Hi guys. I think this is my first post in the forums, or close-to, anyways (I've had an account for a while and lurked periodically though).
So I've been working on a game for a while now, and I'm trying to code up the map screen.
I've got my map pins showing, The tooltips pop up (both the text one and the image one), but I've hit two snags I'm trying to iron out.
Thanks if you have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue, or a better approach I might take.
So I've been working on a game for a while now, and I'm trying to code up the map screen.
I've got my map pins showing, The tooltips pop up (both the text one and the image one), but I've hit two snags I'm trying to iron out.
The text-tooltip background - I thought I had it set to tile my seamless texture I made, but its stretching instead and I'm not sure why.[Fixed, Updated the snippet]- How can I communicate the id of the image for the map locale so I can get a different image to display for each location?
$ tooltip = GetTooltip()
if tooltip:
focus "tooltip"
prefer_top False
background Frame("images/gui/frame.png", 32, 32, tile="integer")*
xalign 0.5
left_padding 32 right_padding 32
text tooltip
focus "tooltip"
prefer_top True
background Solid("#0000")
yoffset 12
xalign 0.5
left_padding 0 right_padding 0
add "images/maps/map_pins/pin_18.png" yalign 1.0 xalign 0.5 zoom 0.20
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