Unity - Abandoned - Dr. Deviant [Release 21] [Dr. Deviant]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my dream come true! Virtual posing with exceptional IK and active ragdoll! The graphics and optimisation on apartment level are exceptional. The only downside are controls, which are little bit clunky but still servicable, and still this is the best bdsm themed vr game (skyrim comes 2nd) xd Would subscribe definitely/
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Needs polish but wow its sooo immersive and you can do whatever you want. amazing fantasy. I actually subscribed to support, first time ever. Cant wait to see it more polished in the future. highly recommend to anyone with a decent vr system
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The controls are exceptionally terrible, honestly they are so bad they should be the primary focus until then. Devs push out new content instead of working on the foundation of the game. and honestly if this was something I bought on steam, I woulda returned it almost immediately.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    many thanks... my favorites vr dolls :) The creator is so good, best of game for playing with many toys and tools. Possibilities in this sandbox are really awesome. Hope for regular updates because it is so perfect but deviance must go deeper ;)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Still need some collision work but all in all it is coming along nicely. The selection of multiple models is nice, but even with a UFO rig putting them all together at them same time is extremely taxing. Release 21
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Dr. Deviant is a sandbox VR game where you pretty much just touch girls in a creepy lab(?) and use toy on them. You can handcuff the girls and hang them on hooks and rub your creepy old man scientist hands all of them. It's very simple in that is the only thing you can do. You can play around with different handcuff poses though, like handcuffing the feet to the hands or handcuffing the girls to each other. As far as I know you can't fuck the girls yourself, only insert dildos and fingers into them. My favorite part is that you're supposed to be a creepy doctor, but when you play in VR and most likely start stumbling around, you just look like an idiot doctor. I tried to hook a girl to a wall but ended up just dropping her. When I looked down she was just staring up at me with a mildly annoyed expression on her face.
    Likes: ordos
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Real thin in content right now; the dev plans to spice things up later, but that's not in yet so I can't give points for that.
    There's a hallway, a room, and a handful of toys.
    Fun to fool around in for a little, but there's definitely no lasting appeal here.

    Man, playing this game almost three years later, it's still the same, it's just a hallway with up to three (four?) girls, and you play as some creepy old dude.
    This time around, I heard the desktop version is busted, and I have a VR headset now, so I played in VR.
    It's... not good. Controls stink, movement stinks, your hand movements stink. I think the worst part is the "realism" the dev has for playing in VR, it feels almost like you're loosely controlling a puppet as a character, he's got this nasty inertia if you smooth-walk/turn in the game because the game wants to animate him realistically. You move, he speeds up, slows down, stops. You turn, he slowly rotates, carefully placing his feet into correct positions. Do both at once? Good luck.
    All this inertia in all of his movements WILL make you nauseous, on top of making most actions in the game take twice as long due to waiting for your movements to start and stop.

    I'd probably forgive the controls if there was more to it, but really all there is is like 6 toys, some BDSM rigging you can attach to the girls and that's it.
    No WEIRD toys either, minus the, uh, vaginal dilation tool, whatever they're actually called; there's that, plus a strap-on and some dildos, unless the game's got a hidden room or a closet full of enema kits or something, but the game's collision in VR is so bad I walked through a wall and verified it really is just a little hallway, nothing more.

    Having tried to get into the game a few times, all I can really say is that the only real cool bits about the game are the BDSM rigging tools (I never used them, but I appreciate their inclusion, and that the girls can be posed any way you want, but the latter here is pretty common nowadays in a good number of VR sex games as far as I know.

    (Release 21)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel like this is the VR adult game that other games should try to be. While the developer hasn't made a perfect game, there is one thing that makes this stand out from the rest: freedom.

    You have the freedom to roam around, in real time, and do as you wish. No setting up animations (like VAM) or loading pre-made animations (like wild life). Instead, you simply walk around and do as you please.

    While this game leaves a lot to be desired (graphics aren't the best, movement isn't the best), like I said, the freedom to roam around and do things in real time is amazing. You literally are the character in the game.

    You do what you want to the girls when you want. This is the future of adult VR games.

    So, why three stars? Because, it needs more polish and more features added. The girls need to also not be like pieces of paper that just fold if you touch them. It should also be easier to move them into various positions without their models freaking out and landing face first on the ground in a pretzel position.

    I hope to see the developer keep going with this. There is so much potential here it's crazy.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    As it is for now, can't give it more than 3 stars.

    game is nice and sweet in VR. The girls are fucking amazing honestly.

    the outfits and others (hairs and such) physics is pretty nice, even tho sometime it can go bezerk , but that's classic shit in VR games...

    the fact you need to do everything manually is kind of annoying.

    i appreciate that we can quick slip the cuff and else on the girls, but the dildo belt is ridiculous... if dressing a barbie doll is your kink, then that's your Graal... XD

    girls voices and reactions is quite nice.

    the "rooms" are pretty okay'ish. kind of like if you just live inside an asylum.. a fucking asylum that could give Cholera to sterilized water...
    But that's a style i guess... i dont know what the plan really is, kind of similar to xstoryplayer where you play as a dude who keep girl locked to "use" them. except that this guy probably like a crazy maniac psychopath or something... that could explain the room decoration.

    seriously tho, i hope dev plan to add more style of room and outside places. that would be way better.

    fuck even a fucking Dark Soul underground nazi dungeon will be more sexy XD.

    The controls are okay'ish on VR (tested on Index, surprising that it work honestly...). sometime it's a bit wonky, and sometime it's nice.
    it's still very weird sometime as we can see our own body (god i m not used to that XD) and can litteraly self-ception ourself or completly break the girls bones. (i like that if you make it fast, the girls actuallly scream in pain XD)

    all in all, it's a surprising game on VR that is nice. I still did not give it more than 3 stars because it need more things to be added. as for now, it's quite like a small sandbox room with dolls to play with. we can't give girls order properly (only teleport them strangely), i would like that to come up like in that loli vr game where you can make a simple gesture with hands and she follow, walk in a direction and such. that's a must have in this kind of game.
    imho playing with dolls is fun, but it's getting boring fast if the girl actually didn't do anything outside.

    i also tested with windows, no VR, just keyboard/mouse. dev say it's compatible. i say it's definitly not. It's the worst fucking control i have ever seen. The controls are wayyyyy off, it's impossible to controls the hands and impossible to even more the legs/feet of the guy. so you are basically stuck in place moving only your upper body.. hilarious shit XD
    also once you fucked up the camera , you end up with a character (you) laying and it's impossible to put you back up normally , so it broke everything.

    Let's be honest here, it's definitly NOT a 5 stars game. not even 4 stars. it need some serious change in non Vr version, a complete overhaul of the controls, and in VR it need much more "life" and also a different kind of gameplay style. we litteraly play with barbie dolls like a pre-teen trying to sexually abuse his teddy bear.

    it's fun for an hour , at big max, then it's honestly boring to had to control every movement and such.

    seriously dev, have a look at that loli game VR (named "Viva project") for giving life to the girls and look at xstoryplayer for getting idea of eventual control order over the girls.

    chicken out!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried it and so far it's well made. Turning is a bit hard because I kept pressing the teleport button instead of turning but maybe it's just me.
    The physics of the genitals are a bit weird. It behaves like a blob of slime if you're poking it with a finger, toy or your dick. The sound of the girls walking is funny and the threshold of slapping the girls is way too sensitive. I was just turning slowly right next to a girl and I almost shat my pants when there was a loud whip sound followed by a loud moan right in my brain at 2AM in the morning.

    It has potential but needs more time.