Yeah, it's an error, which I kind of expected, when I went through the scripts again. The issue is, the dev uses so many scripts, and keeps changing lines, adding stuff, "fixing" problems in the scripts, that are not really there. He referenced episodes 2-4 in the original script file, going back and forth through them. The minigame is part of episode 2 and 4, which are, like I said, seperate files, only to make a line, to load something from another script file. So in Terms of coding, this game is really messy. Granted, the game is amazing, but coding is horrible. Everytime he changes something in any script, this script demands something from another.
For example:
In short, I Need to do all the changes again to the new scripts, just because the modded ones, from Version 1.0 pretty much fuck up the ones, that are used in Version 1.0c. Which makes modding, or more accurately adding some advice to the game, a real pain in the ass. I mean yes, you could work out, which lines are changed and just Change them in the modded script, but with so many lines of Code, this will take forever, to do. So I will make all changes I made in this Version of the mod, in the new scripts, tomorrow.
PS: Don't look at the spelling, MS Edge autocorrects some words, especially words, that are nouns. And quiet honestly I'm too tired, to Change it.