Unity - Completed - Dress-Up Traveller [v1.5.0] [CatBellUnion]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Wish it was better

    What's good: the fact that it has character customization, fully animated sex scenes and some actual gameplay

    What's bad: almost everything about the way it delivers that content. Your character moves very slowly with only a dodge button to speed you up, which makes the hub especially tedious to get through since you start at the very far left after completing or failing each quest and have to go all the way to the right of the first room to go downstairs and then all the way to the other side of that room to start a quest. There are nine fuckable enemy types and two and a half levels with two and a half boss fights between them - no unique sex scenes or materials for the boss fights - which makes the progression feel very incomplete. Money is used only for a single type of permanent upgrade to all your stats, as opposed to having a consumable economy or multiple stats to upgrade. No item economy is particularly odd, since there are consumable items, but they're treated like permanent upgrades - you unlock two types of potions I think, and equip them at your armor chest; when you use one, you just re-equip it later. Monster parts have limited uses, and some monsters have no unique drops. There's only one save file, so no alternate characters. Combat is moderately challenging, but has floaty hitboxes and no sense of impact. Clothing damage is very binary - while multiple pieces get removed independently of each other, there is no torn version of any piece; it goes straight from fully intact to gone. The game uses an obligate two-handed control scheme - arrow keys to move and keys all the way on the left side of the keyboard to do most actions, with no option to rebind.

    I'm surprised that this game is even considered Completed. This is like a proof of concept for what could be a good porn game, but it just misses the mark.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Cheap gameplay
    Good pixel arts
    Too focus on character customization
    Sex scenes become the after thought so it's going to be pretty lacking and not involve with how player's looks.

    My guts feels like it's a quick cash grab but take it with the grain of salt.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Cute looking game but a bit too grindy for my taste. The controls aren't the best part as well. A lot of hitboxes and hurtboxes problem especially versus tiny spiders and flying eyeballs. I don't know if it were my keyboard but sometimes the block action doesn't work. Very short game as well. The stars that i gave are for the animations and the weapon/armor grind system. I just wish they continued this to a more polished and longer game... {v1.5.0]
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A really simple side scroller adventure game. You dress up your MC and fight through dungeons to collect money. The clothes only change simple states like defense and attack power. They don't really have special attributes or anything. Also, this is one of those H-Games where you only see the sex scene from losing. Nothing more then a fun and sexy time waster that can get annoying due to the fucked up hit boxes.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a game. It's a side scroller beat em up.

    However, it's not really an h-game. It's got lose mechanics and some optional scenes. Honestly, the h-portion is really lacking.

    To explain the lose mechanic, it's: Damage hits your clothes until you're naked. Then monster just start raping you.

    The optional scenes are available in recall mode as you progress the game.

    The gameplay itself is bare bones. Couple unique enemies in a flat side scroller in 3ish zones. 2 levels per zone. 1 boss battle in a zone.

    This game is short. Not a lot of content. Gameplay itself is kinda fun at first but get repetitive.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Sidescroller Combat Game, My Favorite!
    As the title says, this game have a clothing system and character creation. Take your time and suit yourself. ;)
    The gameplay is ok, animated beautifuly. sadly the game is kinda short. :cry:
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I love my sidescrollers so I try them quite frequently despite being bad at genre. This one stands out just enough for me to care to write a review.
    First of all, gameplay isn't nearly as bad as some people here claim. It's pretty straightforward with nothing fancy and has like 2 really big flaws, first of which is eyeball bat fucked up hitbox and rapelock when your armour is destroyed and you are surrounded by enemies (which is at least understandable because to complete the level you need to actually NOT get raped). Aside from that, game is really cool and I liked it. Very smooth animations, cute as hell pixel art and even a bit of cosmetic customisation for your character on top of that! Game is pretty short so go ahead and try it out, it definitely is worth your time.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: Gameplay style is okay. Not very viable to jerk off during the gameplay until you level up quite a bit. The game is definitely one of the better ones.
    Cons: hit boxes and some other battle mechanics are wonky a bit, JUST A BIT, but very much playable. It is a bit underbalanced, as the second level (1.2) becomes much harder very suddenly. You can't defeat everyone without skipping a few mobs since too many spawn, you're forced to manipulate the spawning rate by not killing the bees until you're at the "finish line". Could be better thought out definitely
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    ART 3/5 pixel game but even other pixel games have higher quality than this

    GAMEPLAY 0/5 Just straight up annoying and rage inducing. when a lot of monster spawns you straight up lose because you get spammed by their attacks

    STORY 2/5 story? where?

    game mechanics and battle gameplay is so stupid. the only thing they need to fix this is add invincibility time when you get attacked and fix the goddamn awful hitboxes
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Exactly the kind of game I am looking for, amazing pixel art with a very well balanced combat system. You can get overwhelmed quickly if there are many enemies as like in a bossfight and get stunlocked for some time, but thats totally part of the experience. You even get to see 3 Full screen animations which are amazing. Recommendable for anyone, especially for people who love pixel art.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I wrote an entire review about how much I enjoyed this game and it was completely removed beyond recovery as far as I can tell because I clicked the outside of the review box. That's really bad design F95 Zone!

    Anyway, I can't retype everything again.. I'll just say this game is great and I really enjoyed it a lot. Super cute girl and animations, great cut scenes (especially the last one with the Spider) and there is nothing weird about the female protagonist part... the enemies are too cutesy for it to be gross and there are no penises or anything.. nothing about the experience feels gay or weird unlike so many other female protagonist games. This one was done right.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    It's hard to write a long enough review to go beyond "wow this is bad" but I'll try.
    Hitboxes are stupid, you got PS2 Monster Hunter hitboxes, either that or every enemy has magical anime swords that hit invisibly.
    Your movement is incredibly slow and the controls are only responsive a portion of the time so you can't avoid magical anime swords.
    Some of the menus like the customisation bit don't work half the time dunno what that's all about especially since the game is called DRESS-UP TRAVELER.
    It also claims to be complete but it's missing levels???
    The art and animations are passable at best, I like the idea of being able to customise the character to some extent but that feature literally doesn't work.
    This is a lot more effort than 90% of games on this site or DLSite put in but it's still god-awful.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    So, the game wasn't as bad as y'all seemed to be making it out to be. Granted, I like a hard H-game, because normally they're too damn easy and you never get to see defeat rape. The movement is a little slow, but the first zone was actually kind of balanced, at least for me. Sometimes you get big stacks of enemies, yes, and it's usually best to just run past those using lunge/backstep iframes.

    Boy that second zone though. You probably should grind the earlier zone (1-1) for the slime gear, and don't forget to buy the powerups. With enough of that you'll be able to survive all that BS. Once I could twoshot the spiders, things were a bit easier, but those janky fucking eyeball things suck. At least they don't do much damage. You CAN crouch-hit the spiders, you just have to be really close to them (but not too close or you'll just knock them away and take damage).

    Also, equipment costs seem to scale as you go, though only with their zone. So slime gear costs go up from 1-1 to 1-2 and 1-2 to boss, but not from boss 1 to 2-1. Either way it means it may be advisable to just farm a little 1-1 early on and get that stuff out of the way as there is no replacement for the slime shield and sword. Doesn't take a long time, like 5 minutes at most.

    The animations are nice (animations in general that are more than like, 3 frames, is a big plus) and the game doesn't take long to "complete." Overall, as another commenter stated, you might find the game worth your time to complete without throwing in a finished save.