RPGM - Completed - Dungeon & Darkness Great Hole and the City of Freedom Elburn [v1.12] [Drill Drill Drill !!]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're here for the scenes go somewhere else. This game is essentially you're here for the game itself with the h content being a side dish. Its not filling but its not the worst thing you've had so you keep eating. I will say if you intent on enjoying your gameplay try to refrain from hypnotizing people since majority of npcs are prone to it and its fairly easy to get early on if you spam grassland random events. Overall a four star because the game is still worth trying, just could be improved in areas.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, so while the game scratched this RPG itch where you can grow any and all stats as long as you grind and have money (i.e Disgaea to give an example ) the game isn't without default.
    First , strong MTL on this one, expect to reread what some characters are asking you to do for their quest as they can be a bit obtuse but hey, if I could 100% it in 6 hours, it isn't that hard
    Secondly, the scenes aren't that varied, there's a prostitution system where you get skill points in exchange for money but overall there's 1/2 scenes per character with animations but it's a bare bones H-Game.

    3 endings, a yes, no choice at the end with a specific item you need for the good end (don't hesitate to duel your tutorial guide at some point)

    Overall lore is kinda funny, you get fragments in special hidden quests for what would seem an ending but no, it's just for lore, cool lore, but lore nenetheless/

    TLDR: MTL & Bare Bone H Game but a good old RPG with class system, skill trees and grinding stat points to reach that 999 magic level for fun.
    Don't pick it up for the scenes, pick it up for the game system if that's your thing
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This one looked cool, but it aint.

    This game has a very simple rpg turn based system that has you battling various anime monsters while you "progress"(you click the word progress until a random encounter pops) through the various dungeons available. You collect gear and items at random, and this seem to be what they spent the most time on. I wasn't impressed...I mean it's a porn game so that's not why I'm here.

    The sex scenes barely exist and are all seemingly locked behind collecting hypno candy or simply beating the sex out of your partner(rape). I figured there would be some kind of non rape here since there's a system where you can recruit girls into your party during certain co-op dungeons; There seems to only be forced options here. You get a few scenes(3ish~) for each girl.

    The story stops existing before you even enter the first dungeon and the characters all have no personalities, besides tits and whatever trope they're supposed to cover. The art is AI art apparently? No points there either. Meh

    If you like rape and big tits, go for it. Kinda mid otherwise.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Elburn's a city with a lot of big titties.
    It's also a city with a poor translation, simple gameplay loop, and that's running on a shaky engine.

    There's a decent amount of good stuff stuck behind a grind, and it's a lot of grind coupled with very slow gameplay. It's not terrible grind, but it's on the level of the NES Dragon Quest game - one character (usually), attack, defend, magic, item, run. Very bare-bones.
    There's well over 300 different pieces of equipment, which are the main things used and the focus of the game, and what little story there is.

    Every single woman in the game can be either defeated, hypnotized or have a minor quest fulfilled to make them party members. After-which, they have between one and four scenes. Each scene is a single picture with advancing text. Party members can also be sold off into the brothel, if you're all about that life.

    It could have been a four star game, but around the hour and a half mark, I discovered a major flaw. The game was made with Japanese characters in mind, and the more English characters it renders on the menu, the lower the framerate gets. Whether that is something unique to me, or it has nothing to do with that, the more letters I had on screen, the lower the framerate got.
    And I mean low. I was seeing two frames per second, with major delay on every button press. I had trouble navigating the menus. Well over half of my button presses did not register.

    I'm positive that there's some giga-coomer out there that can run this game flawlessly on their uber-powerful computer, but I could not get further than the first couple dungeon areas. I got some good gear, all of which had long names, which is how I started looking into why the game was running horribly.

    On the plus side, if you're just here for the tig 'ol 'bitties, there is a couple cheat files in the download folder. Simple overwrite your saves in slots 1 and 20 to put them in. You have to make those saves, first, not just toss them in. The dev didn't put in the config file, so you need to create those saves and exit before you overwrite.

    So, yeah, the game could be a decent absentminded grind with titties, but the engine kills you if you're reading it in English. A shame, but that's life.