RPGM - Downfall: A Story of Corruption [v0.15.1] [Aperture Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    What an enjoyable corruption game. A female MC who is not just a dumb bimbo but smart enough to make a stand, desperate enough to be pliable and sexually curious enough to give in - whichever she prefers. I especially like the inner monologues that lead up to quite believable moral dilemmas/player decisions.

    Good use of RPGM. Avoids typical annoyances like grinding and oversized maps completely. The game states the end of content for every single quest. Also very helpful: places are labeled the first time you have to go there.

    Only con imo: despite solid writing this game could do with some proof-reading by a native speaker. But its not too big an issue.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    I really love these kind of stories.

    The female character is the classis girl that every body would like, she is genuine and DESPERATE.

    I like all the situations, mafia, modelling, bar, drugs, massages.

    I hope the developer could dedicate more images to sex scenes just to give the right reward after the grind of RPGM.

    I would like to see even more hardcore, rape, forced, hypnosis content... just something that make the grind worth.

    Carry on.. after Road Trip game..this game is giving me joy

    UPDATED v0.11.0
    Unfortunately the game seems have lost its spark.
    Technically the RPGM is massively improved (map, navigation, quests etc..) but the plot itself is "too simple". There is no erotic tension, no real blackmail, no forced situation.. everything is plain dull (Blowjob YES|NO) and it does not matter what you choose.

    It started very well, but now it is a totally different game.... let's see next updates
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game. Being a big fan of Anna Exciting Affection and Alansya Chronicles...this game is a great addition to the genre. The depravity type point system can be frustrating when your choices lock certain content, but really no complaints. Just want more content!

    Looking forward to updates and will be supporting this creator.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game started well but with each update it gets better and better,neither dragons nor monsters nor magic, a game of our time with a beautiful young girl and finally a wonderful game.this game developer made a great game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    No Grinding
    Clothing Option

    Protagonist face changes all the time.
    Except for graphics the content is not really that fresh.
    Poor sound quality
    Not enough stats
    rpgm's usage is very basic, it's a beast for rpg games but dev made graphic novel on it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is literally a trailblazer in the RPGM category. A lot of RPGM games are literally following the same grindy combat! Only a few RPGM game creators have had the courage to move out of that. Really happy to see talented digital artists working for this! It has one of the best renders in a 2d game. The game is quite heavy on blackmail (and things associated with it). Don't play the game if you are not cool with it, if you are though, you will surely appreciate the quality of this game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    As you can see below I played this game before. It was bad then. I figured it had no place to go but up so decided to see if it improved. It didn't it got worse. I really didn't think that was possible.

    There two parts of this game that are good.
    The first is the art or image quality is good.
    The second if you totally ignore the plot and use it as a slide show its fapable.
    That said porn would be better in this case.

    The story hasn't improved its got worse. The plot holes only keep growing.
    This isn't some minor thing. She is smart enough to balance books find evidence of companies wrong doing and so on.
    But some how doesn't have the thought to record or copy shit.
    It is just with the evidence every fucking conversation that keeps happening over and over again she fails to act. They literally show smart phones in the game image but she apparently doesn't know or have the sense to record shit not even take pictures. Owe wait she knows when investigating the theft to take images some how but all the rest of the time when it would benefit her she doesn't.

    No functioning human being is that inept. Even a person with a 25 IQ would catch on well before this point. We are talking extremely severely mentally handicap wouldn't be this fucking incapable.

    Total fucking kills the story. Reading the text can only reduce the experience with this game. Don't even bother with the plot you will get a lot more fun out of using it as a slide show.

    Below: old review from nov 21, 2020

    Art good.
    Plot concept real good.
    Execution of the plot / story miserable.

    I thought the developer had it pretty good when she was fired from the company and blackballed from being hired. Should have known not to get my hopes up.

    The author is turns into an over zealous zealot. He doesn't just over do it by throwing in a poorly written blackmail story but then throws a stupid law suit on top of it.

    Its as if the authors of porn games never had a relationship with another human. They have no concept at all of how people work and reason and react. You know how many times I seen people kill themselves for less shit than this. Just think of the investor who committed suicide when they lost all their assets. They didn't have all this added bull shit thrown on top of them. You want to make people believe this girl is going to think there is shit to keep living for at this point seriously.

    But that isn't the only issue the one thing the author did write was not make out in the beginning as being super smart and level headed. But he also didn't make her a complete moron. What she didn't know to make a backup of what she turns over as evidence? Really. It is called CYA cover your ass. Also if they are doing the type of shit was supposedly informing on it wouldn't be a fucking cop she provided the information to. It would be the IRS, The Security and Exchange Commission(SEC) and the justice department or that countries equivalent. Not just that the people over that case would have also gave her fairly decent instructions on protecting herself. There would be far more than a single corrupt cop involved. Hell even most local police departments do just put a single officer on something that gets turned in like that.

    This is the second review to night on this order. The other one was bad this one is worse I don't know where to start with the number of other conflicts this one creates.

    It is as if the author was in this super rush to dump content in so that everyone could find something they like. It's what happens when you either try to appease to many people or get carried away and don't focus on thinking about what would actually happen.

    Up to this point I focused on her reaction as to taking all this just negatively which could happen. However, I also seen people driven to violence. Talking hundreds dead by one person with one single act.
    When people feel they have nothing to loose they have no reason not to retaliate at the maximum level they can. It can become almost a necessity for them a driving urge that moves them forward like a force. I mean you people have heard of terms like revenge, blood lust. Well I can safely say from life experience when it comes to doing bad shit back to people women make men look like pussies.

    The last negative review I gave feed back on how to fairly easily fix it without them having to make changes to graphics. The best I can do with this is if you are really set on keeping all that in break up the time let her get corrupted enough to not give a shit about it and maybe surpass one set of obstacles. If a person sees some form of hope and not just despair they can keep moving forward. The way the story is now there are only 3 realistic out comes 1 she kills herself after the lawyer leaves or 2 she kills the lawyer and proceeds on the violent streak and kills a lot of people at the company or worse 3 she keeps her cool and plots it out.

    If you keep the blackmail in you really need to up your writing game and learn something about the topic. I wrote a post on here regarding it because I seriously am sick of the poorly written and thought out crap people are producing with it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Downfall: A Story Of Corruption is a great game. Jane is a very beautiful and hot young woman.
    The sex scenes are very convincing. I only miss animations and women´s voices in these scenes. It could be more exciting.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing as of version 0.04:

    Game has promise. Currently very unfinished and most plot lines end quite soon.

    A female MC corruption RPG like Officer Cloë or Manila Shaw (except that those are both police officers).

    It has an atmoshere where you expect the MC to get more depraved each day, and that is what a good corruption game should have. Sadly, as for now, most paths stop before she becomes a real bimbo slut.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Every step in this game leading to further corruption of the MC is precisely verified and justified.. It looks natural and not far-fetched. The MC is not a stupid fool, but an educated, open-minded woman . People around her manipulate her, because of the doom circumstances, when she is forced to cooperate with them and make concessions, awakening her libido and lust, breaking the moral shackles that prevent her from achieving goals and hidden desires .
    I really love this game !
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I am not really sure about this one.

    First of all the MC looks good, not fantastic like in some other games, but well enough. But nearly any other character does not and not in a "he must look ugly" way, more like in an "he would have need a few more hours of work to look believable" way. For example: As Alex in the bar said "he is handsome" it nearly made me laugh, because he looks more like a
    painted mannequin than a human, especially compared to Jane.
    Then everything starts a little to "plump" and in a way, that Jane would have been warned miles before she gets into trouble, if she would be able to think a few straight thoughts. My first decision was, drink from the "special relaxing" tea, of the two people who called it exactly that and you have never met before. Oh, you have turned into a bimbo vegetable, never saw that coming. Bitch please... ;-)
    So far I would have wished for a few decisions more, like denying to smoke the weed with the girl you were sent to have an earnest discussion because smoking it is her problem.

    The game is not bad, but compared to other games like City of Broken Dreamers, Jessica O`Neil, Good Girl gone Bad and so on it is sadly for sure no 5 Stars game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games i've played recently, the MC is perfect not like in other games where their boobs and ass are impossibly huge. She looks like a real person and I like it a lot. Also in most games of this type the girl is too dumb, she always does what she is told, here the blackmail is way more believable. There are a lot of sex/sexy scenes and that is good too, but maybe the real "sex" scenes should be delayed a bit for it to be more believable. Also I think it will be nice to have some scenes with the company that got her fired. Maybe they could get her arrested and in order to set her free she signs a contract with them. Then they use her as a striper for a company party and she is embarrassed in front of all her ex-colleagues. They could also use her to give a good impression with some potential investors. Also at a private party she ends up being gang-banged. And finally I personally would like a bit of hardcore stuff, like maybe she is called to try a new product of the company and ends up being tied up to a fuck machine and filmed, they also want to use it in the commercial (even more blackmail material). Also with the family that gives her tee, in time the woman uses big toys on her and eventually fists her, when she gets looser the man fists her too. I really have high hopes for the game and if it continues like this in 1-2 updates I am surely becoming a patreon. Amazing work like this has to be sponsored. Oh and finally I would suggest a 30$ patreon tier where people can suggest future content to be added in the game, I know I would buy it :). Good luck and keep up the great work!
  13. A
    5.00 star(s)


    Very exciting and erotic game . I love the plot .

    I don't know what else to say, I can't frame a 200 character review without revealing some of the game, so F95 zone , you can
    HhjjbhjfhbggvvjhKemanis africancockisthebest
    Thanks for the game , toodles
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic game:)
    I'd like with the animations though, I would also finance if there were :)
    very nice the questline of the neighbors, the old man and the blackmail.
    the other quests are also well done, however.
    congratulations for your work, really :)
    keep it up
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's lots of fun to play and gets straight to point.

    I hate rpgm games that has huge maps and slow transitions , I think those are just a marketing strategy to increase playtime but in this game map is simple as fuck so you can easily find each location.

    I disagree with critics about her being corrupted from the beginning , not all the corruptions game have to use the same schema over and over.

    Model is sexy as hell for my taste, there are variety of quests and you have freedom to see or not to see and when to see each one.

    Overall it's a cool game, in this game i think it becomes boring after a certain point when mc becomes a public cum dumpster so new games are always welcome.:D
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: Very nice and hot main heroine.

    Cons: This is NOT a corruption game! How can you "corrupt" someone if during the first several minutes of gameplay you find out that she already sold herself for money? And that she is absolutely ok with fucking in a public toilet with a complete stranger she just met and that proposed her to fuck? No blackmail, no forcing, no "corrupting". "Hey, girl! Let's go fuck?" - "Hmmm... I haven't fucked for a while, so yeah. Let's do it!" - Well, that's NOT how a corruption game is done. How can you "corrupt" a whore??

    The game has potential (that's why 4 stars) but imho it needs serious rewriting. Since it's only the beginning, it's not that hard to do. Otherwise it will come to a dead end very fast. Because if you are already selling your body several minutes into the game (actually even before the game events start), how will you "develop" further??
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic start to a corruption based game. Nice renders, written in clear English, optional quests for different tastes, surprisingly light on the system. Maps are small enough and buildings are labeled so the RPG Maker engine doesn't hinder the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What i liked so far:
    + I really like the quality and how the MC looks (she really looks hot and gorgeous great job!!)
    + i am happy you mayed a scene with an old guy :)
    + i also like the thinking parts and the idea with the tea and the housemaif costume!
    + that you can change clothes, there are different day times and that the town looks not confusing at all come in handy quite well and is greatly thought out.
    + the layout and the good to read letters
    + good, understandable english!
    + boob-sucking

    What i didn't like (more or less):
    - the sound-effects are sometimes too much
    - the guys (neighbour and uncle) look slitghtly too young in my opinion - especially in comparison with their wifes which feels odd
    - the porn scene for that scolarship feels... too early. she should get pushed either to the strong more pure route or the slutty route during the game and not revealing her slutty/buyable before... this destroys the intention of the game to decide the way a bit and that she isn't a more or less anive virgin anymore. :(
    -> these are the only things that dissapointed me. not even the short length or something else. just these things.

    tl;dr: for me atm its a 7/10 with BIG potential! keep it up!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The story of this game has a simple premise, but the way it develops and the design of the main character are really good.
    If they keep avoiding making things too much over the top, it can turn out to become a really enjoyable and believable game. Definably worth to watch how this project grows.