VN - Others - Completed - Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator [Game Grumps]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    you are the father of a daughter who has recently moved out, and you can relate to a few more dads. his art style is really pretty and gives a feeling of being a cute game (which in fact is true depending on the route you choose). however this game does not have adult content. so whoever is going to play I recommend keeping that in mind
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a light hearted visual novel made around dad jokes. It doesn't take it's self too seriously and there are no sexual images, just scare sexual writing that fades to black.

    If you're looking to get your rocks off fast, this is not the game for you. If you like stupid jokes and some goofy games, this is the game for you. You have a variety of dads with a variety of personalities.

    There a lots of different choices in the game that affects the outcome so there is a lot of replay value in the game.

    There was a secret ending that someone hacked into a bit that was never released which was a bit disappointing considering it looked like it was completed. Considering the guys backing the project, they should have had enough resources to release it.

    This is not a porn game, but a goofy dad joke centered gay dating visual novel. The game has great game play, some fun mini games, grammatically correct writing, diverse choices that affect the out come with every answer and a wide spectrum of men to date. Just because it's not a porn game, shouldn't mean auto 1 star, that's a poor reflection.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The Gay Tag Review

    Gay content almost 100%, which is bizarre considering all the main characters are fathers, but that's the gist of the game. Also, expect very little nudity: this is a wholesome romantic visual novel.

    Dream Daddy got surprisingly popular mainstream, so I was curious to see what the fuss was all about. After playing for a bit, I can state clearly this game doesn't do it for me. First of all, the general tone of the script with all this exceedingly-witty-slash-snarky dialogue got tiring very quickly. It just feels forced and fake. And all those dad jokes are just not funny (not even as "jokes on dad jokes") and, again, get very repetitive very fast.
    Second, the main character: when you want to punch your dad in the face half of the time for the things he says and you have no control over, there's a problem. In addition, it's basically an ectoplasm of a character: you don't know what he does for a living, his hobbies, no development nor personality. Also, the graphics for your character are terrible, not just in itself but because all the rest is carefully drawn, so your head-on-a-stick level face doesn't fit the rest at all.
    Then, the story. Or, the absence of. The dad-facebook is a device that allows the player to go on dates with the chosen dad, but it's just a collection of scenes separate from each other except for the story of that individual dad. The small scenarios that are triggered between the dates do not really help too much to get close to the other characters.
    The dads themselves oscillate between cute and boring\cliché. Among the ones I played, I quite linked the twist around vampire-dad and the moral implications of the "good ending" of church-dad, whereas the drama around bear-dad was completely and annoyingly manufactured. They are all quite flat, though (the fact that I can't recall their names is an indication).
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    So bad it drove two gay men to quit association with the people who produced this self indulgent cash grab. They found nothing redeeming about it, it was entirely so shallow that their immediate thought was that this was created purely to fill a niche and grift a community. They were not wrong.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Waste of time, not a good porn game, not a good comedy, like other people mentioned on the forum, its just to have some dad jokes to get youtubers/streams to play and laugh at. Also its mechanics are all ren'py why was this made with Unity? Now we cant even roll back dialogue because it was made this way