamer chugs Monster, but I guess I can't feel immersed, personally. I'm dumb, but not that dumb.
    TL;DR, plot is cliche as hell, goddess of light/life/goodness wants you to kill big bad(s). Fortunately, the big bads have unique (enough) personalities. But your character can only say dumb things or is just too dumb to realize other things.

    TL;DR, 3/5; It's an okay game. I actually might play it later.
    It's nothing amazing in all categories, gameplay is pretty standard, a little bloated, but decent enough "depth." Visuals is okay, the girls look fine but mobs are boring. Plot is cliche, MC is dumb, but girls are unique enough. Music and sound effects are fine, they don't break and they fit. Personally, there's a bit too much dialogue, and it feels like you're roped into decisions you don't care to make; which doesn't give a deep, philosophical, "We're all pawns of fate" nor an S&M, "You're a dog who obeys their master" feel; it's just... Eh.

    It's not shit, it's just not great.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    My first official review (talking about 7.5.1) so it might be rusty, I'm usually an observer on the site. So let's start with some good things game offer:

    -I like that the dominas actually have some story, plans and you understand why they are powerful enemies (compared to some other games you know which ones).

    -I love the art, battling is fine but yeah you kinda have to grind. Still it is simple and it doesn't require bachelor's degree to beat your opponent.

    -Every domina has it's own realm, theme, gimmick and powers so there's everything for everyone (for now at least).

    -Story is interesting and I wish to know more, especially about the final domina and Llavanya's real face. They can go the route of an angel betraying you and being main antagonist, which is very possible with her. I guess i just wanna know what will happen.

    - My BIGGEST problem is that you cannot re-fight dominas you already defeated. That is such a letdown. Defeat gives you only progress to the next one, also you cannot be in affair with more. This in the end gives you the scenario where you defeated all of them, but you can't get any scenes from any of them either. I hope creator fixes this in the final versions (like a cg/animated gallery).

    -Next thing would be overall variety of h-scenes the game offers. I will not be rough like some other reviewers, but I've got to admit that Patreon voting is bad idea. You should build a game yourself not make people vote for it. Patreon can be useful tool for certain stuff, but so can people who freeplay your game and push it to more mainstream level. After 3rd domina game slowly drops in quality of scenes (at least in my opinion).

    -Why do I need to lose so many times to Mary? Yes she is by far strongest domina up until now, but 10+ L's is too much.

    -Grinding ugly skeleton enemies - most frustrating thing. You must grind to win your early battles and establish yourself for later. It'be way better if we had some girls as opponents. Techically you spend more times fighting them than the dominas.

    -Lastly, I dislike the font of the game. Pretty sure game had different font, then in 6.0 (correct me if im wrong) got updated to this new one. This gives you problems when a mad domina spams a capslock of weirdest text imaginable to humanity and it feels very cringe.

    Finally I hope the game improves, returns to the glory days and gives us some pleasant surprises. Hyped for new updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a deep and diverse game that I've enjoyed playing for months now. The fantasy themes, lore, and character range provide something for almost everyone who's looking for cruel, powerful, dominant women.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay you admittedly have to be into the content, but if you are, this is a very respectable Tower of Trample replacement. The characters are all pretty well-drawn and different and it doesn't suffer for lack of content at all.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I usually reserve my judgment for finished products but I do love to make exceptions where it seems fit and in this case I feel that Domina gets that privilege.

    So Domina where to start...


    This game tries to be more game like compared to many porn games out there and I love that it attempts to do more with the medium even if its shortcomings tend to be very glaring.

    I also like the premise, it's not unique within the realm of porn games especially since it appeared in the wake of another femdom game that's in delay hell right now. But unlike that game, the setting allows for creative scenarios that in said delay game would often test my suspension of disbelief. That's all the praise I can give it, unfortunately.


    Starting with the gameplay I like how it allows for more RPG creativity with the class system (even though people are slowly finding a gameplay style that may be game-breaking idk tbh). However, the game is one of the many games that condition you to be ok with losing hiding a few scenes behind losing and the fact that you still get some rewards that help you maintain your lives. This is where the more femdom-y, writing, and artistic aspects of the game begin to falter hard. The fact that you get to choose the scenes as your punishment or nothing at all like what someone has said before doesn't make it much of a punishment moreso a pick your poison or don't pick at all moment. Plus compared to the many games that employ this type of gameplay, I'd say that this one is bottom tier. I am already aware that the last person who bitched about this got burned hard so I'll try to make a compelling argument here:

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    More on the femdom aspect. This game has it in spades opting to take a hardcore approach and I'm fine with that it's not my niche but whatever. I bet someone out there is probably jacking off to it somewhere (I don't really jack off honestly but eh). What takes me out of it though is everything else.

    This is where the writing at full display reaches a low point for me as it goes from hot to shocking to pathetic albeit gradually. From the excess of curse words, the blood and gore, and how screwed up the domina are all with little to no breathing room. And the second you get that reprieve, the next Domina will crank up the angst to another 100 to the point where the speakers are not only on the maximum setting but now the volume knob is broken. By the time I reached the Harley Quinn knockoff, I was completely numb to it all and was starting to get sick of it. It didn't help that her room especially turned into a bad horror flick that was testing my patience with these new characters that did nothing but bitch and moan.

    Moreover It contradicts things they add like with Llavanna

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    What makes it worse is that when Domina is not being this angsty mush, the game has a lot of interesting and enjoyable moments that I crave more of. From Llavana's arc to how the main character (and one other Domina) interacts with the Grimm Reaper who has this entertaining no-shits-giving attitude (it's sad he's my favorite character instead of one of the members of the species that the game is named after).

    Outside of the middle-of-the-road writing, you have the text which also adds to the angst as whenever a Domina gets pissed off it's always written in these almost unreadable caps. And I don't know if there's something wrong with my laptop but the text often clips making it hard to even register what I'm looking at. The font is often too close to one another during these moments that I often ignore them.

    I bet this game uses a bunch of RPGM/royalty-free assets and it shows real bad. I almost never comment on music since many of these porn games use stock music and RPG maker assets but the choices here can be way too glaring. Yeah, it makes sense for the context but I'm often like "Isn't there a better choice"? Harley Quinn Knock off here has the worst music choice. The song makes sense but then you have that weird sax/duck call squeaking in the background that gets really grating on top of the problems her room already has. Outside of music, you have the hub area that looks like it was ripped out of a Mario and Luigi RPG game

    Speaking of rooms, it often feels like this game doesn't value your time with some of the time-wasting moments you perform just to fight a Domina I've ragged on Mary and Harley Quief already so let's use Rosita as she for some reason has an affection meter and I'm like finally more depth in this femdom game but in order to raise it you have to do one of the games numerous fetch quests to raise it and even then, the second you defeat her she shuts herself off like the other Dominas another mechanic I'm mixed by making all of that time worthless.

    Middle of the road:

    The art is something I'm constantly at odds with. There are some good moments, but there are many small things that hamper it down. Outside of the unnecessary blood and gore, there's the lack of real impact which isn't bad on its own but does become a problem when the scene "animates" I've only encountered a few scenes that get impact right but they are in the minority. Then you have the character designs which are also not bad they're largely fine but rarely reach more than just ok. This game holds the current record for ugliest penis designs in hentai that I have consumed looking like fleshy tinfoil molds than dicks. yeah, dicks can be veiny but holy shit talk about taking it a bit too far. At least some of the scenes are hot so it never reaches a negative nor a positive for me.

    After you defeat the Dominas you often have the chance to become their slave which makes kind of sense it's the "worthy to become my slave" type trope you see in femdom media. However, choosing not to pisses them off and they unleash their inner child with tears in their eyes and snot running down their nose saying "FINEIDIDN'TLIKEYOUANYWAYPISSOFFYOUBITCHSLUTWHORETHATCUMSLIKEAMONKEY" you'd think these demons would be a bit more level headed and on top of things (you know like actual domms) but they all have that moment which falls into the pathetic side of Domina's writing. If it's the intention then i'd still say it overall kills any intimidation that they should have and retroactively lowers their impact on repeat runs.


    Whenever I walk into an item, the prompt instantly shows up barely giving me time to register what's even going on. Usually, RPG maker games have you press the action key and the game does that when you talk to NPCs so why does this happen here?

    Final Thoughts:

    Domina is a rough game (which can be interpreted in many ways) from the writing, the gameplay (cough cough Mary and Harley Quinn), the art, and the overall presentation. With that said, this game is sure as hell not a 1 star game because I have played far worse from this site and I like to see myself as someone who sees the forest for the trees as there's a genuine effort here that I respect.

    You may see 2 or 3 stars here but I really wish F95Zone would just allow half-star ratings because this game is a 3 1/2 out of 5 on the verge of becoming 2 stars if the game continues down this path.

    I recommend this game to those who love hardcore femdom, finds humor in overly angsty writing, and are just as if not more patient than I. I also tell you to only play this game in short bursts rather than in one sitting since the problems aren't as noticeable that way.


    Grim Reaper Best Girl. Now, where's our Grim Reaper sig Dekarous? We all know I'm right since I'm the review man who's opinions are objective fact said every 5-year-old on the internet.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Tired Noir

    Where do i even begin with this utter waste of time in my life? As someone commented in the thread, this game is the wet dream of a hardcore masochistic bottoms and i can't agree more
    The RPG mechanics, since this game dared to call itself as a Dark Souls like. There is none of that in here, nothing in this game makes me think even remotely about Dark Souls, this game is sheer frustration in itself, the grind is absolutely horrendous, to stand a chance against any of those femdom bitches who take it too far with BS mechanics to guarantee you'll lose if you don't go for a duelist skill tree. Also Mary, fuck Mary, who in their right mind would make a boss which forces you to lose 10 times to finally be defeated??
    I spent my entire afternoon with that bitch because she couldn't hit me for shit since i made a duelist and i wanted her to kill the MC and stop wasting my time.
    Now the femdom... I like some domination in my porn, but there is good domination, and there is whatever the hell is this edgy snuff fest that happens in here, but the worst thing for me is the fact that none of the choices fucking matter, you can build a pure MC that never leveled up any of the corruption skills since the game says corruption = bad, choose all dialogues that say the MC having none of the BS throw at him by those bitches, and supposedly the MC always enters the battles with some knowledge about them and what cruelties they are capable of since the Reaper tells info about them each new door AND even with all of that, the story doesn't give a single flying fuck, then one minute later he'll be at his knees licking and lapping for his new "mistress", even though he won and broke the seal, which by all means fucks up their power since the angel was royally fucked up when giga thot Mary broke her seal, but what happens with the angel doesn't with the others because reasons??? And they still have full power to do whatever against the MC, who'll happilly act like a submissive eunuch for them, instead of mangling them as payback for what they did to him?????
    The hilarious part is that the MC promisses the angel he'll get his shit put together and focus on his mission, then one minute later he's all over for the next one, even fapping to whatever disgusting thing she has in the bathroom when he gets locked there for daring to go for a "fight first questions later" approach with her and now is forced to build a relationship, because "mommy won't fight bad boys who don't obey and eat her farts uwuuu~ ;-; "
    Fuck that MC, fuck him, he deserves this story.
    Do not recommend, there's lots of good femdom games out there, but this one is just a edgy homemade snuff porn video with the most useless protagonist ever in comparison, i say this and Peniban Quest share the top spot at worst femdom games ever.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    V Antonio S

    really nice game. The game contains all kinds of fetishes. And it is not a game that ends in a short time, but rather immersive. I think the only missing part of the game could be a little more visual content.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Most likely my favorite and most anticipated game at the moment besides tower of trample. The animations are good, the fighting is relatively fun, and the majority of my fetishes have been fulfilled in this game. Not to mention the dialogue is great and even gets pretty funny at times. There is a little bit of grinding in this game, but not nearly as much as other games (such as tower of trample). I will say the one major gripe I have about the game is it's lack of replayability or any area where you can replay scenes or certain fights. If you have a thing for smells, ass, cbt, female dominance, pee, a small bit of scat, smothering etc. Then this game will be very enjoyable. If you don't really enjoy those kind of things, you most likely will not like the game. Being able to choose your punishment is a plus that beats being forced to watch a scene you don't enjoy repeatedly. The other thing I have an issue with is the mobs you encounter while traversing a dominas rhelm as they can be extremely annoying and inconsistent. The monster mobs you see walking around are not the actual mobs, but instead act as a warning showing that possible mobs are in the area. (You encounter fights like you would in pókemon) Sometimes you may get unlucky and fight 3 monsters at a time, while other times you may only fight one. I think the encounter rate needs to be toned down slightly or the actual moving mobs that are visible to the eye need to be the ACTUAL mobs you fight so you can avoid them if need be. Other than that, I personally enjoy the game and am awaiting updates.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This time around game has a heavy reliance on combat/leveling who thought that would be a good idea? meaning you will have to google "rpg maker save editor" then cheat to make the fights trivial or be forced spend hours in the areas monsters spawn just running back and forwards between 2 tiles to trigger fights and grind enemies over and over to become powerful enough to defeat the domina.

    Rather than have the bosses focus on a specific kink type and punish you accordingly you get to choose what kind of "punishment" you get on defeat, if you get to choose it isn't really a punishment now is it ? almost all the the domina will have a gross punish ass/gas/scat/pee etc based punishment but only a handfull will have one involve any kind of cbt. all of them you can choose "none" so I just opted that most of the time.

    note:given the magic involved I am surprised the player isn't maimed, killed and simply fixed up after the fact with magic !

    The killer for me was the has high amounts of "farting", I think almost every domina has some kind of fart based option, attack or even scene that were sometimes unavoidable!

    The last boss implemented I ran into (spoiler) you have a party and she severs the first guy's junk, threatens to do the same to every other member including heavily hinted at the player! but ends up killing the next guy with ... yep farts and the one after that injects with her piss until he dies.

    the only punishment for the player she has close to her promise is ballbusting the player. which regardless of smashing her seal which should render her powerless she manages to kill the player in the act and still use her powers to revive him?

    Saving grace is the angel story arc I wanted to save her and all I can say is I hope its revisited in updates

    Overall:too much focus on ass stuff, giving it average score because the angel story arc seems interesting.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The story of Domina is pretty straightforward and should be easy for players to immerse themselves into the main character. Dialogue varies to fit the personality and fetish style of each domina. There are multiple classes, skills, and weapons to make battles and strategies interesting. The choices you make determine which cutscenes will be available, so save slots are vital. Some of the dominas are edgy and even a bit extreme, but it is important to have a variety of fetishes represented. Overall, a decent femdom game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    + overall illustrative is good
    + nice idea to have different stage bosses
    + different styles of bosses

    - Cannot skip or speed up dialog
    - Too much unnecessary map design
    - many play are too bloody
    - no sub-quest
    - no re-play functionalities

    overall, average rpg maker game
    need to improve during develpment
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's got all kinds of things going for it that I personally like;
    • A different variety of fetishes in the game
    • A unique story
    • A funky and cool skill tree (with neat little descriptions)
    • Nice artwork that works well with the battles and out of battles
    • Not an actual rushed piece of shit, but a fun RPG game that had actual effort put into it
    • The level design is unique to which realm you enter, some of which a pretty nice and cool looking areas
    • Rosita simply exists in the game (My favorite)
    There's a lotta different fetishes implemented here, there should be one that suits your fancy. If not, play through the game and you'll eventually find a section in the game you'll actively enjoy. The story isn't rushed and isn't a jumbled mess and actually flows as the updates arrive

    All problems that were mention previously more often than not, got patched and it functions great. If you got some free time, at least give it a try :D

    Some parts of the game aren't really for lighthearted, kind of leans towards the extreme fetishes but I'm into some weird stuff so this is my cup of tea, oh yeah bro's
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked the ballbusting parts, and the art of dominas. The game is difficult, and unlike most games published here, at least we play, instead of just watching. Hopefully in the next updates there will be a giant domina
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is great in nearly every way. The scenes are amazing and excellently done, The combat is fun and challenging if not a bit grindy at times and the story for this type of game is surprisingly good with actual stakes. Overall 5/5
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Searching the web for rpg+18 femdom themed games I found this jewel.
    [Domina v5.1]
    At the beginning I didn't expect much, because the story doesn't seem to be its strong point, although later it became darker in some cases. However, I also looked for the real reason why I downloaded this work, and it certainly left me very satisfied with the result.

    In fact it is the first time I see something like this in this type of work, and it is the theme of "Toilet Play", by this I do not mean the common use that everyone will know, but also give you to choose the most hardcore, which is the "scat", these two but above all the latter, never caught my attention, because of how unpleasant and direct it usually is, but the dialogues and the very good look that our beloved "Goddesses" have, make this change and become not only enjoyable, but also a quite positive complement.

    It awoke in me, a guilty pleasure about this subject in question, but at the same time an extra interest in this game.

    Trying to analyze why this happened to me, and for the moment I have come to the conclusion that, above all, the theme of being completely dominated is very present, I know the word femdom and its implications, but in this case the dialogues helped enough to make it enjoyable, this last activity being one of the lowest that you can get in my opinion.

    I mean, what more humbling thing can you have as an existence in this world, than serving your beloved "Goddess" for one of her most basic natural needs?

    And if that's not enough, you do it, happy and grateful hahaha.
    The best thing is the thoughts of the protagonist and his reflections as the act occurs, which I think, along with good design/art and sounds used, are a great plus!
    However, sad was my surprise, knowing that not all the Dominas had this optional event.

    I will continue to explore the rest of the worlds I have left, to see how many more possibilities and events of this type I can find~

    This unexpected but pleasant experience made me want to support very much the Patreon that you have Dekarous, but my current situation is unfortunately not very good, but I have hope that in the near future I can give my grain of sand to this amazing project!

    "Everything is to be useful and earn the love of my beloved Goddess" ;)

    PS: I hope this thought doesn't bother you and contributes something to you :D