Dragon Orbs ( Game project)

Should i continue?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but learn how to write in english.

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2022
Greetings Everyone!

I posted in an introduction thread that i'm trying to make an RPG maker game, where i learn the basics, and i'd like to show it to you.
Well the time has come to post my first (kinda) playable demo. It is only a little bit of an intro.

The game is about Konon. A martial artist, who wants to be the best. But during a training session an accident happens. We guide him during the journey to restore everything prior his training, and to become what he always craved for. The greatest martial artist on the planet.

The game is made with RPG maker MV and Daz
Working on a laptop wich lacks a proper GPU , and the human resource lacks basic knowledge about making games ( script, programing, etc) it wont be the quality of the great titles. But i hope you like it.

Here is the mega link for windows: (new bugfixed link)

Feel free to leave a comment about your experience. Should i continue it, and get a PC . I will develop my skills, and i hope you will see it at the next update.

I will make a ton of poll here, because i have some doubt about a few thing,

I post a picture for a planed event for the next update.

Have a nice day. Wishing all the best.
Last edited:


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2022
Okay by far I got a bug.

Please don't get inside this building. In the next update there will be an event. But not yet.

Lewd Asshole

Dec 18, 2022
So I gave this a play (or a read, as there isn't much to actually plays so far), and I'll give my two cents. First, I'll start with some bugs or weird stuff I found:
  • In the alchemist's house, you enter it from the south, but once inside you spawn in on the north.
  • Same thing happens in the inn, enter from the south, spawn on the north
It's not wrong or anything, just minorly confusing. There isn't really a need for that as you can just flip the inside door around and it would still work just fine without it. Minor problem.
  • In the inn, there's a ladder leading to the attic. Inside the attic the ladder down is in the middle of the room, but on inn floor, that ladder is on the right side.
  • Inside that attic, you also spawn on the right side, as if coming from where the ladder below is, despise it now being in the middle of the room.
  • In the previous post you mention a building with a bugged door that gets you stuck behind it. Leading to that inner patio on this building is a similar red door, which disappears once you interact with it. It still works as if it's there, it just disappears.
  • You can walk behind the outside door of the alchemist's house
That door is like 3 frames wide, only the middle frame gets you inside and the other two have no collision so you can just walk around that one middle tile, going inside the wall and behind the door.
  • A few typos. Like "trainging", in the scene with blue ribbon on the inn. There are probably more I missed (english isn't my first language, as you can probably tell).
  • Sometimes a phase doesn't fit in the text box and continues on in the other line and in some cases the first world of that next line is capitalised for no reason. This happens in the very first scene, with the master and the fighter training in some field, in one of the master's lines.
Now on to ways to get stuck:
  • There are 5 doors on the inn, not counting the one leading outside. The two rightmost ones, to the sides of the ladder leading to the attic, both get you stuck behind the second door, much like the bug you mentioned on the previous post.
  • In the alchemist house there's set of stairs leading to his basement. From the basement up, the stairs spawn you inside a table on the upper floor, getting you stuck.
Other than that, in the first area you get control of your character, where the arena is, you have a lot of buildings with signs indicating that those would be shops in the future or something. In this area the ground is sand and there's a rocky road of sorts going to most places, except it doesn't go to a lot of those buildings nor does it align with the door leading into the city.

There's also a very obvious difference in style between the RPGM stuff and the daz renders. I think the most obvious example is in the inn, where the wenches have pink hair in game but in the render they have more natural brown hair. RPGM has a more animey style to it, DAZ is for making uncanny goblins, they don't really fit very well with each other.

Moving on to the game aspect of it, what made me download it was the description you gave in your first post:
The game is about Konon. A martial artist, who wants to be the best. But during a training session an accident happens. We guide him during the journey to restore everything prior his training, and to become what he always craved for. The greatest martial artist on the planet.
This description made me expect a lewd version Jade Empire. It being a Dragon Ball knockoff also gives that idea, and a DB RPG is always an interesting concept that could work even without the porn, especially if you change it a bit like removing the powers and making it just about the martial arts and stuff. That was what made me interested. However the game has nothing of that sort, you don't even have a combat system yet. In the arena you get the option of doing the fight yourself of have it simulated, but if you chose fighting it just skips to you winning. Now, I can't knock your game based on what it isn't, but the impression I got from you advertising has nothing to do with the story of the misadventures of a genderbent fighter. Your description of the game doesn't even mention genderbending.
Speaking of which, I couldn't even get to that part of the story. I got stuck after the scene with the blue ribbon on the inn and I only know about the genderbending because the link you posted comes with two saves, one of which is at the scene where the genderbent protagonist tries going up a wall.
I don't know if you plan for the protag to be a woman the whole game, if so I get it not being a fighting game because I'm an asshole and can't see a woman beating a bunch of men in a fight but if that's temporary and he's soon to be reverted back to his original body then I think you should consider adding a fighting system, RPGM isn't good for visual novels so you kind of need some gameplay to it. The protagonist being dumb as a bag of hammers already gives you space for putting in some h-scenes without needing him to be a woman, plus it lets you explore the funny aspect of it you seem to be going for.

Now I'm gonna do jus to my asshole name and ask about the design of the protagonist's master. He looks like a thraex gladiator, was that the inspiration for his design? Cause the manica on the right arm makes sense with a shield, which those thraex would use so they don't need armour on the left arm, but if you're fighting bare handed then the right arm is the one that doesn't need armour as it would be held closest to the body while the left one is held in front for defence.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2022
Dear Lewd Asshole

Thank you! I really apreciate your test, and your critics, now I can see where i should go. Answering what you described:
- The opposite direction doors: I made it so it resembles more to the renders. It bugged me aswell but i thought it would be more loyal to the source (already fixed)

- The attic and the alchemist stuck issue is because i remade the places. And i was mostly focusing, on the first release route.

-About the typos: Neither am I a native English speaker. I use grammarly for proofreading but not anything. A friend of mine tried the game but his english isn't that much good to see those typos. I proofread it aswell, but since i even know what i wrote sometimes I miss them during reading (I send it again into grammarly I guess). And basicly as most of the non native speakers the greatest issue is the writing (i'm practicing and trying to improve it.) I don't want to be contemptuous but people playing with machine translated games which are very poor quality. I tried to be better then those games.

-I'm implementing a Quest Journal so you can follow where to go. (There will be a short guidance.) So you can arrive where you should and see what you should (eventwise).

- I try to merge the daz scenes and the RPGM characters as much as possible, but at this moment i'm looking for a lot of asset.

About the story: I didn't wanted to spoil that part, it will be a female protagonist game (i like them better, played more then MP games) the genderbender part was always in the script. I chose rpgm engine cause it is more "immersive" i know that renpy would be better(about that i will say a few words at the final conclusion).

I don't want and can't even make a proper Dragon Ball parody that is 100%. But the core idea is total usable. And i'm thinking about to make a proper battle system, but i was unsure about that because I don't want to make a total grinder game, neither a walking simulator. There would be a few (probably in every 3-4 event) maybe with some sexual content ( oh by the way neither i wanted to make a classic lose=rape game).

Maybe my description was misleading, if so I'm very sorry. The story is planned about as you said : "of the misadventures of a genderbent fighter." <- This is the essence of my story plan if you don't mind i steal this. :)

I don't know if I'm covered everything. You wrote so much helpful and useful thing (i needed it so much).

Overall this project is about learning (daz, rpgm, some coding, english, and managing this whole thing).

That's why i put the poll in. I started this "game creator" thing, but I don't want to waste others people time.

My main project would be later, if its wort your and my time a Fantasy/prehistoric game. I'm prearing myself for that project.

Now I'm gonna do jus to my asshole name and ask about the design of the protagonist's master. He looks like a thraex gladiator, was that the inspiration for his design? Cause the manica on the right arm makes sense with a shield, which those thraex would use so they don't need armour on the left arm, but if you're fighting bare handed then the right arm is the one that doesn't need armour as it would be held closest to the body while the left one is held in front for defence.
Basically I wanted to do more like a swordfighting based adventure game where it made more sense. And the master will use later some weapon, or get a new set of clothes, depends on a lot of things.

I have so much to tell but i really don't want to rob your time. :D

I'm really thankful for everything you wrote. Now I can see the my lovechild is far from perfect.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2022
My advise - always dare, always do it and finish what you start.
And English, you can improve it with time.
Thank you for your advice, but a proper game serves the player, not the developer. This can be a mutual pleasure :D
It depends on the poll if i continue or not :)

Lewd Asshole

Dec 18, 2022
About the machine translations, the problem with games using it is that they often aren't proofread afterwards, just run it through the machine and be done with it. That often leads to weird translations that don't make any sense, specially if the original language differs too much from english or whatever other language you're translating to. I haven't tried any myself but I know google translate works decently for some languages, it almost works fine for mine , it just shits the bed if you try writing informal stuff on it. Translating something that way and then proofreading it should give you a good enough result, though I don't know how good that'd be for actually learning the language.

I don't want and can't even make a proper Dragon Ball parody that is 100%. But the core idea is total usable. And i'm thinking about to make a proper battle system, but i was unsure about that because I don't want to make a total grinder game, neither a walking simulator. There would be a few (probably in every 3-4 event) maybe with some sexual content ( oh by the way neither i wanted to make a classic lose=rape game).
Since your character is already a fighter, you could set those as in you trying to defeat someone you know you'd be capable of overcome were you still the male you, but since you're woman now and don't have the strength you used to you need to think outside the box and come up with some other solution for combat, maybe using the environment for a non slut run or distracting the opponent with assets if you wanna get lewd. Having those two possibilities greatly increases the work you'd have to do, but you can chose one or the other. In either way, you can use those moments for your jokey funny moments.
And not having the h-scenes locked behind doing poorly in combat is always good design.

Maybe my description was misleading, if so I'm very sorry. The story is planned about as you said : "of the misadventures of a genderbent fighter." <- This is the essence of my story plan if you don't mind i steal this. :)
Knock yourself out.

I have so much to tell but i really don't want to rob your time. :D
If I valued my time I wouldn't spend it talking with strangers on the internet.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2022
About the machine translations, the problem with games using it is that they often aren't proofread afterwards, just run it through the machine and be done with it. That often leads to weird translations that don't make any sense, specially if the original language differs too much from english or whatever other language you're translating to. I haven't tried any myself but I know google translate works decently for some languages, it almost works fine for mine , it just shits the bed if you try writing informal stuff on it. Translating something that way and then proofreading it should give you a good enough result, though I don't know how good that'd be for actually learning the language.
I didn't planned to use google translate. I'm using open AI as a test. It can improve my writing skills aswell.

Since your character is already a fighter, you could set those as in you trying to defeat someone you know you'd be capable of overcome were you still the male you, but since you're woman now and don't have the strength you used to you need to think outside the box and come up with some other solution for combat, maybe using the environment for a non slut run or distracting the opponent with assets if you wanna get lewd. Having those two possibilities greatly increases the work you'd have to do, but you can chose one or the other. In either way, you can use those moments for your jokey funny moments.
And not having the h-scenes locked behind doing poorly in combat is always good design.
If I say anything about those plans it would be a spoiler :) But the game won't be about a girl kicking everybody's ass.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2022
I made a bugfixed version. With a quest journal, so you won't get lost. And a Battle system. in early condition.


New Member
Apr 13, 2024
Greetings Everyone!

I posted in an introduction thread that i'm trying to make an RPG maker game, where i learn the basics, and i'd like to show it to you.
Well the time has come to post my first (kinda) playable demo. It is only a little bit of an intro.

The game is about Konon. A martial artist, who wants to be the best. But during a training session an accident happens. We guide him during the journey to restore everything prior his training, and to become what he always craved for. The greatest martial artist on the planet.

The game is made with RPG maker MV and Daz
Working on a laptop wich lacks a proper GPU , and the human resource lacks basic knowledge about making games ( script, programing, etc) it wont be the quality of the great titles. But i hope you like it.

Here is the mega link for windows: (new bugfixed link)

Feel free to leave a comment about your experience. Should i continue it, and get a PC . I will develop my skills, and i hope you will see it at the next update.

I will make a ton of poll here, because i have some doubt about a few thing,

I post a picture for a planed event for the next update.

Have a nice day. Wishing all the best.
how to get first dragon orb?
Greetings Everyone!

I posted in an introduction thread that i'm trying to make an RPG maker game, where i learn the basics, and i'd like to show it to you.
Well the time has come to post my first (kinda) playable demo. It is only a little bit of an intro.

The game is about Konon. A martial artist, who wants to be the best. But during a training session an accident happens. We guide him during the journey to restore everything prior his training, and to become what he always craved for. The greatest martial artist on the planet.

The game is made with RPG maker MV and Daz
Working on a laptop wich lacks a proper GPU , and the human resource lacks basic knowledge about making games ( script, programing, etc) it wont be the quality of the great titles. But i hope you like it.

Here is the mega link for windows: (new bugfixed link)

Feel free to leave a comment about your experience. Should i continue it, and get a PC . I will develop my skills, and i hope you will see it at the next update.

I will make a ton of poll here, because i have some doubt about a few thing,

I post a picture for a planed event for the next update.

Have a nice day. Wishing all the best.
Greetings Everyone!

I posted in an introduction thread that i'm trying to make an RPG maker game, where i learn the basics, and i'd like to show it to you.
Well the time has come to post my first (kinda) playable demo. It is only a little bit of an intro.

The game is about Konon. A martial artist, who wants to be the best. But during a training session an accident happens. We guide him during the journey to restore everything prior his training, and to become what he always craved for. The greatest martial artist on the planet.

The game is made with RPG maker MV and Daz
Working on a laptop wich lacks a proper GPU , and the human resource lacks basic knowledge about making games ( script, programing, etc) it wont be the quality of the great titles. But i hope you like it.

Here is the mega link for windows: (new bugfixed link)

Feel free to leave a comment about your experience. Should i continue it, and get a PC . I will develop my skills, and i hope you will see it at the next update.

I will make a ton of poll here, because i have some doubt about a few thing,

I post a picture for a planed event for the next update.

Have a nice day. Wishing all the best.