VN - Ren'Py - Due to My New Situation, I Have to Corrupt My Friend's Harem! [v0.47] [Warrior Novels]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been watching this game for a while now. I'm all for corruption but I'm picky about NTR, but I dove into this game anyways. This game is substantial, with a mix of good and not so good elements.

    Reviewing as of v0.46

    • A very large amount of scenes to view and collect
    • The corruption is paced very well. Some games instantly corrupt girls and it doesn't feel as gratifying. A slow burn corruption is the way to go.
    • The girls come in different body shapes so there's something to enjoy for everyone
    • Around 2-4 hours to complete

    • Extremely linear with no real choices to be had
    • The MC isn't packing much, wish there was an option to change his size
    • The writing isn't the strong suit for this game. Also if there's no chocies for me to have, why make me go to places to advance the story. Just make it a kinetic novel at this point.
    • The grind isn't much, but with no choice-making and not much to do, it makes itself more pronounced.


    I would read some other reviews before jumping in. I try to keep mine short and straight to the point but a bunch of people on here have made some excellent and thought-out reviews detailing the story more. I would recommend giving this a go but don't be surprised if the lack of choices and the constant grind turns you off.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The writing is so damn bad. The MC constantly whining about everything. The blackmail doesn't make any sense. It uses stupid powers to manipulate everything because the MC is such a useless bitch. Playing this game just makes me angry at life because it could have been so much more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply the best story of "See the consequences of your own actions" I have read so far.

    Favorite girl definitely Ema, but they are all fun encounters.

    Also slow corruption is just always a nice thing when exectued correctly.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review @v0.41: I wish I could rate this one higher than 5*.

    Let me talk about the cons first. Pencil dick. Relatively short penetrative scene. Linear with only ONE branching choice so far.

    But all of those are overshadowed by the pros. The story is great. The characters are explored in depth. The conflicts are natural. No characters involved are plot devices. Well except for Naoki but we all know he is a loser. And most importantly, as much as there is slow burn corruption going on, none of the girls are losing their identities.

    I'm already interested by the netori element, but now I'm fully invested. Wish devs all the luck in further developing this game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    old chicken

    I really enjoy the whole corruption process. each girl has a unique story and method to account for their personality. unlike many of the corruption games on this site, the process is gradual and believable, leading to satisfying build-ups.

    this game could have been a 5/5, however, i really dislike the premise. in a sense, naoki already won because he already fucked all the LIs except for one, so the victory and revenge doesn't feel that satisfying. I'm not sure why the writer made the MC a genius and have the tools to control libido but couldn't change the timelines a little bit so that naoki is eager to but had not taken the harem's virginities. this could have been so much more satisfying. i think this is kind of a letdown considering the high school setting where virginities actually are believable and I wouldn't care as much otherwise.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    İdea is good but this is little too easy for Mc to achive man like really easy everything goes to keikaku and girls have no will to fight theres no big corruption story sometimes feels really boring but but theres big potencial here dont get me wrong this is not master piece but still its good to play.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Obviously if you're not into the main tag this probably won't grab you as much as another game. But it's still surprisingly fun. I think the scenes involving the boyfriend, Naoki, are a big skip. I also think the girls are generally less charming by virtue of having agreed to be in a harem in high school with a man who is obviously not very competent or smart. While it's pretty much entirely linear, the corruption is paced really well, and even for a slow burn there's enough meat in the scenes to have fun with.

    I appreciate that the protagonist is not delusional about whether what he's doing is good or not. I appreciate that the game offers you an out at the beginning with the joke ending, just to make sure we're all on the same page. As much as I don't find the scenes with Naoki being jealous interesting, I at least like that the game sells us on his charisma. It's also nice that Hiro, our protagonist, does have a sort of acerbic charm to him. You can understand why they would have been friends, and also why they would have drifted apart.

    I know the cheating isn't optional, but Naoki being a real character really just doesn't improve the actual meat and bones of the corruption for me. If this game took place entirely within the sex and blackmail scenes, it would probably jump up a point. The real personalities are the girls and how they grow and change, and while they're not super engaging, they'd be far better if they weren't dragged down by the high school bullshit. When Hiro gets a win in their little social games, it doesn't feel satisfying, because he's just achieved emotional victory over fellow children in a classroom. You get the feeling it would have been better if there was no ensemble and everything was just one-on-one.

    I'd still recommend playing it over a lot of other Koikatsu corruption visual novel games. It's not smug or overbearing and it takes itself seriously. It's not self-aware, it doesn't break the fourth wall, it doesn't try to be clever with the reader, nor is it moralizing. If I could steal anything from this game and spread it around the website it's the straightforwardness.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting. I can understand how this isn't for everyone. If you are here for the art, you'll likely be disappointed. It's servicable, but reused often, the animations are standard and everything outside the girls is basic.

    BUT that doesn't matter. This might as well be text based and it would still be good. This is all about the mental process of corruption, the strategies and the changes in behavior and attitude. It's slow, but really really well done. Now, there is some Deus Ex Machina, but the progress is believable slow and different with each girl.

    It's a very smart and well written VN, but it'll only be worth your time if you enjoy reading it instead of skipping through.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the first game and it was great, but this one just step above. Just a Masterpiece for me, a sea of love, lust and passion, the process of “corruption” is very interesting and exciting, as always, the first impression of the characters is the same, but gradually it changes very much.
    Personally, I liked the game itself more because of the fascinating story and the process of corruption itself, where you reveal the characters and stories of the girls, and I began to fall in love with them. Well, the H events themselves are great too))
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Well this is a hidden gem, the models might not be the prettiest, i guess is because they are all handmade and not stolen or tweaked like many others games around, but the plot is the real star here, the corruption and the fall of the girls are really great, every girl fall for a diferent reason and not all is dick magic power.
    The only thing to improve it will be the graphics, the first impression not is the more apealing, and the sex scenes, i mean what is happening around the scene is great with talk between the characters and the circustamces but the description and intensity are not in the same level a good example of great scenes might be "depraved awakening, city of broken dreamers and being a dik".

    ps: the dev really have potencial he already got the hardest thing of all, a good writing.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has good pacing and a nice mix of girls which are very, very stereotyped but it works fine in here because it helps differ them from eachother quite a bit (a tomboy type girl that's borderline retarded, a shy/quiet chick with an independent streak, a bossy girl you'll break in to become submissive, and a yandere-type manipulative one).

    The plot isn't quite "slow paced", but I do feel it is paced mostly properly for a corruption style game; the scenes aren't great in my opinion, but the dialogue and the corruption of the characters is good enough to keep me invested into playing the game regardless. One small complaints I had with this score are mainly the fact that the MC is given a "tool"/brainwave bullshit to do his corruption with; the MC is more than effective enough to be able to do the corruption without the use of bullshit magic/weird tech/hypnosis/aphrodisiac all-in-one mumbo jumbo, but I suppose it's added to give the game a slightly believable excuse for some scenes. This is a common thing in the trope so I don't care too much about it, but it is a bit tiring to see it used again here.

    Now for one BIG complaint: the game both has a sandbox-type menu, but simultaneously, it's also LINEAR, so it's got the WORST of both worlds in this aspect: Not only can I NOT pick the girl that I want to corrupt or event I want to see as it follows a dev-made enforced playing order, but I still have to click meaningless buttons such as "go to school" to progress plot. This is absolutely awful; made worse by the fact that due to the girls being very different and very stereotyped, there's also a high chance that there's gonna be at least one you don't like. For me, I struck a balance where there's one I hate, one I don't really care too much for, and two I fairly liked; the issue lies that since the game is linear, when the slew of scenes and events of the one I hate come around, the game becomes a terribly boring slog. Either make your kinetic novel a kinetic novel, or don't and actually make choices do something and let the player actually play in the sandbox. As I always say in these reviews: If none of your choices do anything and the only way I have to progress the game is by clicking a predetermined option, then you didn't give me an option, you're giving me a "are you still watching" netflix popup.

    Other than that, interesting game thus far, and I like it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    v0.31 Review

    I thought the plot was kind of interesting: you help your "friend" get together with three different girls but then he can't help himself and makes a move on the one girl you like so you decide to get revenge by seducing all four girls. Unfortunately, it immediately shifted from "using clever ways to get leverage on the girls" when you were helping your friend to "mind control technology" for yourself and completely lost me. It's a shame because some of the scenes--like having sex with one girl in front of her dad--seemed pretty spicy but I was checked out by then and just holding down skip.

    The actual gameplay is very disappointing. It's sort of a trainer: the four girls have corruption and "boss" (???) stats that you raise by interacting with them. You do have to repeat actions multiple times but you get different scenes afterward so it's not as grindy as it could be.
    Unfortunately, everything has to be done in order and often doing stuff won't raise stats or the girls will have maxed stats so there would be no way to know what you're supposed to be doing... except that there's a built in walkthrough. This makes the entire "game" just "click on the highlighted text" and it could have been a straight VN or KN.

    The graphics are mostly fine but there are a lot of shots (mostly of the girls' butts) that look terrible and it seems to be a problem with how they're posed because they look fine from other angles. Also one frightening scene where Tokuko's vagina looks like it has become detached from her body.

    One thing I did like is that each girl has a status page that shows how she feels about you and the other guy and those update as you progress. That part is pretty cool.

    2.5 stars out of 5.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This one was really interesting.
    The art is slighly above average koikatsu, wich i quite like. I enjoy the desing of the character with the exception of Emas new harstyle and Chiakis hips (i wish they were smaller)
    There is quite the amount of sex acts and while the actual sex starts a bit dull it quickly picks up on following scenes.

    But the main draw of this VN is premise and its execution.
    The prologue is a bit of a bore, but necessary to establish the characters but it could've been a little better in showcasing groups dynamic pre-Tokuko to hammer down the isolation that Hiro felt.

    But once we are over the prologue we dive into the meat of the story and main drive, the corruption of the girls.

    This could considered an hypnosis NTR and one of the good ones in my opinion. I often dislike when hypnosis premises go for the inmidiate absolute control where the mc or enemy can do whatever he wants with the girl or inmidiately alter her personality, its boring . But this goes the more interesting route, where the hypnosis/brainwashing is used to implant sugestions that slowly change the victim.

    While there is some of daddy-ex-machina to start the ball rolling with each girl, for the most part the corruption process hinges on Hiro trying understand the psyche of the girl and find a way infiltrate himself as someone they desire. Also the story really tries to drive home that the brainwashing isnt omnipotent, that it requires understanding what makes the victim tick, control of the situation and carefull choice of words to avoid it from backfiring or undesireble result.

    Every girl is aproached in a different way wich leads to a different conversation, interaction and different ways in they wich resists, and once they start breaking down the proper NTR beggings with classisc like girls having sex in near proximity to their "boyfriend". Im really looking foward to see how the NTR aspects developes as Hiro completes his corruption of the girls.

    the characters.

    Hiro: he is interestng to see. His highly inteligent with impulse and ability for lies and manipulation, couple that with his fathers resources and he inmesily more dnagerous that what his meek look would indicate. Inniatilly he wanted to fight and change those aspects of himself but Naokis betrayal made him embrace them to get revenge on him.

    Naoki is probably the most boring character in the game, his only value is to suffer. He innitially comes off as a handsome, kind, earnest and simple-minded guy that one could hardly hate but his fault are ultimately the reason of his downfall:

    -lustful greed
    -cowardice/adversion to conflict

    The first two are the catalists of the story and the later two are exploited by Hiro to get hold of his harem.

    Chiaki: she is energetic, cheerfull, upfront and a little naive. Her naivete makes her the easiest target for Hiro for the most part but sometimes she becomes unpredictable because he cant figure the way she thinks.

    Ai: the shy inteligents one. She is one of the hardest for Hiro crack initially in part because of her inteligence but also because of his desire to preserve as much of Ai's personality as it is possible. Her corruption involves one of the weirdest blackmails i've seen.

    Ema: the rich girl with an attitude, she has a mouth and belives herself above everyone. Her path is more straighfoward, Hiro wants break her and dominate her completely.

    Tokuko: probably the most interesting character. The leader of the harem, the one that mantains stability and the second responsible of the events that started the story. Her personality made her corruption the most complicated for Hiro to figure out and require him to "fight/gamble" with her
    Her interactions with Hiro are the most entertaining ones in the game.

    The premise of dismanteling a harem couple with the corruption process and character dynamics make, what i would be otherwise a 3 stars presentation wise , excel to 5 stars
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I-I have finally found it.. the rarest treasure of all treasures
    "My Friends Harem" is the ultimate Netori game that I have been searching for... The pacing is the best in this game. As other people call it the "slow-burn".
    The 4 girls introduced are all unique and interesting, except for Chiaki, i don't care for her much but I understand her necessary for the group's/story's dynamic.
    I played though this game in a 12h and 4h marathon. I went to work without sleep (literally) just because this game is so good and I wanted to see how everything would progress.
    The characters design are so sexy (its my 3rd koikotsu (?) game so far, because i actually mostly prefer honey select games)
    i couldnt play with high volume so i cant say much for audio but i like the music at least.
    I LOVE how every girl of the friends harem are actually fighting back THIS MUCH but everyone is slowly falling to the corruption and manipulation. Its just so satisfying to see every girl has different strategies and mechanism to go through and are becoming corrupted bit by bit.
    And wow there is SO MUCH CONTENT out already, even tho it has only been released since early 2023. I just saw that the creator has another game in finished beta. im SO GONNA tryi it out this evening, SO excited already.

    The best girl, handsdown, is defintely Ai. Tbh im NOT a fan of stoic girls who dont show much emotional expressions but Ai is an exception. She is SO INTERESTING to explore and her changed behaviour on supporting and actually harassing the mc's "friend" was just the ultimate pleasure for me to see...
    My favorite lewd scene with her is in the library, the 1st position they had se* in back while having her legs spread and they were hidden behind books so that the "friend" couldnt see but only talk to them. She just looks so cute and lewd.

    At first I thought it my favorite girl would be Tokuko, as she also was the ultimate goal, the final girl to corrupt but to see this "hidden site" of hers so get revealed during the story was something REALLY unexpected nd interesting to see.
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    At first I thought she would be the ultimate shield out of them all. The older sister, trying to hold everything together, the ara ara type. Never wailing, never breaking (due to her characteristics and scenes) so i would have liked to see her crumbling apart:
    1st phyically due to MCs skills
    2nd seeing her efforts on holding the "friends" group together getting wasted, so she becomes mentally so tired, she gets frustrated at the "friend" not doing anything
    3rd forcing her for lewd actions while the "friend" is nearby in school, during a cafe, during dates, during cooking, whatsoever
    -> the "friend" would become sad and more broken and Tokuko witnessing his depression gets conflicted feelings of not wanting to hurt him while feeling ultimate pleasure betraying and deceiving him. And the pleasure site is winning more and more over time (this could be shown in short time elapses like in doujinshis: bj in classroom, groping in library, se* in public bathrooms during dates... as some examples)
    And after much enduring on Tokukos part, after so much trying to maintain the status quo... a finaly hit on the nail to break all her build up walls to fall into tiny pieces. It could be anything; the "friend" failing to hold up a promise, him failing to satisfy her in any way, him getting manipulated on kissing another girl not from his "harem"
    or something entirely different, like Tokuko deceiving and lying to the friend on their ANNIVERSARY and going to the mc having lewd fun. The devs ultimate choice xD.

    Okay that was my take on how much potential Tokuko has (wow, took me like 1h of thinking and expressing all this, damn..)

    I love the Dev for his writing and pacing. Its the ultimate corruption game. I absolutely digging these type of games. Its the best... also the amount of content is unreal. One of the best devs so far imo.
    This game shot straight to my top games (4th place now) its just that good, trust me.

    Btw I absolutely love their heart eyes. Even tho I have seen this trope so often, the way they are used in this game is just so fantastic and satisfying to see. Especially the scenes they first appeared and the dev intentionally hid their eyes while only showing the bottom halves of their faces during their lewd scenes. It was best implemanted for Ai and Ema so far. Tokuko missed some potentioal there (the mc wholeheartly complementing her was a very nice touch, but was lacking a TINY bit of spice there)
    and Chiaki.. yea sorry I just dont enjoy her too much and I like that she doesnt have TOO much screen time, thank you for that also dear dev.

    Ultimate writing for netori corruption games. 12/10, lets go!

    edit: nvm, it possible that my lighting settings were really low, i can see her pupils now and it doesnt freak me out anymore
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Very miserable prolong that I almost alt+F4 and uninstall the game but I persist to keep playing since it's a NETORI genre form koikatsu model, and I have a chance to fully absorb the story.

    Like I said the story in prolong is miserable but if you pass that it's start to become quite good(?) . let me emphasize the story is quite mediocre Netori standard, but when it come to the girl inner struggle it's "F A N T A S T I C " the girls are not mindless bitch that succumbed to the big chad dick like most of the ntr genre go , instead they fight, struggle and conflict in their mind and guilt toward their boyfriend which to be fair I never see this kind of thing as long as I remember.

    Which is why I wish for you to give this a chance if you wish for a realistic(?) netori story that focus on woman corruption and inner struggle with slow burn like pace that woman doesn't fall immediately.

    P.s the model are generic koikatsu which is quite ugly looking, and the animation are very dull to look at, so the only thing that good are just story
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game with unique characters. I like the premise, since the MC is clearly capable of getting women, could form his own harem, but decides to help a friend.

    Watching the girls slowly corrupt while also watching the development of insecurities in Naoki makes for a very enjoyable time. Excited to see the following updates.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    His Bastardlyness

    The first thing to say is that the models could use a bit more work on them. Improvements and the like I suspect the engine might be capable of. As for some of the backstory, in the beginning it seems a bit too convenient on certain matters. However, things gradually take a far better turn the more the story goes on.

    Which is quite surprising as I didn't expect that kind of situation to occur. While there are some typos the story evolves rather pleasantly, though some parts were a bit rushed. It leaves a bit to be desired in terms of corruption. But then again, I tend to enjoy the corruption aspect more. After a certain point I rather enjoyed the revenge plot, and find myself enjoying the evolution thus far.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic netori game and a real hidden gem of the genre. Very well-written. My only issue with the game is the character models aren't as attractive compared to other RenPy games with this same 3d anime style, but the writing makes up for it most of the time.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The game looks amazing, and the story is alright however its a bit rough in the beginning but character develop and relationships are pretty interesting. The characters and scenes are hot, but sometimes the talk gets a bit meh as the English grammar comes off rough. If you're okay with that, it's a pretty solid game for the rare genre its in.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.25

    Really enjoyable experience so far. If you're a fan of slow corruption, you will enjoy this game.

    Ai is best girl so far, tho I do like my silver/white haired kuudere. I'm also looking forward to chiaki's development.