Unreal Engine - Dragon's Herald [v14.11.2023] [Alexandraus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    visually good, but, you get stuck on the sewer all the time, cant progress, you just meet some places that tell you its not developped yet, its been uploaded in 2020 so i guess its abandonned?

    so far only walked in the sewer, got stuck, restart, get stuck again...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    There is potential here, but There are also a lot of questionable decisions being made. Currently the sewer build feels more like a tech demo than anything, and none of the artful narrative that was advertised is anywhere to be seen. I can hold out hope that development picks up in a big way soon, but with not much to show for a four year old project, it's not the best look.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Barely functioning. Many game breaking bugs, characters keep getting stuck everywhere, no movable camera during spicy scenes. At the current state not really worth the download time. Apparently developer switched the engine for the game to milk patreon supporters further.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, Dragon's Herald...

    This is one of those cases where we can unfortunately see very low-quality everything. I was honestly expecting, thinking that at some point, we'd see some art, just a little more, and there it is : nothing new.

    The controls feel like we're floating on water, whether in the initial version or the test version. The camera is nauseating, most of the bugs are still there I have no idea how it looks graphically because my hardware isn't powerful enough to endure such humiliation.

    As for sexual content, forget about it , and of course, any kind of progress or improvement , I didn't see that either. everything just got worse, especially performance .

    The entire visual aspect is quite minimal, the character looks somewhat attractive but not enough to overlook all the problems, even in the technical version. Because there's really no content for the technical version, and what is there is done very poorly.

    Although I was genuinely interested in the project at least a year ago, now I'm sure it's sunk just like the Titanic. The only difference is that the captain of the ship, with 20 years of experience, is still trying to patch up the holes.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The current demo is at best more of a tech demo than anything else. It doesn't really cover any mechanics at all other than basic movement and the animation quality. Aside from that the fact that this project is over a year old now and might as well have nothing going for it really says a lot about the production speed.

    At first glance I thought it was gonna be more of a 3d exploration type game but it's actually a dynamic fixed camera side scroller where the camera just swings around as you move. In all honesty it makes the movement feel really janky because oh the way the characters move combined with the constant camera changing. It isn't inherently bad but I wouldn't want to do any fast pace time sensitive scenes with this where you'd have to outrun something without it looking real slow and dumb.

    Cant even really grade the content itself as it isn't really there. The cutscenes are definitely unfinished, there's no actual goal to the demo that I could see, and the animations are just there in a debug dialogue to basically lure people in. I accidentally skipped the opening cutscene only to find after a restart that the opening scene really was only just 3 lines of dialogue that do nothing to set the scene. Also the initial scene with the lizardman just black screen and jump cuts and then jump cuts again at the end really suddenly. It's all just kind of a mess as it is.

    Also honestly a major red flag for me personally is unironically claiming that they're going to make "art" and not low quality "porn." The potentially large scope of this project and being up your own ass like that? It really just spells out self fulfilling prophecy of disaster. You're making porn, get over it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Tinus Tushy

    I know it's buggy and there's a lot to be done in the game, but so far it looks pretty good. I like the girl and hope this game gets proper development.

    Give it a try for the 5 minutes it takes and look past the bugs ;)
    Also: dolphin 'coming' soon? I wanna see that one lol
    Likes: Daioh
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This games needs a lot of work.
    The graphic may seem good, but unless you have a super computer you wont be able to play the game with them turned up at all. In fact on my decent computer. I had to turn the graphics all the way down to be able to actually move with coordination and if the graphics are too high the game will get you stuck in running loops where you have to sprint to get out of them.

    Once you turn the graphics down the game is playable but the graphics will suck. I say playable but the only gameplay is running 30 ft and talking to a lizard twice. The only sex scenes are of you enter debug mode when you talk to the lizard the second time. The game is so unfinished that it doesn't have a natural sex scene. Can it even be called an adult game at this point?
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Just a big asset flip with 4 animations. Ambitions and goals in the text but nothing delivered. It feels like a scam. Wait out and see what happens.

    The assets are high res but "molded weirdly" he doesn't want to go with full "realistic" models but that makes sense. The Problem is. The female character looks plain. The animations are simple too. Some "fancy" camera work while the animations play and zero control. Just run find the dude... play the animations (2 Minutes of content) and delete the game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Possibly the worst and most frustrating camera control I've ever experienced from all H games. Rotational control is terrible, image is always out of focus, has big issues trying to stay in focus. Nothing helps it, and no setting to adjust it either.

    As for content, has about 5 very boring static scenes with so called "themes" you can chose from. Believe it or not these themes do absolutely nothing other than slightly changing the feet or hand position. Animation is always the same. The themes seem very pointless. Texture-wise, quality is very sub-par. In fact the girl's lady part looks strange, and the man's schlong has a weird texture too. Music is also bland, has 1 annoying track being repeated. Overall, I see no positives so far. And the awful camera is only the cherry on top that makes you not want to relaunch the game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice job !
    Good prototype .
    It didn't have the same quality as Wild Life, but it's still great.
    The fluid mechanics formula works very nicely.
    It seems too early to say anything in the prototype.
    Specifically, what kind of game it is, I think we should watch the evolution in the future.