This is quite the post. There are some things I can get behind and some things I cannot. I do agree that there can be some overlap between femdom and... That other thing. I think when people are engaging the context of a sexually charged shared mental space there is room for safe exploration of things that are otherwise very unsafe. I mean, I think if you are already comfortable with and enjoying pushing limits of kink that can extend into sexualising feminism the way we can sexualise rape, kidnapping, and slavery.
Ironically I think sexual fantasy is one of the best ways to bring people to the table and that doesn't devolve into a power game. I think people pushing feminism fit two categories, the "Novice" and the "Adept". The novice is the screaming SJW who sees "Racism, sexism, and every other "Ism" everywhere they go and are the ones to engage in street level terror to push their agenda. The adept on the otherhand is the upper middle class or higher bussiness owning class who pushes the agenda for personal profit. (DEI cough, cough). They are both dangerous but how it manifests is largely a matter of wealth.