VN - Unity - Completed - Drake's Dungeon [Final] [hotchaWorks]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly having Drake and Deimos is the same game could of been really hot, but instead they included some ugly little blue femboy topping deimos, honestly wouldn't even call this bara...

    Very disappointing
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    ya need log in to see uwu

    The art is great and the voice acting is superb apart from the Narrator who sounds like AI Robert Webb , but the dialog really drags, and for a game advertised as a "roguelite survival game" there is so far no gameplay. some of the chapters don't even have a scene to justify waiting through all the dialog.

    to top it all off, the VN is poorly optimized. It took me 4-5 tries just to download it off MEGA. If it's just text, images and voices, it shouldn't be 2 GB big.