Unity - Completed - Dream Catcher [Final] [TWPotato]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Full disclaimer, I went into this knowing it would be bad. I was entirely aware this was a shitty asset flip squash and stretch animated russian scam game. I knew damn well what I was getting myself into, but my god. The sheer absurdity of it, "someone did it, they finally made porn minesweeper" and because of that I felt compelled to download it. The novelty of such a basic fucking asset flip appealed to some kind of shit magnet deep inside my soul. But my FUCK is this game horrible. I literally didn't even attempt to look at the porn, I could not care less, from a pure gameplay perspective it is fucking foul. They fucked up MINESWEEPER. FUCKING. MINESWEEPER. A LITERAL TEXTBOOK PROGRAMMING PROJECT, ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTALLY FUCKING SIMPLE GAMES IN EXISTENCE, AND THEY FUCKED IT. THE MINE FLAGS ONLY WORK SOMETIMES, AND INEXPLICABLY JUST DO NOT FUNCTION ON RANDOM TILES AT ALL, SO LITERALLY HALF OF THE FUNCTIONALITY OF MINESWEEPER DOES NOT EXIST. FUCK THIS GAME.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    In my opinion it is an OK game, but just OK.
    The minesweeper type gameplay is separated into 2 difficulties: Hard and Normal. Playing the Hard mode does not give any bonuses or additional benefits. Normal is easy enough for a person that has never played, and Hard is easy enough for someone who just played Normal.
    After each one of the 9 (1 Tutorial + 8 Levels) you are rewarded with a CG and a mini interaction based scene. The scenes are not that rewarding because they are only separated into 2 phases: Clicking on spots (about 5 sec of clicking) and using interactions such as fondling, slapping, or licking. Each one of the actions takes about 7 seconds to complete.
    The game has a gallery!
    The scenes have voice acting, but it really isn't good. It consists of some moaning and that's it basically.
    If you are into those small puzzle games with animated CG then it should be good for you, but if you like more variety, then it is just OK at best.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    One word: Lame

    No story, just random "sex scenes" that you have to unlock by playing a very easy mine sweeper. If you know how to play it, this is a cakewalk.

    Sex scenes are ridiculously simple. you just click the screen to fill the heart bar until the next animation comes up, sometimes you can "use" tongue, hand or dick to interact with the girl, but it's just a floating thing and the interaction is also very simple. Lame. Not even good enough to give me a half chub while playing.

    I guess 2 stars because the anime/hentai art is nice.. But that's it